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Phinn Lore Part II: ‘Social Climbers’

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 29, 2015



The moon, full as a fat white fruit, dangled just out of reach, just like everything Blackfeather craved. “Ah, Phinneas,” he murmured, whistling through his teeth as he gazed up at the moon beyond the castle balcony, “the best songs are written on nights such as these.”

“Can’t dance to a song about kidnapping,” replied Phinn. He scratched deep into his ear with a single long claw. The two ne’er-do-wells huddled in a dead end of the thorned Hardy Orange maze under the balcony. Phinn towered over the tallest thorny bush.  

“Danger is our dance partner!” Black clothes camouflaged Blackfeather in the night, but he refused to hide his gleaming golden hair in any circumstance. Beauty, he said always, was its own weapon. “One can’t be a proper adventurer without abducting a princess. It’s what’s done.”

“Isn’t polite to pluck a poor girl from her home.”

“There’s nothing poor about this lady. Far and wide they’ll laud us …”

“… and hunt us.”

“With my steel and charm, and your … brawn … nothing can stop us. The very sight of you inspires fear in this kingdom, there not being many river trolls about.”

“I hear her parents are nice people, far as royalty goes.” Phinn cared little for matters of adventure, having been alive a good long time and seen a good many things. He thought it healthiest to avoid drama.

Blackfeather clasped his hand onto his friend’s giant, meaty shoulder. “My noble friend. Don’t you like money?”

“Better to have money than not.”

“There, then, is your reason. For in the hostelry where last night we lodged, I heard there is a considerable bounty out for the princess whose chamber turret I took the responsibility of scouting this afternoon during your second nap.” Blackfeather pointed up.

“What’s considerable?”

“Is there to be no thanks for my labor? No apology for your incessant slumber?”

Phinn slid two claws through the thorns to pluck out a bitter orange. “I get tired after lunch.”

“In this case, ten thousand gold bits is considerable. Half and half we’ll split it, a good three thousand each, and we’ll live a grand life.”

Phinn bit into the fruit, rind and all. “Until we can’t afford it anymore.”

“And then we shall set out on our next adventure.”

“What’ll we do with her?”

“With whom?”

“The princess. The one from the kidnapping.”

“Well. We’ll turn her over to whomever set the bounty for her.”

“And how will we …”

“Trivialties! We’ll be rid of her by your second nap on the morrow, and ten thousand gold bits richer. We’ll live as good as that king yonder for as long as we can and tell a great story after.”

“Right, then,” agreed Phinn. Though he could add better than Blackfeather supposed, a loyal friend was on occasion a better thing than a fair one, and he hadn’t the care to argue further. “How will we get up there?”

“We shall scale the wall, naturally.” Blackfeather rested his fists on his waist and stared up at the balcony, as if the way to manage this would appear by magic. “What I wouldn’t give for a grappling hook.”

“Would this do?” And with that, Phinn pulled from his back an anchor.

“How did you get that?”

“At the ship we took here. It fit me so nice, I decided to keep it.”

“Well done, Phinneas! The princess awaits us. Tie a rope to that anchor and hook it to the balcony. Then we shall climb…”

“You have rope?”

“Of course I have rope. I’m an adventurer.”

“Well, then I suppose I’ll discard this chain.”

Blackfeather added an exaggerated head tilt to his eye roll so that it would be apparent in the darkness, and within minutes, the chained anchor sailed from Phinn’s hand to the balcony, locking into place with a great, satisfying, safety-inspiring ch-ch-CHOCK.

Phinn and Blackfeather began their ascent.



Phinn Abilities Reveal & Lore!

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The tankiest hero Vainglory has ever seen is about to hit the Fold. If you missed Phinn’s big TwitchCon reveal, read up on him and watch full matches below.new_hero2_header



Phinn is an unstoppable tank who brings the fight to him. He pairs incredibly well with other heroes who don’t back down from battle. Phinn is strongest with defense and utility items, and he’s able to absorb immense amounts of punishment, protecting teammates while they dish out damage.



Phinn cannot be stopped. All stuns and movement-impairing effects are instead reduced to moderate slows. He even shrugs off most damage through passively gaining additional armor, shield and max health from items and effects.


Phinn slams his anchor down on a neighboring location, heavily slowing enemies. Overdrive: This upgrades the slow into a stun!


Phinn stomps the earth, dealing crystal damage to all enemies in a wide area and launching them toward him. The effect reverberates around allies, granting them a barrier along with bonus armor and shield for the next few seconds. Overdrive: Makes enemies travel farther toward Phinn upon stomp.


Phinn throws his anchor in a direction. After the anchor reaches its destination he yanks it back, damaging all enemies in its path and pulling them back to him. If Phinn doesn’t pull any enemies, a percentage of the cooldown is refunded.



Read Phinn’s lore: 


Keep an eye on the in-game News section for more Phinn lore and update 1.9 details!

Free Hero Rotation (Sept. 29): Try Skaarf, SAW, Fortress & More

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In this week’s free hero rotation, Skaarf, SAW, Fortress and many more! Everyone’s favorite baby dragon has been tearing up the Fold lately with devastating fire abilities and “heavy blue” crystal builds, along with incredible wave clear. SAW has seen a massive resurgence at all skill tiers, adding a jungle crystal option focused on Roadie Run to his traditional lane weapon path. And Fortress is seeing play not just as a ally-empowering protector, but also as a weapon jungle menace. Try different builds and playstyles with all this week’s free options and see what you like best!


Skaarf is a cute little flamethrower who thrives at dealing long-range and area-of-effect damage, especially during teamfights. However, his abilities are aimed, meaning you’ll need quick reflexes and good prediction to land those fireballs. Skaarf is often in lane but can also be effectively played out of the jungle. Go burn your way to glory!


SAW has arguably the highest damage potential in the game … but at the huge expense of mobility. Excellent at sieging important locations, SAW zones out entire regions from the enemy team with suppressing fire.


This Halcyon Well guardian is a snarling, frightening sight in the jungle. He stalks prey, closes in with teammates, flanks targets and creates challenging, multi-front confrontations. Stay near your allies and bite and claw your way to kills.


Glaive has one of the most feared abilities in the game: a jet-powered Afterburn strike that will slice through you and blast you back into a tactically fatal position. In teamfights, Glaive’s area-of-effect cleave and Bloodsong lifesteal makes him incredibly hard to bring down.


Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield. Incredibly weak in the early game, Ringo players should focus on earning as much gold as possible in the lane before picking big fights.


Koshka is an in-your-face assassin adept at getting the kill and then getting out. She should focus on assassinating weak targets and locking down the most lethal enemy. She is extremely fast at clearing jungle camps, making her an ideal jungler. Confident players will even invade the enemy-side jungle for fun and profit.


The free hero rotation unlocks six heroes each week to play as long and as much as you want in the Casual queue. It’s an opportunity to test drive heroes before using ICE or Glory to unlock them. The free rotation changes every Tuesday and heroes in the rotation usually won’t return for a few weeks or months afterward, so unlocking heroes is always worthwhile. The free rotation does not apply to Ranked play to ensure players are already very familiar with the heroes they play in that try-hard environment with skill tiers at stake.

Vainglory Invades TwitchCon!

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 26, 2015


Vainglory will be a big part of the first-ever TwitchCon! Come meet us at our booth in the Indie Dev Zone, join us for a shoutcasted main-stage showdown (with a Super Evil twist) and pick up fistfulls of swag!


Here’s what’s happening at our booth on Friday and Saturday from 10AM – 6PM (PDT):

  • Win a Vainglory match and get a t-shirt! (limited availability)
  • Sign up for a chance to win a free unlock for Vainglory’s newest hero, Skye.
  • Play and be shoutcasted!
    • Vainglory devs and Twitch streamers are shoutcasting matches at our booth.
    • Special shoutcaster guests include DZLiveonTwitch, Shinkaigan, LadyWabeesh, theAlvaro845 and more!
    • Come meet the devs:
      • Chat with the heroes team
      • Saturday: Meet co-founder, Chief Creative Officer and lead designer CaptainNeato.
    • … and moar swag!


  • Friday at 10AM: Phinn Hero Reveal stream (with another big surprise) on live from TwitchCon.
  • Saturday at 10AM: Two huge reveals:
  • Saturday at 1PM: Big Vainglory match on the Indie XSplit stage:
  • Saturday at 4PM: Vainglory teams battle on the main stage and  … but they don’t know what surprises we have in store!


  • 1PM: Vainglory match on the Indie Alley Stage! Be there to see what happens.
  • 2:30PM: Streaming guru and former MOBA pro Zekent hosts a special workshop about how to stream on mobile. Featuring all sorts of guests. 
  • 4PM: Vainglory teams battle on the main stage and  … but they don’t know what evil-ish surprises we have in store!


For those who cannot make it to San Francisco:

  • Participate in our TwitchCon Twitter competition!
  • Send us a Tweet-sized story of your favorite Vainglory moment for a chance to win 500 ICE! Remember to use #vgtwitchcon! We will pick 5 winners of 500 ICE each per region per day! This weekend only! One tweet per entry (no more than 140 chars).
  • Watch the livestreams for awesome matches and crazy surprises!


NA VGL Bracket Challenge: Up to 20K ICE Grand Prize!

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 17, 2015


Anyone want to win 20,000 ICE?

The NA VGL is moving to the Round of 32, which is the perfect time for a massive Bracket Challenge with up to 20K ICE up for grabs! This concept will be quite familiar for those who watch March Madness and study the sweet science of bracketology. But for everyone else, here’s how it works:


  • Print out or mark up this bracket. (Use whatever’s easiest to fill it in, whether that’s writing on a napkin, Photoshop or an annotation app, whatever that is.)
  • Predict the winner of each matchup, all the way through the finals. This will become less and less reliable as you stack prediction upon prediction.
  • Fill in the tiebreakers: Add in your guess for the end-game score of last match of the finals and which player will be the MVP of the NA finals. (You can click on teams in the online bracket to find a player for your winning team.)
  • Scan or take a close-up picture of your bracket and tweet it with hashtags #vainglory and #VGLbracket.
  • Brackets must be tweeted before the VGL NA Round of 32 starts on Saturday at 4PM PDT in order to qualify for the contest.


  • ONE POTENTIAL WINNER: If anyone tweets a perfect bracket (predicting every winner correctly all the way through the finals) and has a more accurate tiebreaker than anyone else, that one person will win 20,000 ICE! Note: You can have a perfect bracket without correctly predicting the tiebreaker. That is only a tiebreaker in the event of multiple perfect brackets.
  • GUARANTEED WINNER (if no perfect bracket): If no one has a perfect bracket, then the person who predicts the most matchups correctly (and wins any tiebreakers) will win 10,000 ICE. That means someone is guaranteed to win at least 10K ICE!

You have nothing to lose and potentially 20,000 ICE to gain! So, fill out your bracket now, get your friends to do the same, and see if you can either win the grand prize — or have the best bracket in your group or guild! Half the fun is trying to best your friends.  Good luck!

If you’re not sure what a filled-in bracket should look like, here’s an example: 


Note: The last two teams on the left-side of the bracket play each other, and same for the right side. In this example, Gankstars faces The Sillys in the semifinals, while Legacy Reborn faces Ardent. The left and right sides only face each other in the finals.

Remember to tweet your bracket with #vainglory and #VGLbracket!

Hotfix: Stormguard Banner & Turret Madness Ends

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 16, 2015



Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 8.25.25 AMWell, it certainly has been a strange few days. The game we’re all here to play was not-so-secretly replaced with a turret-suicide mini-game, thanks to an unintended use of Stormguard Banner. It has pained us to hear from players suffering through this in public queue — and has been even harder to watch streams where players just trying to play Vainglory were invaded by trolls using the affectionately named #poopstrat.

We will do everything we can to prevent a broken item from slipping through again, but sometimes the infinite creativity of the player base will uncover … stuff. We did the only thing we knew how, which was to work all through the night to get a fix out as soon as possible — and do it in a way that wouldn’t require an update submission that could take weeks for approval.

It has only been a few days since this exploit emerged, but it feels like years … and if you’re wondering “What took so long?”  there are quite a few reasons:

  • Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 8.25.41 AMFirst, we tried to see if there was a way to change Stormguard Banner without eliminating its turret effectiveness. This is because its appropriate use by a Roamer makes that player feel more useful and also helps games move along at a reasonable pace. But every variation we tried ended in the same sad-panda place: dead turrets everywhere.
  • After resolving the Stormguard Banner issues, it was important to make sure there weren’t other similar tactics that could result in the same destructive behavior. So we tested hundreds of variations on the #poopstrat theme, ultimately resulting in additional turret changes.
  • Next, the team, lead by CaptainNeato, had to find ways to implement desired changes without touching the client code (since we didn’t want to wait potentially weeks for app submission approval). Some elegant solutions proved completely impossible, sometimes for seemingly innocuous reasons such as “the turret health bar is the wrong type” for that kind of change. You should have seen the look on Neato’s face when he realized his first turret-change choice was a non-starter because it required three digits of client-side code, which wasn’t possible with a purely server-side hotfix. This also means that our solutions today may not be our solutions in Update 1.9 because CaptainNeato will have free rein to do what he wants.
  • And finally, the QA team headed by BlasterMaster had to run a furious-yet-meticulous fire drill to test all the changes being merged onto live to ensure that by fixing Stormguard Banner and turrets we didn’t introduce new psychoses. This included a monitoring period of radio silence that was more prudent than “Super Evil.”

We know you’ve been on a roller-coaster the past few days. Please know we’ve been in the front car taking those ups and downs with you, and getting just as nauseous with just as much adrenaline and vertigo. But now we believe we’ve stopped the ride, and we can all file off and go about our games. Thanks to all those taking the spontaneous #WarhornPledge or shouting #ILOVEVG. It means a lot, and we’ll try to do better.  —PlayoffBeard


stormguard-bannerSTORMGUARD BANNER

“Let’s go actually play the real Vainglory now.”

  • Stormguard Banner no longer affects turrets.


“Back the #$% up.”

  • Turrets now gain bonuses when there are no enemy minions in turret vision range.

  • Turret slice damage (percent-health damage) increased from 4.5% to 7.5%.

  • Turret damage amplification increased from 28% to 45% per successive hit.

  • Turret armor and shield increased by 300-520 based on the in-game timer.

It’s with great pleasure and relief that I can now say “go play!” See you out there. 

Free Hero Rotation (Sept. 15): Try VIPL Semifinal Heroes

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 15, 2015


This week’s free hero rotation honors the players in the monumental VIPL semifinal battle of Gankstars (NA) vs. pQq (Korea) — and the heroes they played so incredibly well. Watch the replay now, and then try to emulate CullTheMeek’s game-changing Glaive, druid & IraqiZorro’s Vox, gabevizzle & Mauloa’s Adagio and much more. Watch the second semifinal between Invincible Armada (Korea) and Hunters (China) Thursday at 5AM PDT/2PM CEST/9PM KST or on-demand after the live broadcast.




Glaive has one of the most feared abilities in the game: a jet-powered Afterburn strike that will slice through you and blast you back into a tactically fatal position. In teamfights, Glaive’s area-of-effect cleave and Bloodsong lifesteal makes him incredibly hard to bring down.


Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield. Incredibly weak in the early game, Ringo players should focus on earning as much gold as possible in the lane before picking big fights.


The master manipulator of large-scale battles, Adagio brings incredible teamfight presence with huge area-of-effect damage and team-saving abilities. He almost seems too good: He can heal. He can amplify damage. He can stun and nuke the entire enemy team … but none of these can be achieved easily without team-wide coordination. Adagio is extremely flexible and can start as laner, jungler or roamer.


Vox is a mobile sniper with a high-energy playstyle, with quick dashes and excellent teamfight repositioning. Vox deals significant damage either to a single target or to groups of enemies depending on his build. This flexibility allows Vox to react according to the needs of his team.


Celeste commands the stars, drawing upon their power to overwhelm opponents. Her star formations help keep enemies at a distance as well as finish them off as they flee. Start Celeste in the lane and fight from the furthest edges of battle.


Catherine brings the most reliable stun and disruption skills to teamfights and ganks. Hard to kill and great at chasing, she can secure kills and turn around fights that would otherwise be lost. Catherine can soak up damage and strike fear on sight. She is best roaming between jungle and lane. 



pQq won the first East Asia Championship over Japanese powerhouse Divine Brothers and Korean rival Invincible Armada. Their strong play resulted in another deep run in the VIPL, including an undefeated group-stage performance through the “Group of Death.” Their play was highlighted by the now-famous laning of Druid, one of the most perfect CSers in the world. Watch pQq play at and follow them on Twitter: @pQqEA.

EA최초 챔피언쉽 우승 OGN에서 주최한 정규리그 VIPL 조1위로 본선진출 죽음의조라고 불리던 A조에서 전승으로 4강진출한 경력. 현재 동아시아에서 가장 영향력있는 팀이다.

Gankstars is the reigning North America champions and third-place finisher in the OGN-organized World Invitational. In additional to the Gankstars Sirius team playing in Korea, Gankstars Cerberus is the top-seeded team in the ongoing VGL NA 128-team Qualifier tournament. Learn more about Gankstars at


The free hero rotation unlocks six heroes each week to play as long and as much as you want in the Casual queue. It’s an opportunity to test drive heroes before using ICE or Glory to unlock them. The free rotation changes every Tuesday and heroes in the rotation usually won’t return for a few weeks or months afterward, so unlocking heroes is always worthwhile. The free rotation does not apply to Ranked play to ensure players are already very familiar with the heroes they play in that try-hard environment with skill tiers at stake.

VGL 128-Team Qualifier Tourneys Begin & VIPL Group Stages Conclude!

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 05, 2015


Saturday is packed with elite Vainglory competitive play. First, watch 128 teams in Europe and 128 teams in North America compete in VGL for a total prize pool of $15,000 and qualification to the VGL Season One, starting at 10AM PDT with EU games. Then, watch the critical final group stage matches in the Vainglory International Premier League (VIPL) as teams fight for their lives and a trip to the semifinals!

The VGL 128-team qualifier tournaments are single elimination best-of-3 format with global bans and draft pick. Matches  will be streamed live on Match dates and times below:

Date Round NA Matches
EU Matches
Sept 5, 2015 RO 128 Day 1 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 8, 2015 RO 128 Day 2 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 12, 2015 RO 64 Day 1 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 16, 2015 RO 64 Day 2 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 19, 2015 RO 32 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 23, 2015 RO 16 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST
Sept 26, 2015 Quarterfinals 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT 7PM CEST

Go watch Day One of these incredible VGL tournaments at, and be sure to watch the VIPL tonight on OGN shoutcasted by MonteCristo and Valdes as we find out who will emerge from the Group of Death!

Update 1.8 Notes: Skye Arrives!

  • Vainglory
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  • Sep 03, 2015

Update 1.8 brings a new high-skill, high-reward hero to the Fold: Skye! Plus, we’re simplifying and strengthening the Karma system, creating a trophy room, starting seasonal play, adding amazing new skins and introducing balance changes that should make a memorable impact on the 1.8 meta. Let’s break down the update 



Skye is a swift sniper able to dance at the edge of fights or dive deep into the enemy backline to kill key targets. Skye’s unique strafing attacks change the complexion of fights, and her ability to chase down and catch opponents is unparalleled. Start Skye in the lane, mow down minions and build weapon or crystal depending on your playstyle.

Read Skye’s lore: 


Skye will be unlockable with ICE only for the first 7 days. Afterward, you will be able to unlock Skye with ICE or Glory.



Skye locks onto and reveals the target she most recently basic attacked. Basic attacks and Forward Barrage on that locked target grant her bonus move speed. This speed bonus is dramatically reduced while moving backward. Target Lock is lost if the target moves too far away from Skye or if she doesn’t attack her target for too long.


Skye fires her guns while strafing. (She can move freely but cannot change her facing direction.) Reactivating this ability will cancel it. Forward Barrage deals damage to her locked target (but less damage to non-heroes). The duration increases with Skye’s crystal power up to a max.


Passive: Each ability point in Suri Strike increases the amount of time Skye can keep her target locked without attacking it.

Active: Skye dashes to a chosen location near her locked target. While dashing, she fires a volley of missiles that lead her target. This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.


Passive: Each ability point in Death from Above increases Skye’s target-lock range.

Active: Skye fires a salvo of missiles at a chosen location near her locked target.  After a brief delay, the missiles rain down on that location, stunning enemies. Enemies still in the area afterward are slowed and take crystal damage. Aiming directly on your locked target rains down the missiles in a cluster. Aiming away from your locked target rains them down in a line across the target’s path. This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.


2x4_JouleT3“Update 1.8 includes a number of hotly requested skins, including Vox Tier 1 and the effects-rich, insanely cool Joule Tier 3. Keep a close eye on the ever-changing ICE Boxes and Glory Boxes in the Market, and grab Joule cards when you can. That’s a skin not to be missed!

“If you’re still waiting for a skin theme for your favorite hero, hang tight … it’s on the way!” —PlayoffBeard

Hero skins new in 1.8:

  • Cloud Raider Vox Tier I
  • Infinity Skaarf Tier II
  • Bug Petal Tier II
  • Killa-Joule 9000 Tier III!



unnamed-3“Karma was always intended to reward good behavior and punish the bad. Our previous system only somewhat achieved that goal. So, based on player feedback and our own observations, we’ve completely redesigned and rebuilt it from the ground up in 1.8. Now, you simply have Bad, Good, or Great Karma. Completing matches, not dodging in Hero Selection, and receiving honors will lead to Great Karma and with it bonus Glory. On the other hand, being reported for toxic play, dodging in Hero Select, going AFK, etc., will lead to Bad Karma which bans you from playing with or chatting with any other players for a period of time. Each ban a player faces gets longer and longer.

“Know that Karma is a fluid value and will change to reflect your recent past as well as current actions. We are more than happy to keep people from playing if their goal is to introduce toxicity to the amazingly positive Vainglory community.” —Kraken

  • Karma system has been dramatically simplified.
  • Karma levels replaced with three player states: Great Karma, Good Karma and Bad Karma.
  • Karma state determined by recent and current player behavior, including thumbs up & thumbs down from fellow players.
  • Players with Bad Karma will be banned from playing matches and chatting for a set period of time.


unnamed-2We are gearing up for Season 1 of Vainglory in lots of ways, but to ensure you can immortalize your tough grind up the skill tiers, we are giving the first piece of what will be an ongoing feature: Trophies. As of 1.8, you’ll see your highest Skill Tier held as a trophy in your Trophies tab in the Profile section of the app. We’ll do more with this over time, but for now, rest assured that when we kick off the first season, you’ll have a record of your hard work leading up to it.

“We’ll talk a lot more about Vainglory seasons as we move into Autumn Season 2015, but suffice it to say we’re building in many benefits over time for casual and competitive players alike, which should create excitement and opportunities to rally for rewards before seasons close.” —Kraken

  • Starting with 1.8, Vainglory will remember your highest Ranked skill tier earned and display it in your Trophy Room.
  • Update 1.8 will be considered the preseason (Season 0).
  • The preseason will end with the release of the following update, and you’ll earn a permanent trophy based on your highest rank achieved. It’s okay if you lose that rank during 1.8. It will remember the best you achieved, so play without fear!
  • Each quarterly season will include unique awards and limited-time content.
  • Read more about Vainglory Seasons here.



“Once the final two turrets are destroyed, teams are forced into turtling near their base. We want teams to leave the base and take risks — not sit around and delay their inevitable defeat.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Vain crystal regenerates health  after not taking damage for 5 seconds.

“Jungle spawn times were a bit over-tuned in 1.7.  At 0:20, the laner is actually encouraged to enter the jungle because last hits are not available for another 5 seconds. With the new turret susceptibility in early game, the invaded team have the option of chunking the enemy turret in response to an invade.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Jungle Spawn time up from 0:20 to 0:25.

“This is a slight adjustment to late-game jungle creatures that were being completely walked over.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Jungle camps & bosses defense per level up by ~20%.

Turrets could be too hard to kill early and too easy to kill late, especially by sustain mages like Celeste/Skaarf.  We want to open up opportunity to take turrets early against teams that are investing too much in jungle pressure. In the late game, turrets will scale much harder in defenses, especially shielding. This is because mages have largely solved their energy problems and were melting turrets too quickly.”  —SurpriseBirthday

Turret defenses changed from:

      • Armor: 110-150 @ 2:00 – 15:00 mins
      • Shield: 55- 88 @ 2:00 – 15:00 mins

Turret defenses changed to combined armor & shield stats:

      • First turret: 45-145 @ 2:00 – 12:00 mins
      • Second turret: 45-185 @ 2:00 – 16:00 mins
      • Third turret: 45-225 @ 2:00 – 20:00 mins
      • Final 2 Vain turrets: 45-265 @ 2:00 – 24:00 mins

        “Losing base turrets already means you are losing. Giving the enemy team 300 team wide gold twice is more salt in that wound.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Vain turrets (final 2 turrets) gold bounty down from 300 to 100 gold.


“Putting an end to the 15:00 capture cheese! It was fun while it lasted!” —SurpriseBirthday

    • Kraken now invulnerable during her spawn animation coming out of the pit.

      “Kraken has normally stronger defenses vs. basic attacks than abilities because basic attacks are free, while abilities cost energy.  However, in late game, many mages are built for energy sufficiency, allowing them to burn down Kraken too quickly.” —SurpriseBirthday

    • Shield up from 100 to 150.

“Killing the Kraken does not guarantee you 10 seconds of massive healing if the enemy team immediately descends upon you.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Ace Buff is cancelled upon taking hero damage.



“Ringo’s Twirling Silver was intended to give him a tactical window in which he could deal out significantly more damage to his opponents, but only for a time. With a duration of 7 seconds, his enemies only have a 3-second window of cooldown to attempt to stage a counter attack, which was far more daunting than intended.”  —CaptainNeato

  • Twirling Silver duration down from 7 sec at all levels to 4-6 sec.

“This compensates for the Twirling Silver duration nerf ,which indirectly hurts crystal Ringo.” —CaptainNeato

  • Twirling Silver crystal ratio up from 70% to 80%.


“SAW frequently finds that by the end of a Suppressing Fire that fights have moved away from him, and he’s unable to participate. This change allows him the mobility to reposition however he thinks is best; he is free to keep his Spin Up stacks if a fight is near, but he can also sacrifice them and join the fight if it’s moved on.” —Captain Neato

  • Finishing Suppressing Fire resets the cooldown of Roadie Run.


“Rona received some more dramatic changes in this update to help give her more options in her item builds and flexibility in her play style. Rona lacked the durability to stay in the heart of a teamfight, forcing players to build her either for high burst damage and then run when focused by the enemy team, or build her with heavy lifesteal to capitalize on the AoE damage of her ultimate. It simply wasn’t viable for her to duke it out in a prolonged fight without devoting most of her inventory to defense items, and we wanted to shift her away from burst damage to sustain damage to help her feel more like the crazy berserker that she is.

“In this update she received two essential changes to her Foesplitter: After her first cast of Foesplitter, she now gains movement speed that allows her to chase a fleeing target or reposition in a fight. Her second cast of Foesplitter costs less Bloodrage and grants her even more bonus attack speed. This attack speed synergizes with a new change to her heroic perk, Berserkers’ Fury, in which any time she reaches maximum bloodrage, she gains a health barrier. Imagine, after you reach max bloodrage, cast Foesplitter twice and start basic attacking the target … Not only will doing so quickly max your Bloodrage and grant you that barrier again, but those basic attacks reduce the cooldown on Foesplitter so that you can do it all over again. And again. And again.

“Lastly, her ultimate was either overpowered or completely useless depending on how much lifesteal a player had the chance to buy. We want Rona to be durable enough to feel confident in casting Red Mist in the heart of a fight, while not necessarily granting her a guarantee of ending the ability at full health. With a lowered cooldown, it also allows the player to enter and exit Red Mist in the midst of a fight to do some great AoE damage while consuming only a little bit of Bloodrage … and with some quick basic attacks, can restore it to full and get that precious health barrier again.” —CaptainNeato


      • Energy stat no longer increases her in-combat rage gain.
      • Weapon ratio down from 80% to 70%.
      • Gains 100% more Bloodrage when attacking targets suffering from Mortal Wounds.
      • Whenever Rona reaches max Bloodrage, she gains a barrier equal to 8% of her max health.


    • First hit grants 1.5 movement speed for 2.0 seconds.
    • Second hit consumes only 50% of Bloodrage instead of 100%Note: This naturally reduces the damage of the second hit because it is amplified by the amount of Bloodrage consumed.
    • Second hit grants Rona 30-50% attack speed for 24 seconds.

C-red-mistRED MIST

      • Cooldown down from 12 to 4.
      • Lifesteal reduced by 50% while channeling.
      • Rona gains 40/60/80 armor & shield during Red Mist.


“We feel that Vox is in a much better place, but we are always keeping a close eye on him. With a large resonance bounce range, it made his abilty to spread damage in a fight a bit too effective, so it has been brought down.” —CaptainNeato

  • Resonance bounce range down from 4.5 to 4.0



“There was a bug. And uh, we fixed it. My bad.” —CaptainNeato

  • Fixed a bug preventing Taka from dealing Mortal Strikes after flipping over with Kaiten.


“Petal lacked the ability to pressure enemies with the use of her munions’ damage; this lift in damage will help them become a viable threat when chewing on your ankles. Don’t let them chew on your ankles. There is also increased healing on her seeds when buying crystal to force enemies to clear them before starting a fight, rather than ignore their contribution and deal with them later.” — CaptainNeato


  • Munion damage crystal ratio up from 40% to 45%.
  • Seed healing per second crystal ratio up from 1% to 3%.



“Because critical strikes are subject to chance, there are times where they feel useless when they randomly don’t trigger, or times when they feel wholly overwhelming because they’ve triggered multiple times in rapid succession. With Joule’s Thunder Strike, this would create even more crazy moments where she would suddenly do exceedingly well or exceedingly poorly depending on fate. This change helps ensure that Thunder Strike crits in a more balanced distribution — and doesn’t create those times where a single critical strike causes the entire enemy team to explode into confetti.” —CaptainNeato

thunder-strikeThunder Strike critical strikes:

  • Now follow pseudo-random distribution. Meaning her crits are still chance based, but more narrowly distributed than true random.
  • When striking multiple targets, crit is evaluated independently for each target, instead of critting everyone at once, or none at all.
  • Thunder Strike crystal ratio up from 100% to 135%.


“Vanguard is signature to who Ardan is, but it’s cooldown was a bit punishing for him to fullfill his role as a team protector. Now, there will be shields and Ardans flying around eeeevverrryyywhere.” —CaptainNeato

  • Vanguard cooldown down from 17-13 secs to 13 at all ranks.



“This was still an underused item, with a slow that you didn’t feel enough.” —CaptainNeato

  • Base slow up from 15% to 20%. Max is still 40% (a display error in 1.7 showed this as 35%).

tension-bowpiercing-spearPIERCING SPEAR & TENSION BOW
“Piercing is a very strong late-game stat on an otherwise early-game item. This change increases the late-game slump should you choose to dominate the early/mid-game with a Tension Bow rush.” —CaptainNeato

  • Armor piercing down from 15% to 10%.

piercing-shardPIERCING SHARD
“Heroes should be doing more than just stacking Piercing Shards.” —CaptainNeato

Piercing down from 10% to 8%.


“This is a slight price tuning to encourage early-game counter-building. We’re also increasing the price of Fountain of Renewal as the active heal has proved to be far more valuable that what you’re paying for.” —CaptainNeato

  • Light Armor / Light Shield defense (tier 1s) up from 35 / 18 or 12  to 40/20.
  • Coat of Plates / Kinetic Shield price down by 150 gold.
  • Aegis price down by 100 gold.
  • Metal Jacket price down by 200 gold.
  • Fountain of Renewal price up by 200 gold.

broken-mythBROKEN MYTH

  • Dealing or receiving burn debuff damage does not cause Broken Myth to stack.


“We want to expand the roaming support beyond just “really starved for gold.”  This has narrowed the itemization strategy for roamers and is generally less fun to play. Additionally, we want to open up the possibility of more duo-laning with increased gold bonuses from lane as well. —CaptainNeato

  • Gold bounty up from 30% (50% for Jungle monsters) to 60% for all types.

stormguard-bannerSTORMGUARD BANNER

“Stormguard is now substantially cheaper and more specialized as a counter-jungling and objective-killing item. Because objectives are getting tankier also, Stormguard will be a notable boost to your team’s objective control power.” —CaptainNeato

  • 100 Health removed; health regen up from 12 to 16.
  • Price reduced from 1150 to 950. (Warhorn and Contraption total price not reduced.)
  • Passive: When attacking non-heroes, basic attacks deal +3% of target’s max health per second as true damage; it’s 5x against lane minions & jungle camps.
    • With Contraption: Stormguard gains 2.5m AOE.
    • With Warhorn: Stormguard has +30% vs. jungle bosses, Kraken and structures).


“With the buff to Stormguard and more charges of vision items, watch out for the new Contraption … or be watched by it.” —CaptainNeato

  • Charge time down from 25 to 15 per use.



“We have significantly expanded the list of supported Android devices. If you know someone who couldn’t play before, be sure to tell them to try again on 1.8! This is especially good news for owners of the popular Samsung Galaxy S3. We now fully support all S3s that have 4.4.2 Kitkat or higher. And owners of the  Sony Xperia Z1 can now play without problems thanks to the memory savings in 1.8.” —BlasterMaster

Newly supported devices:

  • HTC Desire 816
  • LG AKA (LG-F520, etc…)
  • LG G Vista
  • LG GX 2
  • Samsung Galaxy A3
  • Samsung Galaxy Avant
  • Samsung Galaxy Grand 2
  • Samsung Galaxy Grand Max
  • Samsung Galaxy Mega (2, 5.8, 6.3)
  • Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 SM-G7508
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 (Various)
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1″ SM-T530
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0″ SM-T230
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0″ SM-T231
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0″ SM-T235
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0″
  • Samsung Galaxy W
  • Sharp AQUOS Crystal


  • Fixed a timing issue causing Koshka to have unnecessarily long delays after using abilities.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Taka from dealing Mortal Strikes after flipping over with Kaiten.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to lose their target after using certain abilities.
  • Fixed a visual bug causing some hero ability weapon ratios to display incorrectly in the Market. (This was visual only.)

Skye has arrived! We hope you have a blast playing update 1.8 and be please give us your feedback in the forums and vainglorygame subreddit. —PlayoffBeard

Skye Lore Conclusion: ‘For Baron’

  • Vainglory
  • |


“The Silver family is honored to choose…”

Skye stepped forward, trying to catch Baron’s eye, as his mother reached toward the tile table.

“… Nari Tiger.”

There was only one astonished gasp in the crowd when Nari’s tile was plucked up. Baron’s eyes did not waver from his newly chosen bride-to-be. Skye’s own tile was still encased inside Baron’s fist, to be chosen that night by no one. Realization gathered like rocks in her throat.

I will need you to be my general.

He hadn’t said wife.

Skye dissolved backward into the crowd, then sprinted out the door and down the hill alone, into the deep night, yanking the rings from her hair. She ran to run, something primal within her chest demanding escape.

At the giant rolling door of the hangar she stopped, her hair wild around her face. Another girl might have gone home to weep into her mother’s arms, but Skye had always felt more at home in the garage with her father, fixing things or, when she was little, breaking them.

It felt good … No. Nothing felt good, but it felt right to get out of the hanbok, to tie her hair up the way she liked it, to rub off the makeup. The familiar grease and gunpowder smell of her jacket soothed her. She climbed up into the mech she’d reappropriated to figure out how she’d ever show her face among the other pilots. How she’d apologize to umma for running out like a minion on fire.

But she could only think about what Baron had said.

There are times I wish that the mines would disappear.

In the quiet, dark hangar, encased in the machine, Skye heard his voice as if he were still close by.

…we would have no need of mechs and tanks, nor the filthy minions, nor this ridiculous choosing ceremony…

“The choice would be ours,” whispered Skye.

Baron no longer had a choice, but there was a way she could choose for him.

She powered up the mech, pulled on her gloves, and gripped the handles. Before anyone could stop her, before she thought long enough to stop herself, she walked the mech outside.

Despite the humiliation of the night, despite the gravity of what she was going to do, driving the lighter mech was a thrill. So agile, so fast. She avoided the main gate — unauthorized use of a mech was still a crime, general’s daughter or no — and tip-toed the mech through the minion camp. The beasts slept in haphazard piles, their snores warbling; they were known for brute toughness and obeying orders, not thinking fast, so they gave her no trouble. She shot over the security gate, zig-zagged through a mandarin orchard, hovered over rice paddies and cabbage fields. Here and there laid the rusted and broken remains of rice transplanters and plows, the first machines that had evolved into blasthole drills and frontloaders when Baron’s ancestors had struck silver. When they’d hit crystal, and the other houses discovered the power of the halcyon within the crystals, the mining machines had been repurposed for war. Farmland gave way to trampled dead battleground, brown with bloody mud.

The mech glided over coiled barbed wire and then landed, strong as an eagle perching, on the reinforced wall. Ball-shaped security bots buzzed around her, scanning the mech code, then her retinas.

“Pilot seven-zero-five, you are not authorized for the use of decommissioned mech one-eight-six-four. Please return to headquarters immed-”

With a squeeze of the trigger, Skye strafed to the left and fired. One by one, the bots burst apart and fell, crackling, to the mud.

Staring down into the glowing blue, she flicked a switch to arm the missiles.

“Okay.” She patted an autocannon. “Let’s end this war.” The jet nozzles activated. The mech rose, then hovered over the mine.

The first missile shot deep inside.

The explosion rocked the ground and blasted out millions of tiny crystal shards. Skye ducked behind her arms as the shards pinned themselves into her jacket, poked her legs.

There was no time to lose. She had to complete her mission before anyone could stop her. She strafed and fired, let loose salvo after salvo of missiles, rained death from above into the mines, destroying the crystals that had powered a civilization for generations. The halcyon power that so many had fought and died to possess bloomed into the night sky, then dispersed into the night air.