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Draft Mode Coming to Ranked in Update 1.14!

  • Vainglory
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  • Jan 25, 2016

Update 1.14 brings Draft Mode to Ranked play! Draft empowers players to use their game knowledge more effectively and adds an element of strategy that heightens the game experience for everyone. Read below to find out how Draft Mode changes the game for you!


Draft starts by letting the players make the big decisions. Each draft phase will be different and fresh, resulting in countless combinations!

The first stage of Draft Mode will assign each player on a team either first, second or third pick. First pick is the team captain who will decide the ban for their team. Captains tap on a hero to select them. A second tap will lock-in that ban choice. A banned hero cannot be played by either team.

Draft Mode continues with the pick stage. Hero selections are exclusive in this phase. Once a hero is chosen, it is not available to any other player (on either team).


Though you are part of a team, you are the only one picking when it’s your turn to draft. Hero selection is your choice. Use your time wisely.

Though the draft follows a 1:2:2:1 picking format, each player has their own turn to select the hero of their choice. This ensures two players are never competing to see who can pick and lock a hero first. Players are given 25 seconds to ban or pick a hero.

This phase starts with blue side’s captain selecting the first pick for their team. Once a hero has been selected, priority moves to the red side. The overall draft order looks like this:



Draft Mode empowers players to be more expressive during hero select.

Throughout the Hero Select Phase, players are able to tap on a hero to give a thumbs up or thumbs down. Allies can see these indicators, immediately delivering feedback throughout the draft process. This will help you suggest a ban or a pick to allies and formulate a thoughtful hero comp, as well as dissuade allies from selecting a hero that won’t fit in well.

At any time during hero selection, a player can indicate to his team which position he intends to play via the familiar role selections of LANE, JUNGLE or ROAM. Additionally, players will also be able to show whether they intend to build crystal, weapon or utility items on that hero. Let your allies know how you plan to build, and avoid those double-weapon or double-crystal comps that are easy to counter.



Draft Mode is changing so much about Ranked play, but we couldn’t let pick order hurt the plans of the brilliant schemers out there.

After each player has picked a hero, the Swap Phase begins. You can suggest a swap with an ally, and if they consent, you’ll switch heroes. Swapping is crucial for prioritizing hero picks early in the draft — even if the player making the pick isn’t the player who intends to use that hero. These trades are even allowed if one of the trading players hasn’t unlocked one of the heroes being swapped!


Draft Mode will not be exclusive to Ranked queue. Allowing draft as a Private game mode will better support the thriving tournament scene and make this level of strategic preparation easier to practice and utilize by everyone. You’ll find the draft option listed as “PRIVATE – DRAFT” in your Private game drop-down menu.


Because captains are chosen randomly, each player will have the opportunity to experience each stage of Draft Mode. You will be assigned either first, second or third pick for your team. This predetermined pick order provides structure to change three players into a team. Respect and follow the pick order, allowing players above you to pick their roles first.

The number of unlocked heroes required for ranked is also increasing. Because there are 2 bans and 6 unique picks, players must have unlocked at least 8 heroes to queue for Ranked play. It’s best to feel comfortable playing as any role before diving into Ranked queue!

Draft Mode is coming in Update 1.14 but planning and theorycrafting starts today! Start deciding how Draft Mode will work in your favor now!

‘Fury Rona’ Tier I Skin Reveal!

  • Vainglory
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  • Jan 27, 2016

Those who survive The Churn will gather resources from a forgotten time to survive. Fury Rona is one such survivor…




“Maggie! Maaaaggie!”

Rona picked through the junkheap of wormy old furniture and ripped up tires one careful step at a time. Infection was a concern, what with all the scrap metal that had been gobbled up and retched out rusted by mutants during the churn times. “I know you’re here, Maggie,” she crooned, plucking up a wrinkled old comic book that had been through a gullet. Pictures were nice, but nobody knew the words anymore. She flicked the book away and toed open an upended wooden cabinet. “Maggie!” she called into it, “you in there?” but only a few brown blattamites scuttled away from the light.

She moved on, plucking stuff up for keeps. Railroad spikes were always useful but this heap was near to the old Churnguard Industries, so sometimes you could find a Halcyon core with a drop of juice still in it, or pre-war M.A.C. parts, or tools. Tools you could trade for infused crystal, there being no way to make them. “Mags,” she called again, this time sweet. She climbed up on a rat rod rolled on its side and laid flat to squint into the dark driver’s seat. “Maggie? Heeeere Maggie-Maggie-Maggie.” Reaching into the dark, feeling around for the gear shift, she grabbed something prickly and pulled it into the light. It was a pretty-faced dolly, just the head now, the body lost to history, the hair shorn nearly off. She’d never owned such a splendid thing.

“Well!” she giggled, “what a lovely day this is.”

“BAAAH!” came the war scream from inside the rat rod. The door opposite opened downward into the tunnels under the junkheap, and a big gun barrel poked up into her face.

Rona jumped to her feet, heavy boots slamming dents into the body of the rat rod, and clipped the dolly head to her belt. Out came her machetes, one for each fist. She banged them onto the metal, making sparks and noise. “Come out Magpie! Don’t you want to fight? Do I have to call you ugly?”

The first shell exploded out of the barrel in a white heat that passed an inch from her eyes and left her ears ringing.

“Ugly, then! Let me see your ugly piggy face, Maggie!” She turned up her nose and oink-oink-oinked, laughing as she hopped off the rat rod and scrambled up a junk pile for a higher vantage point. The gun barrel rose and rose and then there was a hairy hand holding the grip, then a greasy bit of muscle, then the flat-nosed face of The Magpie, boss of the Churnguard Junkheap.


To be continued…


I wanted to make a post-apocalyptic gladiator. Rona gathers things that can be used as armor, like hockey pads, tires, tank treads, or giant railroad spikes, and welds or bolts them together.

I think Rona burst a few blood vessels while berserking and it threw her off. She’s more of a threat now than ever because she’s too crazy to care. She’s ferocious and badass, but her sweet face and the doll heads give her a crazy look, so she looks like she’s going to defeat you and enjoy it.

Best of EU: ROAM’s VGL Quarterfinal Matchup Preview

  • Vainglory
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  • Jan 25, 2016

FeaturedMatches_universal_beforeAs the VGL EU Winter Qualifier enters the quarterfinal round ROAM provides a preview of these top EU teams. Read below for ROAM’s insightful analysis!

(1) Media Pixel T1 vs (2) SK Prometheus

Media Pixel T1 Roster:

  • Mowglie(captain)
  • Saif
  • Palmatoro
  • ICESword
  • c0uc0u
  • KValafar

Media Pixel comes into this match facing off against one of the toughest teams in the tournament. Looking back, it’s clear to see the obstacles that Media Pixel has overcome; from barely inching into the Live Finals, to winning the whole event while only losing one match to Team SNOW. The arsenal that this team brings to this match will be heavily focused on how well their draft phase is. This strategic play can decide the victor before the match begins.

But planning is just half of the story. What really will be important is the execution and that is something these guys are very well known for. From playing off-meta comps, to running deep with the big names, Media Pixel has shown that they have what it takes to compete with the best and win. Look for them to face their biggest obstacle yet on their road to claiming first place and remaining the undisputed champions of Europe.

Player to watch: KValafar

Win conditions: Drafting is one of Media Pixel’s strongest qualities, and with the addition of executing unexpected comps, this is something that has to go right for Media Pixel in their match versus SK. Expect the excitement to start even before the match begins!

SK Prometheus Roster:

  • Raph29(captain)
  • L3oN
  • jetpacks
  • TetnoJJ

This goes to show how fate can sometimes play games with you. Having finished first in the 2nd Qualifiers for the Autumn Season VGL, SK Prometheus was not able to attend the live event. Thus the ninth place finisher, Media Pixel T1, was automatically invited in their stead, who would eventually win first place at the Autumn Season Live Finals, all thanks to SK.

This will be the match that SK Prometheus has been waiting for. This will be the perfect opportunity to show that although they did not attend the finals event, their dominance in the region has not faded and has even grown stronger. With the newest addition to their roster, this team can now be considered one of the few flex pick teams in the professional scene. We have seen each of these guys play a different role throughout the tournament, either to test out new comps or just to show the world that their natural talent goes beyond what is expected. Can the former powerhouse team live up to their hype versus the reigning champions?

Player to watch: L3oN

Win conditions: One of the biggest known strategies of this SK team is their ability to compose a very focused carry (primarily as a hyper carry in the lane) accompanied by double supporting junglers. Apart from that they will need to be extremely coordinated to make sure they don’t get out numbered by this Media Pixel team one who’s constantly roaming the Fold as a trio.

(1) Rebirth of Empire vs (2) SNOW Tsunami

Rebirth of Empire Roster:

  • GreatkhALI (captain)
  • nettetoilette
  • IroNs
  • UpFyr

This is a team that improved with time during the EU Autumn Live Finals. As each game progressed they had a stronger showing and ended up finishing in second place. A couple things that we have seen from them so far is their strong ability to effectively execute the proper playstyles for whichever comp they draft up. This team has also been playing together for quite some time, and from the results shown during the live events, this Rebirth of Empire team just seems to keep building momentum off that synergy. Coming back this season they have their sights set for the grand prize and guaranteed seat at this year’s Winter Live Finals. First they must face one of the heaviest favorites yet in team SNOW Tsunami.

Player to watch: GreatkhALI

Win conditions: Great positioning, shot-calling and playing with full confidence. We often see this team heavily focused on prioritizing item counters which inevitably slows down their potential damage output. Building sustain is great but should they get out-comped by late game heroes it will be a tough challenge if they didn’t take advantage early.

SNOW Tsunami Roster:

  • lookatme (captain)
  • alexmagic
  • 1Lt
  • Sosiska
  • PTLam

Team SNOW Tsunami went into the EU Autumn Live Finals with one goal on their minds: to take first place. Many had voiced opinions that this SNOW team was the clear favorite and they definitely showed it until getting stumped by Media Pixel. An unorthodox strategy took them by surprise, but this is a team full of experienced veterans. They have taken every single surprise into consideration as they battle their way to the top this Winter Qualifier. The most fascinating thing that viewers get to see when team SNOW plays is their uncanny ability to run with different comps on the spot. Lots of teams are based on comfort picks, but it seems that SNOW is comfortable with the entire hero pool. If their preparation for pick and ban emphasizes on upsetting the enemy team’s strategy they will see much greater success. This is their big test to see if they have what it takes to contend for the title in EU.

Player to watch: lookatme

Win conditions: Team SNOW Tsunami is going to need to discipline themselves. Their biggest weakness is their overall focus on objectives. They have great team coordination alongside individual mechanics. As long as these guys know which and when an objective should be prioritized they will be making strides in overall team improvement.

(1) G2.Kinguin 2 vs (2) RebelTiger

G2.Kinguin 2 Roster:

  • Reddix(captain)
  • majestiC
  • Pips
  • Testfaye
  • Kwinckultoss

This G2 Kinguin team has had a dominant showing so far in this qualifier, with a newly formed roster focusing on key players: majestic and Pips. Combine this deadly jungle duo with the extremely talented Reddix and this G2 Kinguin 2 team definitely has what it takes to compete with these top teams in the final stretch. The biggest question for their team is the element of synergy. So far these guys are extremely well talented individuals, and although they have made it this far, only tougher challenges await. Facing off against RebelTiger will either be a great accomplishment for them or a great lesson. Either way expect this G2 team to only get better and better.

Player to watch: majestic

Win conditions: So far G2.Kinguin has been doing splendidly in drafting out team comps that favor and reflect on their strengths. Their pick phase needs an early comp that plays to their strengths. The last question is how well they are able to last through the honeymoon phase before their comfort playstyle starts to really shine.

RebelTiger Roster:

  • Moalze(captain)
  • GreenHornet
  • ArkLostInSpace
  • Loere

RebelTiger is a team that has been around the tournament scene for quite some time, and even though many rosters have changed, the unity between these members has not dwindled. This team is composed of great shot-callers coupled with excellent team wide play, but is this going to be enough to face the roar of their enemy? RebelTiger’s gameplay, rotations and hero focus have always been on point, so it comes down to which team can handle the pressure and play at their top level in terms of mechanical skill.

Player to watch: ArkLostInSpace

Win conditions: Rotating well and calling out plays in the jungle will be enough to win games for these guys, but as the competition gets tougher they will need to adjust. All the remaining teams are very comfortable with each other, there is lots of gameplay footage and lots of matches played online. Sticking to the same timing and playstyle could possibly prove costly. RebelTiger needs to come into this match with a slightly tuned plan.

(1) SNOW Avalanche vs (2) G2.Kinguin

SNOW Avalanche Roster:

  • ColdICE(captain)
  • Kentysik
  • Bashn
  • araxi
  • HFGUy

Formally known as team BlackHawk this newly branded team is now SNOW Avalanche and, just like their sister team, they are a fear-worthy contender. With experience from both previous qualifiers as well as the Autumn Live Finals, we can expect this SNOW team to really show their opponents that they have dramatically improved. This is one of those rosters where you have multiple players with vast amounts of heroes in their arsenal. You can expect this SNOW team to have a lot of confidence during the drafting phase and to freely secure comfort picks across the board. However, they cannot underestimate their opponents. Though this G2 team has suffered defeat before, they are surely to come back for revenge. The matches between these two powerhouses will be determined by how much preparation has been done and which team can whip up the most courage to take their game to the next level.

Player to watch: araxi

Win conditions: Very strong play across the entire roster so far this qualifier but what this SNOW team needs to do is rely on their strengths. Precise timing and great shot-calling will prove to be the final tasks for them. They need to continue to show impressive mechanical ability and continue their hot streak of off-the-chart KDA numbers.

G2.Kinguin Roster:

  • Face(captain)
  • TaisukeSan
  • Tercus
  • DarkPotato
  • Zynthox
  • D1ngo

This G2.Kinguin team has shown us time and time again how much they have been preparing for this Winter Qualifier. Taking in their previous losses during the Autumn Live Finals, they have come back with a stronger roster and fight to take their stand at the top. With this match against a strong SNOW team they will have to be well prepared ahead of time to make sure and secure those comfort picks that they are known to excel in. Playing to their strengths is the wisest choice, but will SNOW’s strengths really put them to the test?

Both of these teams have very similar play styles where they thrive on punishing any mistakes and expand on that as much as they can in terms of objective control. Be sure to watch for amazing plays up in the lane as well. Should they get past this round, each step will be tougher and tougher and this is a team that has the will to overcome such obstacles to prove they stand among the best of Europe.

Player to watch: DarkPotato

Win condition: Although their hero pool isn’t the greatest, these guys can put confidence in their comfort picks. They have what it takes to secure desired comps in the drafting phase but how well team SNOW can counter it is yet to be decided. Making sure to execute those smart plays and capitalizing off mistakes is one of the key factors that will give them the win in this bracket.

The VGL continues at 9AM PST/ 5PM GMT on VaingloryLeague’s Twitch channel. Watch these teams battle for their share of the prize pool!

Best of NA: ROAM’s VGL Quarterfinal Matchup Preview

  • Vainglory
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FeaturedMatches_universal_beforeAs the VGL NA Winter Qualifier enters the quarterfinal round ROAM provides a preview of these top NA teams. Read below for ROAM’s insightful analysis!

(1) GankStars Sirius vs (2) GankStars Vega

GankStars Sirius Roster:

  • IraqiZorro(captain)
  • CullTheMeek
  • gabevizzle
  • Calixte

Some of the biggest house-hold names on the Fold will be going face-to-face in the biggest game of the VGL this far. Behind closed doors these two teams have faced off plenty of times but none of it was ever shared with the public. Sirius is a team that has been playing together for almost a year, and it comes to show how strong this team is as they have been dominating the global scene for just as long. Having suffered two minor defeats in their careers on an international level, this Sirius team has come back to North America to show the viewers and their fans how much of a powerhouse they still are. This is a team that has it all; from individual mechanics, team synergy and great depth in overall knowledge, they come into this match proving to their sister team that the bar of gaming has been set for excellence.

Player to watch: IraqiZorro

Win condition: GS Sirius knows their opponents really well. Coming into this match be sure to watch the drafting phase especially aimed at gaining an advantage in the lane. To be able to apply that pressure will help their power jungle duo play to their fullest potential. Sirius should focus on having as few mistakes as possible, as Vega will know better than anyone how to capitalize on them.

GankStars Vega Roster:

  • FooJee (captain)
  • Oldskool
  • R3ckeD
  • PwntByUkrainian

This is a rematch from one of the first qualifiers hosted back in early 2015. In that match, the former Team Fusion was defeated by this Sirius team in the first match only to dominate the loser bracket for an epic Bo5 rematch. But time and time again this GankStars Vega roster has shown that they have not only expanded their playstyle but are overall playing much more efficiently. Coming into this match their aim is to show how much hard work really pays off. Boasting one of the few teams that had 2 Vainglorious Gold players on the same roster is not something just for show and behind that beautiful trophy lies a sea of broken victims.

Player to watch: FooJee

Win condition: Both teams have an amazing set of jungle duo’s that can carry the team, but given this level of skill the power-struggle translates into the lane. Winning the lane and making quick rotations will definitely be the game changer here. This GankStars Vega team will have to execute a perfectly timed plan. Remember that two of the three leaders of the GankStars organization are on Vega.

(4) Team Penetrate vs (2) Nemesis Hydra

Team Penetrate Roster:

  • CarePackage (captain)
  • LightningT
  • ipwnyou
  • Eecko
  • Shaka713

Team Penetrate has been trampling clear victories into this qualifier so far. Being a team that was just recently formed, they have shown over and over that they have what it takes to qualify for the Live Finals. Their roster has the ability to swap positions, which vastly expands their hero pool. They have used this versatility to create powerful comps while remaining on comfort picks. This round will be their biggest challenge as they face off against Nemesis Hydra who took home the second place standing in the NA Autumn Live Finals. So far they have not shown any signs of demise but rather they keep matching forward with no obstacles in sight.

Player to watch: LightningT

Win conditions: We have seen Team Penetrate swap up positions depending on team compositions before and that is a powerful weapon they hold coming into this game. Although they do have a smaller pool in comfort picks, they excel at making smart decisions and capitalizing on the opponents’ mistakes. This attributes fits right in considering who they will be facing off.

Nemesis Hydra Roster:

  • Hardek (captain)
  • LostBoyToph
  • Chicken123
  • gibbs

Coming into this qualifier for the Winter Season, Nemesis Hydra has made two major roster changes and this fits into their playstyle perfectly. Having almost taken home first place at the NA Live Finals, this team doesn’t seem to be phased by the loss and are currently embarking on their next patch to stardom. Like many other teams, they have taken previous defeats and learned from it, primarily focusing on playing scaling compositions as opposed to the very early-game aggression that they are most known for. Team Penetrate will be a great challenge for them as both teams have very similar playstyles and hero pools. Taking one step at a time, these guys will aim to make a foothold into next week’s matches.

Player to watch: LostBoyToph

Win Condition: Expanding their hero pools is a great way to start but given this short amount of time they need to make sure that their plan versus Team Penetrate goes off without a hitch. Should they be able to execute their plan, they are indeed one step closer to their destination.

(1) Alliance vs (2) Vertigo Black

Alliance Roster:

  • FlashX (captain)
  • iLoveJoseph
  • ShinKaigan
  • Yazaru3

Team Alliance has just come back from winning the VIPL in Korea and already they are off to a strong start. All that practicing and team development is surely going to show as they continue their reign on the North American server. With a large target on their back, this Alliance roster has to make sure they bring their A game to every single match. Considered one of the best teams in the world, they too have set a standard for excellence and the competition is aiming to take them down. Is there a chance we will see an Alliance versus Sirius rematch? First Alliance will have to beat a very strong Vertigo Black team.

Player to watch: iLoveJoseph

Win condition: Although they have all the qualities of a true breed champion, this Alliance team has to make sure to bring that consistency into every match. Looking at the playstyle of their opponents, they will need to bring out the same success in their drafting phrase like they’ve done in the past.

Vertigo Black Roster:

  • xBEOWULF11x (captain)
  • RiiKzZ
  • Vikson
  • SushiKid
  • BestChuckNa

Team Vertigo Black has made their presence felt this tournament, dominating every team in their path. This Vertigo team excelled when they played passive comps. Not anymore because these guys have come to show us that they can execute any single style and do it with elegance. Vertigo has improved on the exact things they were criticized for in the past. They’ve expanded their hero pools and they’re ready to prove themselves as a dominant force.

Player to watch: RiiKzZ

Win condition: Going up against the VIPL winner is definitely not an easy task to handle. This is the first mental obstacle that Vertigo Black has to overcome and with only the goal of playing to their full potential. Should this be achieved they greatly raise their chances of taking home the win this round.

(1) VON Menace vs (6) Kinetic

VON Menace Roster:

  • VONC (captain)
  • LoveIce4ever
  • PheonIx
  • Jpiec
  • Supershottt

Von Menace is one of the big dogs coming into this tournament, with many fans cheering for them to take home the win. Having placed second in the first Autumn Qualifier, they came back and won the second one. While they dominantly ran the course at the Autumn Live Finals, they were stumped by LiberationX, the first place finishers at the NA Live Finals.

They will be one of the teams to beat and with such a large field of worthy opponents, there are a few things that this VON team has going for them. Their control and ability to run the most effective counter comps is something that barely any other team has been able to replicate. not only do they pull out off-meta comps, but they itemize them in the most unorthodox way to which only until after the match that viewers can sit back and be like “OH HEY! I get it!” Creating a strategy against them has also proven quite difficult due to the fact that these guys are excellent in every department and have strengthened any weaknesses they have encountered in the past.

Player to watch: VONC

Win condition: Although they are a very strong team with great achievements to prove it, there is one thing that we can look at to find their faults. History has shown that after suffering a loss this team takes it quite hard and thus resulting in declining play the matches afterwards. Seeing as this is possibly their only fault and something that can be adjusted pretty well over time it’s safe to say that the VON team today is much more mentally prepared than before. As this tournament progresses into its final matches we will see how much these guys want to take that number one position.

Kinetic Roster:

  • Bowser (captain)
  • Huskiesrock321
  • Baunfire
  • Yubikiri
  • Baunfira
  • FearPoseidon

One of the newer teams that have shown a successful record so far this qualifier is Kinetic. After making it through several rounds, they are now in position to start earning more points for the Winter Live Finals event. This is a team that has fought tooth and nail to get where they are today and they very much deserve it. Looking back at their matches, we can see they have put every ounce of experience into each game played with hopes to improve on things as they go along. Going up against VON Menace will be the biggest and toughest challenge they have had in the competitive scene and this will be the ultimate crash course on team coordination and the full effects of slow rotations.

Player to watch: FearPoseidon

Win condition: Team Kinetic is going to have to come into this game doing what they’ve done well thus far: picking as many fight as possible and winning them. Securing a strong hero in the lane will definitely be the first step to trying get ahead and making those plays happen out of the jungle. Vision and great shot-calling will be most beneficial to this team as they face VON one of the teams that excel in this area.

The VGL continues at 9AM PST/ 5PM GMT on VaingloryLeague’s Twitch channel. Watch these teams battle for their share of the prize pool!

Reim Update (1.13) Notes: Winter Chills

  • Vainglory
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  • Jan 11, 2016


Update 1.13 marks the start of Winter Season with a new ice mage hero, chilling winter-inspired skins, updates to ranked progression and several important balance changes. Plus, end-of-Autumn rewards! Read on …


Autumn Season officially ends when you get your sweet, sweet rewards! If you reached at least the rank of “Member” in your guild, you’ll find whatever Glory/ICE you earned reflected in your Vainglory account. You’ll also find individual, guild and team trophies based on your Autumn achievements. Rewards are paid once at the end of Autumn Season (Jan. 13) and then you’ll automatically begin to earn progress toward Winter Season trophies and rewards.

  • Find individual, guild and team trophies for the tiers achieved during Autumn Season.
  • Collect your Glory/ICE rewards for Autumn guild play.


Congratulations to:



Roster: ttigers, Statusbaked, Martohhh, Exhail, DawnEclypse, Chicken123



Roster: Mowglie, Palmatoro, KValafar



Roster: FlashX, ShinKaigan, MICSHE

In addition, we’ve been so impressed and appreciate so much all the quality community-run tournaments that took place this Autumn. Congrats to the winners, organizers and participants from Vainglory World Series, Vainglory Master Series, Shiversteel Cup, Femme Fatale, BestHeroNA, Philippine Homecoming LAN Party Tournament and so many more around the globe.

Get ready for VGL Winter Qualifiers beginning Jan. 16 on!




Reim is a grumpy old winter mage who freezes everyone who crosses him. Though he moves slowly, he deals heavy damage to opponents while being surprisingly resilient himself. He holds his own in the lane, but he’s particularly effective in the jungle where he can go toe-to-toe against most opponents that he can catch.

Want to know more about Reim? Read his story for a deeper play experience:


Reim will be unlockable with ICE only for the first 7 days. Afterward, you will be able to unlock Reim with ICE or Glory.



Reim’s basic attacks deal 20-54 (+125% crystal power) bonus crystal damage over 2 seconds and grant 50% of the damage dealt with this effect as fortified health (reduced against non-heroes).

Reim’s attacks and abilities also chill opponents. Basic attacks against targets that are already chilled apply a 60% slow that decays over 0.6 seconds.

(Fortified health absorbs 50% of incoming damage until it is depleted.)

Reim_Glacial_Shard_Ability_AWINTER SPIRE

Reim summons a spire of ice at a nearby location, dealing crystal damage to surrounding enemies. After a short delay, the spire shatters, dealing heavy crystal damage. 35% of the damage dealt with this ability is gained as fortified health. Damage dealt and fortified health gained is reduced against non-heroes.

This ability deals 25% increased damage to chilled targets.

Reim_Chill_Winds_Ability_BCHILL WINDS

Reim deals a burst of crystal damage to all surrounding enemies (25% damage to minions).

This ability roots enemies who are chilled, temporarily preventing them from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack.


Reim summons an ancient valkyrie, devastating enemies at the target location. All enemies are slowed, while enemies closer to the center are stunned and take increased damage.




The ancient story of Glaive’s progression is told as his final prehistoric skin is released. Now you can play as Glaive’s fiercest ancestor, whose strikes summon unbreakable ice! Read about Glaive Tier III in his latest lore:



Skaarf is unleashed with all new visuals in this wintry Tier III skin! Don’t miss the conclusion to his evolution from fire to ice.



Commemorate the launch of Winter Season by purchasing this limited-time skin in the Market. Don’t miss out! When it leaves the Market, you won’t be able to acquire it. Get it while it’s in season!

The interconnected story between Catherine and Kestrel is unveiled in the most recent Catherine story:



Read about all the changes coming for Winter Season …


WinterMap_Paintover_1000wWinter has swept the Halcyon Fold, encompassing the entire map in snow and ice! Explore a familiar place in a new setting and enjoy the exquisite detail of this new map skin. Be sure to use pinch-to-zoom in Settings to investigate every inch of this exquisite map!


EvilOnTheInsideGrowing up in Michigan, I remember ice storms freezing the trees. It was poetic how the sunset painted the snow gold and purple. It’s very painterly. That was my inspiration for the winter map: white blankets of snow that enhance the lighting. My first pass was too noisy; I had to pull snow out of the main gameplay areas and shovel it to the edges for readability of characters and effects on the ground. This map took almost three months of overtime to get in on time!

“I love the snowmen. They’re on the right side, and there are some to the north and south. I enjoyed doing a shiny reflective shader on the icicles, and I really love how the snow drifts turned out on the left, along the southern border. That area is the best little area, I think, closest to the vision I had. Oh, and the sparkle shaders … everything is my favorite!” 


“As we all know, two of the major objectives on the map have been largely avoided. Teams didn’t want to feed the enemy extra gold or over-push their own lane. Consequently, two important areas of the map have been underutilized. We wanted to make Minion Mines worthwhile objectives in Update 1.13. Controlling one Minion Mine now gives you the choice to push without automatically making your laner overextend or automatically granting your enemy an influx of gold.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Minion Miner health up from 780 to 1100

Controlling one Minion Mine has the following effects:

  • Does not increase gold bounty of lane minions
  • Minions have higher offense and defense against heroes and turrets only
  • Minions no longer naturally push the lane because they aren’t stronger vs. enemy minions

Controlling both Minion Mines has the following effects:

  • Does not increase gold bounty of lane minions
  • Minions have drastically heightened offense and defense against everything, including enemy lane minions
  • Minions will push the lane


Winter season also brings new dynamic in-game music to the Halcyon Fold. Play through different situations and discover the variations for yourself!


A new season brings a new opportunity to earn a skill-tier trophy and exceed your past personal performance. It’s a clean slate, so make the most of the fresh season!

  • Your visual skill tier will refresh to UNRANKED or JUST BEGINNING for the start of Winter season.
  • The Matchmaker will continue to use your Matchmaking Rating from Autumn Season to find you the most appropriate match possible.
  • This means matches will not be easy from the beginning, but wins against tough opponents will be rewarded with aggressive advancement of your skill tier.


  • Vainglorious
  • Pinnacle of Awesome
  • Simply Amazing
  • The Hotness
  • Pretty Good
  • Decent-ish
  • Not Bad
  • Getting There
  • Working on It
  • Just Beginning
  • Unranked (if you’ve never played a Ranked match)



“We wanted to address heroes with excessive wave clear. Being able to control the sway of the lane can provide excessive early- and late-game advantages that other heroes simply can’t match.” —AdyEndrus

Adjusted abilities:

  • Skye’s Suri Strike
  • Blackfeather’s On Point
  • Kestrel’s Glimmershot


“We have our eye on Blackfeather as his popularity has recently spiked. These changes resolve some outstanding bugs and bring Blackfeather back into ‘squishy’ territory.” —Zekent

  • Base health down from 765-1480 to 730-1340
  • Fixed a bug that could allow Blackfeather to get more health from Book of Eulogies than intended.


  • Fixed a bug where the tail of the rose trail was not granting the movement bonuses to allies.

Blackfeather_BON POINT

  • Ability damage reverted to deal full damage to minions
  • CP ratio to minions changed from 165% to 50%


“Kestrel was clearing waves a bit too quickly with Glimmershot. We felt like her ultimate could use a bit more sting at earlier levels.” —Zekent


  • Damage to minions changed from 25-225 + 80% CP to 50-150 + 25% CP

Kestral_One_Shot_One_Kill-CONE SHOT. ONE KILL.

  • Damage increased from 300-550-800 to 450-625-800


“Petal still unintentionally struggles against certain skills such as Skye’s Forward Barrage and Rona’s Red Mist. We’re switching munions back to normal health, but her munions are now treated like lane minions when receiving damage, taking reduced damage from wave clear-reduced abilities such as Heliogenesis, while also being susceptible to Stormguard damage.” —SurpriseBirthday


  • Pets changed to 60-310 + 15% CP health, 100 armor, 100 shield, considered lane minions
  • Seeds changed to 20-95 + 5% CP health, 100 armor, 100 shield, considered lane minions


Adjusting Skye’s wave clear …


  • Damage to minions adjusted from 90-330 + 150% CP to 90-210 + 30% CP


book-of-eulogiesBOOK OF EULOGIES

  • Fixed a bug where the passive was triggering multiple times from one minion kill.

scout-trapSCOUT TRAP

  • Fixed a bug where Scout Traps were not revealing other Scout Traps in the same brush.

flare-gunFLARE GUN

  • Now provides proper vision across walls and into brush
  • Vision ring is clearly indicated



  • Book of Eulogies will no longer trigger multiple times from a single minion kill. This happened with certain heroes under particular circumstances in 1.12.
  • Scout Traps in brush will now be revealed by other Scout Traps.
  • Flare Guns can now see across walls and into brush.

Winter Season is upon us! Get ready for Reim, incredible new skins, a winter wonderland Halcyon Fold and so much more on Jan. 13 …

‘Prehistoric Glaive’ Tier III Skin Reveal!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Jan 07, 2016

Glaive’s third ancestor brings his ice-axe to the Halcyon Fold!


Now you can play as Glaive’s fiercest ancestor, whose strikes summon unbreakable ice!



The summit of the mountain had been cleared and the circled stones consecrated with sacred signs and symbols hundreds of winters past. Glaive entered the circle on the longest night, dazed from the altitude and the day’s climb. The stars spread overhead in magnificent twists that spiraled on themselves in his woozy vision.

He built a small fire in the center and threw rare herbs into the flames. Sitting within the puffs of fragrant smoke, inhaling deep into his belly, he sang in his mother’s tongue:

I am of my ancestors,
Ah! Ah!
I am of my ancestors.

Guide me, Glaives before,
Come! Come!
Guide me, Glaives before.

I am of my ancestors,
Ah! Ah!
I am of my ancestors.

Guide me…

When the words had become meaningless to his dazzled mind, he felt the presence of others. “Announce yourselves,” said Glaive, gripping the axe at his belt.

“I am Glaive, who cleared the scourge of sickle-clawed raptors,” gruffed the first.

“I am Glaive, who destroyed the White Mammoth,” snarled the second.

“And I am Glaive, who defeated the firewyrm that gnawed the roots of the elder tree,” hissed the third. “For what have you summoned us?”

Glaive stood, gripping his axe. “Ancestors, great tales are told of your hunts, and we keep your trophies sacred. But the Kall Peaks have been tamed by those gone before. The Grangor live in peace. How will I earn my place in the hunt of my ancestors after my death?”

“You must travel beyond the territory of the Grangor,” said the first.

“You will be the first to collect trophies from the outside world.” said the second.

“There is a place faraway where battles are waged for the rights to a powerful well,” said the third. “You must sail to the Halcyon Fold.”

Glaive shuddered. “I do not like the water.”

The ancestors chuckled.

“We are always with you,” assured the third.

Glaive nodded. “My thanks, ancestors. I will heed your guidance.”

At dawn, Glaive began his trek down to the port of Trostan.


Prehistoric Glaive’s Tier III skin went this direction because I wanted to see the strongest and most logical expression of what Glaive is: a cave cat hunter. Tier III is all about his ice axe. This ice is not fragile. It’s threatening; it crushes. I thought of Glaive creating this weapon out of a chunk of the heart of a glacier, at the base of which is a halcyon well that imbues the ice with power. Then I realized: Oh! That’s the name of the weapon: Heart of the North. With that axe, he was able to destroy the firewyrm.

VGL Winter Qualifier Brackets Revealed with ICE Challenge

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Jan 08, 2016


Following incredibly dramatic Autumn championships, VGL returns Jan. 16 with the first of two Winter Season qualifiers in North America and Europe. View and download the brackets here:  NA VGL | EU VGL

When LiberationX (NA) and Media Pixel eSport (EU) look to defend their respective crowns, they’ll find a new-look 64-team bracket format. The bracket is now divided into four named sections, each with #1 through #16 seeds.

All matches will be played on Update 1.13, which releases three days before the tournament. The new winter hero, Reim, will be automatically banned until the Round of 16 to ensure he’s available with Glory and players have a chance to practice with him. Watch all the action at


Topping the Catherine region is VIPL Season 1 champions GankStars Sirius, who return to North America after more than 6 months of competitive play in Korea. Sirius has a score to settle, but to get a rematch against Alliance, they’d have to wait until the VGL Qualifier finals. Alliance is the #1 seed in the Reim region, returning to VGL not just the team that defeated Sirius in VIPL S2, but also featuring standout players iLoveJoseph, BigPaws and Yazaru3. It’s a potential blockbuster finals matchup, but in the deepest and most-talented NA tournament ever, there are a ton of quality teams that stand in the way.

The Adagio region hosts reigning Autumn North America champions LiberationX, who face a potential championship rematch against (2) Nemesis Hydra or dangerous 3-seed Halcyon Hammers Force in the VGL quarterfinals.

VON Menace returns to VGL as the #1 seed in the Ringo region, looking to recapture the magic and dominance they displayed during the Autumn qualifier season. (2) Frame Perfect, (3) revamped LiberationY, (4) The Sillys and talented newcomers (5) Pretty Boy Swag will look to knock off VON and advance to face the Catherine region survivor.



Defending European champions Media Pixel eSport tops the Catherine region, with a potential quarterfinal against qualifier titleholder (2) SK Prometheus. This Prometheus team has even more talent than before, adding jetpacks to the roster.

Will Winter be the “Season of SNOW,” now with two stacked teams after acquiring top competitor Black Hawk? Ringo region features (1) SNOW Avalanche (formerly BLH) along with (2) G2.Kinguin, (3) Team iPooed and a (4) The Nights Watch team to keep an eye on. This qualifier features two G2 eSports teams, with this region hosting a squad with DarkPotato, D1ngo, Tercus and more.

European championship finalists (1) Rebirth of Empire lead the Adagio region, with a potential match against Rebirth of Kingdom as well as super-strong competition in (2) SNOW Tsunami and upset specialists (3) Angry Pandas Black.

Reim region spotlights (1) G2.Kinguin 2, the squad featuring dominant laner Reddix, Tesfaye and VGL newcomers majestiC and Pips. (2) RebelTiger, (3) Kraken and others will prove tough tests, and NA organization Vertigo will debut in EU with (8) Vertigo Onyx.



Winter Season features VGL qualifiers in North America and Europe, with the international scene represented by VIPL. But behind the scenes, logistics are now being put in place to extend official, sanctioned tournaments into Southeast Asia and South America. We’re taking our time to get this right, but we’re incredibly excited about the potential for these regions and the partners getting involved. Stay tuned!


Anyone want to win 20,000 ICE? How about 40,000 ICE??!!!

The VGL Bracket Challenge is back — and this time you can enter your picks for both your NA bracket and EU bracket for a chance to win up to 20K ICE for each bracket!

This concept will be quite familiar for those who watch March Madness and study the sweet science of bracketology. But for everyone else, here’s how it works:


  • Print out or mark up the NA bracket and/or the EU bracket(Use whatever’s easiest to fill it in, whether that’s writing on a napkin, Photoshop or an annotation app, whatever that is.)
  • Predict the winner of each matchup, all the way through the finals. This will become less and less reliable as you stack prediction upon prediction.
  • Fill in the tiebreakers: Add in your guess for the end-game score of last match of the finals and which player will be the MVP of the NA finals. (You can click on teams in the online bracket to find a player for your winning team.)
  • Tweet your bracket(s) with hashtags #vainglory and #VGLbracket.
  • Brackets must be tweeted before the VGL Qualifiers begin on Jan. 16 in order to qualify for the contest.


  • ONE POTENTIAL WINNER FOR NA AND EU EACH: If anyone tweets a perfect bracket (predicting every winner correctly all the way through the finals) and has a more accurate tiebreaker than anyone else, that one person will win 20,000 ICE! Note: You can have a perfect bracket without correctly predicting the tiebreaker. That is only a tiebreaker in the event of multiple perfect brackets.
  • GUARANTEED WINNER IN NA AND EU (if no perfect bracket): If no one has a perfect bracket, then the person who predicts the most matchups correctly in NA and separately EU (and wins any tiebreakers) will win 10,000 ICE. That means someone is guaranteed to win at least 10K ICE!
  • You do not have to fill out both NA and EU brackets! They are separate contests.

You have nothing to lose and potentially 40,000 ICE to gain! So, fill out your NA bracket and EU bracket now, get your friends to do the same, and see if you can either win the grand prize — or have the best bracket in your group or guild! Half the fun is trying to best your friends.  Good luck!


If you’re not sure what a filled-in bracket should look like, here’s an example from Autumn qualifiers: 



Remember to tweet your bracket with #vainglory and #VGLbracket!

Reim Lore Part One: Everything Is Gone

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Jan 07, 2016


Introducing Vainglory’s next hero: Reim! We begin at the end…


The Grangor people stood watch on a high icy shelf to watch the flames swallow the winding spires of Trostan. Smoke glittered around their faces and clogged their lungs as the city that had been the heart of the Gythian crystal trade turned into the mouth of hell. They threw Gythian gold down into the crevasse for safe passage for the dead. The coins had become, in one day, useless anywhere within a hundred miles.

The wise ones gathered in a snow-dusted cluster and thumped their staves on the ground in the ancient story rhythm. With a judgmental lick of his one tusk, the eldest began the first Telling of the story that would be told and retold for generations:

“It was Trostan once, but soon it will be forgotten.”

“The wise ones knew,” they sang in chorus.

“Humans came to tear holes in the glaciers. They came to rip the crystal from the earth. They came to drink of the well,” continued the next-eldest in her shrill tone.

“The wise ones knew.”

“Our trophy-hunters traded with humans for steel,” called the next.

“The wise ones knew.”

“The city collapsed under its own greed,” crooned another.

“The wise ones knew.”

“Their ancestors lie too far to carry home their souls,” wailed the eldest.

“The wise ones kn…”

An icy blast from the peak above trembled the ground and broke their song. “Sisuuk!” screamed a Mother, gathering her kits close. All eyes turned away from the flames to look upward. Instead of an avalanche, though, what came forth along with the freezing wind was a man, his spine bent with age, spotted skin fragile as onion layers. His claw-like hand gripped a staff. Around his shoulders he wore the pelt of a Grangor. Though none of the Grangor had seen him before, they all knew of the elusive recluse. Reim, they called him, master of ice, devourer of Grangor, terror of the Kall Peaks. Though they outnumbered him by many dozens, the Grangor backed away, weapons at the ready, while the ice mage exhaled enraged breaths that crystallized into frost.  

“Where is the boy?” he growled.

“His mother knows,” replied the eldest, but it was only an expression among the Grangor. It meant that a thing could not be known.

With a sneer, Reim turned away from the Grangor and walked the path down the mountainside, grumbling to himself all the way. The river that bordered the burning city flowed black with ash. Reim struck his staff on the ground and the flowing water froze in place. He shuffled over it, coughing and hacking, into the city, waving his staff in irritation at the fires as he passed them. They sizzled and hissed into frozen, charred kindling.

“Kid!” he called. “Hey kid!”

The city had bustled with trade and travelers that morning; now, only the livestock raced away from their burned enclosures to the rivers at either side of the basin.

The mage choked the fires under his conjured frost one by one, leaving destroyed homes and businesses under thick sheets of ice, by turns calling out and mumbling to himself. He stopped to roll his eyes at the mage tower, resplendent in its ancient Gythian spires, the center of Trostan’s government. The top third had collapsed; the rest was a scorched husk of its former magnificence. This, too, he left frozen behind him. Round the town he traveled, tension rising in his voice. “Hey kid, you’re late! Where’d you get off to?” he continued until he reached the halcyon well at the center, the only thing unaffected by the flames. Noxious fumes rose from the burnt detritus of Trostan, drowned under ice. There, at the well’s edge, was a small woman with her face buried in the furry shoulder of a much larger Grangor. In one hand, she held a lantern that cast eerie shadows in the swirling ash.

“Ay!” shouted Reim with an annoyed clearing of his throat.  “Who’s in charge here!”

The woman turned her soot-stained face, mapped with tears, toward the stranger, revealing the singed remains of the robes of a High Mage of Gythia. Her shoulders rolled back, her chin tilted up, and though she was much smaller than the other two, the answer to Reim’s question had been answered.

“The boy,” he demanded.

The woman shook her head and held the Grangor’s forearm for support. “He’s gone,” she answered, then looked up at the Grangor’s chubby face. “Everything is gone.”

To be continued…

Free Hero Rotation (Jan. 5): Melee New Year!

  • Vainglory
  • |

This week’s free hero rotation features six melee heroes. Some team compositions consist entirely of melee heroes, based on the lane presence of Rona, Glaive or Phinn. We’ve seen Taka excel at every role on the Fold after roam Taka was awarded ‘Man of the Match’ in the VIPL! 

Each of these melee heroes must put themselves in harm’s way to be fully effective. It’s an exciting tradeoff of risk and reward for these heroes to reach their full potential. However, some of the most satisfying combos are achieved by melee heroes, like when Glaive throws himself into the enemy team and manages to Afterburn the enemy carry back to his team! Feel the rush of putting yourself in harm’s way for a chance at clinching victory!


Taka is a stealthy assassin who weaves in and out of battle, eliminating targets with his switchblades. With proper timing and combat awareness, Taka can pick off an enemy and escape — only to reappear again for another kill.


Rona is a deadly berserker who is always ready to leap into battle. She holds her own in melee combat, unleashing enormous damage on everyone who stands and fights. Rona is most often played in the jungle, pairs well with protectors and works well with both weapon and crystal builds.


Ardan is a powerful protector who dramatically changes the landscape of teamfights. Able to rescue friends from certain death and turn lost battles around with his powerful terrain-changing ultimate, Ardan brings immense utility to the team. Start Ardan in either the lane or jungle, depending on which ally you want to protect most.


Phinn is an unstoppable tank who brings the fight to him. He pairs incredibly well with other heroes who don’t back down from battle. Phinn is strongest with defense and utility items, and he’s able to absorb immense amounts of punishment, protecting teammates while they dish out damage.


Glaive has one of the most feared abilities in the game: a jet-powered Afterburn strike that will slice through you and blast you back into a tactically fatal position. In teamfights, Glaive’s area-of-effect cleave and Bloodsong lifesteal makes him incredibly hard to bring down.


Krul is a jungle nightmare who dominates in 1v1 duels. Able to absorb massive amounts of damage and recover large portions of his own health mid-battle, Krul can bring the pain and survive a beating as long as he can stick to his target.


The free hero rotation unlocks six heroes each week to play as long and as much as you want in the Casual queue. It’s an opportunity to test drive heroes before using ICE or Glory to unlock them.

The free rotation changes every Tuesday and heroes in the rotation usually won’t return for a few weeks or months afterward, so unlocking heroes is always worthwhile. The free rotation does not apply to Ranked play to ensure players are already very familiar with the heroes they play in that try-hard environment with skill tiers at stake.

Experience the risk and reward with six melee heroes available this week!