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Skye Ability Reveal & Lore!

  • Vainglory
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  • Aug 28, 2015



Skye is a swift sniper able to dance at the edge of fights or dive deep into the enemy backline to kill key targets. Skye’s unique strafing attacks change the complexion of fights, and her ability to chase down and catch opponents is unparalleled. Let’s take a look at Skye’s abilities and lore, and stay tuned for Vainglory’s newest hero in update 1.8! 



Skye locks onto and reveals the target she most recently basic attacked. Basic attacks and Forward Barrage on that locked target grant her bonus move speed. This speed bonus is dramatically reduced while moving backward. Target Lock is lost if the target moves too far away from Skye or if she doesn’t attack her target for too long.


Skye fires her guns while strafing. (She can move freely but cannot change her facing direction.) Reactivating this ability will cancel it. Forward Barrage deals damage to her locked target (but less damage to non-heroes). The duration increases with Skye’s crystal power up to a max.


Passive: Each ability point in Suri Strike increases the amount of time Skye can keep her target locked without attacking it.

Active: Skye dashes to a chosen location near her locked target. While dashing, she fires a volley of missiles that lead her target. This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.


Passive: Each ability point in Death from Above increases Skye’s target-lock range.

Active: Skye fires a salvo of missiles at a chosen location near her locked target.  After a brief delay, the missiles rain down on that location, stunning enemies. Enemies still in the area afterward are slowed and take crystal damage. Aiming directly on your locked target rains down the missiles in a cluster. Aiming away from your locked target rains them down in a line across the target’s path. This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.



by SugarVenom

“You aren’t supposed to be here today.” The general’s long shadow stretched into the hangar from the rolled-up garage door.

Skye peeked out from the cockpit of a mech with half its front armor blown out, metal blackened and curling in from the impact point. With a screwdriver between her teeth, she tossed a charred actuator onto the ground and called out, “I’m glad you’re here, Appa. I want to show you my plans for the decommissioned exosuits.”

“You promised your mother.”

“The engines are okay. The shields cause all the issues.” She hunched down behind what was left of the front armor, only slices of her showing in the blasted-out hole. “Every new generation of these machines, we add more armor, which means more weight, which means bigger engines and more crystal power …”

“…which means more dependence on the crystal mines, which means more war.” The general’s face was hard-lined, but his eyes and voice softened. “This is not the time for this discussion.”

“The mechs take fire because they’re too slow.” Loosened screws tink-tink-tinked to the ground, then Skye kicked at the wrecked armor from the inside. “We’re going about it the wrong way. We need … more… mobility.” A word for every kick with her combat boots, until the front armor crashed to the ground, exposing her in the cockpit. “We should be going lighter on the mechs and heavier on the firepower. I put the 25-millimeter autocannons on this one. With the vectored thrust jet nozzles on an integrated airfoil on the back, it’s light enough for halcyon-tipped rockets. I know it’s a risk, but …”

“Skye. She is coming.”

“Where? Here?

“Ah. Here she is. Go to work, people.” A dozen clattering footsteps accompanied a shrill voice from the garage door. Two men dragged a full-length mirror to a workbench. A dressmaker and his assistants, pins poking from their pressed lips, set up a mannequin. The manicurist, hairstylist and makeup bot took over the workbench. The voice followed behind, barking out orders; it belonged to a small woman with tall, upknotted hair and black eyes. “Mind the grease. That silk cost more than your monthly wages.”

Umma, what are you doing here?” Skye whined, slumping in the cockpit.

“Your name will be chosen from the tiles tonight. Get out of that thing.” Skye’s mother stood next to her husband at a stern parade rest.

“I don’t want to be chosen. There’s a war happening.” But Skye obeyed, climbing down to join the crowd, casting a betrayed glance at her father.

He shrugged. “There is always war. You cannot be a soldier forever.”

“I’m a pilot, Appa. And I’m the best pilot you’ve… ow!” She winced as the makeup bot attacked her eyebrows with tweezers. The manicurist sat on a stool beside her and clucked under her breath at the broken nails and calluses. The hairstylist pulled Skye’s hair out of its knot and yanked through the tangles with a comb.

“No black around her eyes,” Skye’s mother said to the makeup bot. “It makes them small. And overdraw her lips; they are too thin.”

The makeup bot bowed and rummaged through its box of powders and creams while Skye scowled. “What happens if you’re lucky tonight, and some high-placed family chooses me for their son? What will he say when he sees me without all this stuff on my face?”

“A fish is not kept the same way it is caught.”

“Great,” grumbled Skye. “So men are fish.”

“Gold rings and orchids for her hair,” mused Skye’s mother, peering down at a velvet-lined box of decorations. “You know, Skye, Baron’s mother will choose a tile tonight.”

Skye went still. “She … she would never choose me. There are many highborn girls in the tiles this year.” The hairstylist stood on a stool behind her and pulled Skye’s hair into braids, weaving in the rings.

“The politics of the choosing are complex. A choice for the general’s daughter would send a message,” replied her mother.

“It would be an overt act of war not to join Baron with one of the marriageable girls of Silk or Tiger House.” The general’s brow wrinkled with worry.

“If it is war they want, my new mech design will win it.” Skye’s flight jacket was removed, and the dress draped around her. The dressmakers knelt, pins sticking out from their mouths, to correct the hem.

“Stand up straight,” barked her mother. “Your overcoat will be hemmed too short.”

To be continued …


Watch the Vainglory streams live from the Twitch Broadcast Zone daily at 10:30AM PDT from PAX Prime!

Keep an eye on the in-game News section for more Skye lore and update 1.8 reveals!

Meet us at PAX Prime

  • Vainglory
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  • Aug 26, 2015


Team Super Evil goes PAX PRIME!

PAX PRIME is around the corner! Come meet us at the Twitch Booth, and tune into our livestreams, hosted live from PAX. Here’s what’s happening from Friday, Aug 28 to Monday, Aug 31:

We’re at the booth every PAX day from 10AM PDT to 6PM PDT. Win a Vainglory t-shirt and come meet the devs and streamers!

  • Come play a match to win a shirt! We have 100 shirts to hand out per day! Psst, there’s some other cool PAX-exclusive SWAG, too.
  • Our amazing streamers Shinkaigan, Yumaranken, LadyWabeesh, Jonobie87 and our NA Regional Community Manager WolfHands will be at our booth to share tips and tricks on how to play Vainglory.
  • Our devs EdTheShred, EvilFinn, Kraken, Nansen, PlayoffBeard, ReadyPlayer1, UbelAndre and Zekent will be around the booth. Come say hi!

Tune into our livestreams, hosted from the Twitch booth!

  • 10:30AM PDT every PAX day: Watch the special streams on PlayoffBeard and Zekent will be revealing the new hero, Skye, on Friday!
  • 5PM PDT on Saturday: Don’t miss the Royal Vainglory Rumble live on (a.k.a. “Put me in, Coach!)
    • Live on the Twitch main stage, streamers, players and devs alike will fight in a unique form of Vainglory: If you die, you tag out of the match and are replaced by a new player who takes over your device on stage.
  • 5PM PDT on Sunday on, it’s Fitness Sunday!
    • Tune into a physically demanding match, where the power of your guns and the power of your guns will be tested. If your hero dies, it’s time for burpees and pushups!

And for all our players, participate in our PAX Twitter competition! Tweet us a photo how you watch our streams for a chance to win 500 ICE! Make sure you use #VGPAX. Three winners a day per region will we rewarded. Competition runs from August 28 to 31.

See you in Seattle!

‘Cloud Raider’ Vox Skin Reveal!

  • Vainglory
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  • Aug 22, 2015

Vox’s Tier I skin is coming in the next big update! Check out in-game video footage, lore and much more below.

What if instead of traveling with Celeste’s band of Gythian rebels, Vox found himself navigating the skies as captain of the airship The Audacity? Introducing Cloud Raider Vox, corsair of the air.


by SugarVenom

A sprite named Loo stole Vox while the others slept. Celeste, being the girl, was the only one with any privacy; Vox was stuffed in a barracks with the Gythians and his snoring father. Ultimately it was a case of mistaken identity, for the sprite was nearsighted and panicky on account of The Audacity’s captain was missing. So she sped in through the high window and tugged at Vox’s nose with both her tiny hands and shouted her squeaks into his ear, which was half her size. “Captain, Captain! There’s a fight about!”

Vox swatted her away in his sleep as if she were a giant mosquito, which enraged her, so she yanked up his eyelid with a fistful of his lashes and poked his eyeball. Of course then she had to pinch his lips shut so he wouldn’t wake the others in the room with his howls, and when he resisted jumping out of the high window with her, she sneezed sprite dust on him to make him float and towed him along after her like a big ship after a tugboat.

And that is how Vox became the captain of the great airship The Audacity, for its original captain never returned from wherever he had gotten to.

Since it had not been the first time that Vox’s life had gone topsily-turvily, he took on his new duties with grace. He fought the Battle of the Sky Captains, which of course you know all about, and emerged victorious. Two fleets of enemy airships became his rightful property, and their crews pledged their fealty to him. He installed speakers and amplifiers on the decks and used sound to defeat his adversaries and throw grand parties.

Life was so fun in the world of flying corsairs and pixie dust that Vox forgot to miss his family for a long time, but one night, Loo demanded a bedtime story. Vox told her the tale of Celeste and her own very important adventure, and the telling made him ache.

The next morning, The Audacity soared over the Halcyon Fold and hovered over Celeste’s little party of rebels. Vox straddled the gangplank and grinned like a rogue as the fleet he’d won sank through the clouds, a hundred airships at least, from schooners to coracles, all flying Celeste’s flag. “I’ve brought you a navy!” he sang out. And the rebellion began.   



Super Evil artist JustInsane talks Cloud Raider Vox.

Cloud Raider Vox goes from 8-Track to Discman. This splash art shows him commanding an armada in an ocean-like nebula. I designed the airships to look aggressive, with an arrow shape.

“Cloud Raider Vox has more battle experience, and he’s taken some damage. He’s a bad boy antihero now. He has moved on, won more ships, more crew, and he’s the captain of an armada. The half-skull helmet and the big star are my favorite parts.

“When you see The Audacity coming, you know your fleet is dead. He’s there to kick ass and play some music while he does it.

Keep an eye on the in-game News section for more update 1.8 reveals!

Free Hero Rotation (Aug 18): Try Joule, Fortress, Taka & More!

  • Vainglory
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  • Aug 18, 2015


In this week’s free hero rotation, put together some deadly jungle duos with Taka, Fortress, Adagio and others. Plus, try your hand at Joule — the surprise pick by both World Champion Invincible Armada and European rival Unknown during the ongoing VIPL group stages. If you missed that phenomenal International Premier League match, watch it here, and check out this preview of the next set of LIVE VIPL games. The free rotation changes every Tuesday and applies only to the Casual queue.


This Halcyon Well guardian is a snarling, frightening sight in the jungle. He stalks prey, closes in with teammates, flanks targets and creates challenging, multi-front confrontations. Stay near your allies and bite and claw your way to kills.


Joule is a hardened front-line fighter with built-in defensive plating. Joule’s abilities require proper aim to hit the target, but they have a devastating effect if you can aim properly.


Taka is a stealthy assassin who weaves in and out of battle, eliminating targets with his switchblades. With proper timing and combat awareness, Taka can pick off an enemy and escape — only to reappear again for another kill.


The master manipulator of large-scale battles, Adagio brings incredible teamfight presence with huge area-of-effect damage and team-saving abilities. He almost seems too good: He can heal. He can amplify damage. He can stun and nuke the entire enemy team … but none of these can be achieved easily without team-wide coordination. Adagio is extremely flexible and can start as laner, jungler or roamer.


Skaarf is a cute little flamethrower who thrives at dealing long-range and area-of-effect damage, especially during teamfights. However, his abilities are aimed, meaning you’ll need quick reflexes and good prediction to land those fireballs. Skaarf is often in lane but can also be effectively played out of the jungle. Go burn your way to glory!


Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield. Incredibly weak in the early game, Ringo players should focus on earning as much gold as possible in the lane before picking big fights.


The free hero rotation unlocks six heroes each week to play as long and as much as you want in the Casual queue. It’s an opportunity to test drive heroes before using ICE or Glory to unlock them. The free rotation changes every Tuesday and heroes in the rotation usually won’t return for a few weeks or months afterward, so unlocking heroes is always worthwhile. The free rotation does not apply to Ranked play to ensure players are already very familiar with the heroes they play in that try-hard environment with skill tiers at stake.

‘Paragon Catherine’ Tier III Reveal!

  • Vainglory
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  • Jul 29, 2015

Catherine’s Tier II and Tier III skins are coming in Update 1.7!  Read her new mythical Tier III lore and watch in-game video below.



In our next update, experience the final two tiers of Paragon Catherine, the skin theme that explores what would have happened had Catherine returned to the Storm Queen.



by SugarVenom

The Storm Queen and her company sat their horses on the trade road outside the fortified wall of Mont Lille, at the embarrassing disadvantage of having been locked out of her own capital city.

The rebels had invaded by airship while the Storm Queen was a week’s ride away, gloating over her latest conquest. Now, archers lined the battlements, wearing the mismatched and tattered uniforms of a dozen defeated territories. Despite their advantage, the archers trembled at the sight of the Storm Queen of legend and the Queen’s Shield beside her, a woman whose name had been forgotten during the long years of peace. None even remembered her face. She aged, or didn’t, behind the ceremonial mask of war. Stories of the Queen’s Shield had grown into fantastical legends. The serpents on her mask, it was said, came to life and snapped poisoned fangs into enemies; songs were sung of foes turning to stone after looking into the mask’s blank eyes.

The mask’s face was impassive as ever as the iron gate rose and three riders emerged flying the flag of parley. The Storm Queen rode forward with only her Shield. The rebel parley consisted of a Gythian war mage, an elderly general of Lionne and a golden-haired young lady carrying a staff.

“Today, you answer for your war crimes,” announced the war mage. “The true queen has taken the throne of Mont Lille.”

A raven shifted on the Storm Queen’s shoulder and cocked its head. “Ah,” sighed the queen, “she is the image of her mother at that age. And just as short-sighted. Years of Gythian spying and politicking has resulted in … this? A motherless girl-mage and a rag-tag band of rebels?” The ravens overhead circled and cried out their rage as dark clouds rolled like waves across the sun.

“A girl-mage who has taken Mont Lille,” said the lady. The horses whinnied and stamped in fear of the stormclouds; the wind whipped away the queen’s black veil.

“You may inherit my throne, as is your right by law, when I am dead. It is a pity that you will not outlive me!” cried the Storm Queen, and a crack of thunder punctuated her threat as the lightning blasted down, ravens diving down with it like living spears. A hundred bolts, a hundred murderous birds.

The Queen’s Shield seized the young lady ’round her waist, lifted her away from her horse and held her close as she summoned a Stormguard force field around them both. Tongues of electricity stabbed at the bubble and reflected, striking back at the queen who had summoned them. Arrows, too, rained down in the chaos of the storm, striking the force field only to return and pierce into the archers. Ravens smashed into the crimson surface, squawking, feathers exploding in all directions.

The Storm Queen tumbled from her horse and lay on the road, shivering with electric jolts. She could not even scream her pain, held rigid by the charge.

The Queen’s Shield released the rebel mage and dismounted, standing over the moaning queen. The younger woman’s eyes narrowed at the Shield’s mask. “I was right to trust you, Catherine. Your crimes … are forgiven.”

“I have one more to commit,” said the voice behind the mask.

“But you are my Shield,” gasped the electrocuted woman.

“No,” said Catherine. “I am the Shield of the Queen.” The blade shot out from the arc shield, cleaving bone, rending in two the ruler’s cold heart.

“Long live the queen,” she whispered, and if she wept, no one knew.

Curious about which other skins are coming in Update 1.7? Check out ‘Shiro Kage’ Taka Tier I here.

Watch Invincible Armada vs Unknown-O: World Invitational Quarterfinal

  • Vainglory
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  • Jul 20, 2015

The first-ever Vainglory World Invitational Tournament kicked off in grand fashion as European Champions Unknown-O battled Korea’s Invincible Armada in a first-round confrontation. Watch two very different regional metas collide, and check out the new spectator camera angles as part of OGN’s spectacular broadcast.



Watch in Korean here.


Weekly Mondays at 3:30 AM PDT and Thursdays at 11:30 PM PDT

Matches will be spread out between broadcasts. Mondays and Wednesdays will be different matches, so try to watch them all!

For those who can’t watch at these hours, we expect on-demand videos to be published as well, although it may not be the same day. Let the hype begin, and join us for the epic action!

Not sure what time this is in your region? Use worldtimebuddy or equivalent. 

















‘Shiro Kage’ Taka Skin Reveal!

  • Vainglory
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  • Jul 17, 2015

Taka’s Tier I skin is coming in the next big update! Check out his art and much more below.



Taka escaped House Kamuha and made his way to the Halcyon Fold, but he could have made another choice: Instead of running, he could have regrouped and fought back against his oppressors. Coming soon, meet Shiro Kage Taka, an avenger who liberates victims from the evil grip of House Kamuha.


by SugarVenom


comic300Maza bent to peer into the ornate wooden box at her feet. It had been delivered to House Kamuha in the night without catching a single guard’s attention. A face grinned up at her from within the box, its mouth forced with twine into a grotesque grin.

“It is Ryota.” Maza knelt by the box, running her claw-like hands over its carvings. “I sent him to collect this year’s contributions from the mountain villages.”

“Rumors spread through the villages of a Shiro Kage who has come to free the people from the mandatory contributions. He killed Hibiki, and now Ryota, and we lost Taka in the spring,” grumbled Isshin.

Tch. Shadows cease to exist when light is shined upon them.” Maza closed the lid of the box. “What do we know about this Shiro Kage? He is deadly. He has a youthful morality, but indecent humor. He seeks to right the wrongs of House Kamuha. Who fits that description, my son?”

“Only one,” whispered Isshin. “But how can it be?”

“Find Taka. Do not underestimate him.”   


Curious about which other skins are coming in Update 1.7? Check out Paragon Catherine Tier 2 here

‘Paragon Catherine’ Tier II Reveal

  • Vainglory
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Catherine’s Tier II skin is coming in Update 1.7!  Read her Paragon lore and watch in-game video below.



In our next update, you can experience the continuation of Paragon Catherine, the skin theme that explores what would have happened had Catherine returned to the Storm Queen. In Tier II, Catherine has become the right hand of the Queen — her First Knight.



by SugarVenom

“I’ve always loved Lionne. I wintered here as a child. My sister and I used to sled down that hill when it snowed.”

Catherine led the Storm Queen past the grand park toward the city’s main square, her crimson plate armor reflecting blood red on the cobbled promenade. It was a lovely city — or it had been, before the uprising. Small family shops stood dark and empty at midday. Glass shards littered the street. Ash from burning homes dusted every surface. Ravens circled overhead or picked at the bodies strewn everywhere. The gray sky crackled with magic. In the distance were the enraged and pained shouts of battle.

“I will see this city’s beauty restored, once it is pacified,” said the queen.


The queen turned toward Catherine’s voice. “Would you use a different word?”

Catherine gripped her shield tighter. “Destroyed,” she said. “Burned, leveled, annihilated.”

“Pacification is a prettier word. The new governors will call it so.”

“And the old governors will be removed. Lionne’s ships will become royal ships, their trade royal trade. Heavily taxed, of course.”

“And why not?” mused the queen. The screams from the city square, the last vestiges of the rebellion, became louder as they approached. The queen enjoyed being present at the finales of revolutions. “Once the army surrenders, there will be peace here as long as I live. It is a tax well deserved.”

They came upon the edge of the town square. Catherine moved in front of the queen, whose scarred face showed no anxiety. The townspeople closed in around them. The queen’s archers sniped anything in a Lionne army uniform from the tall buildings; most of the rebels left were shaking citizens gripping farm tools and rusted swords. Only their insults held an edge, so the shouts followed the queen and her first knight as they walked, serene as if on a morning stroll, to the center of the square.

“People of Lionne!” called Catherine. “Lay down your arms and be at peace. Long live the Storm Queen!”

The shouting intensified. A tomato splatted against Catherine’s shield. The queen sighed as the crowd moved closer, pointing their pitchforks and kitchen scissors. “A man’s last breath is ever his most insistent.”

Catherine inhaled, her eyes closed, and called the thunder. Felt it pushing through her limbs, pressing against the tips of her fingers, imbuing her shield until it shook. Then she opened her eyes and slammed her shield into the ground.

The tremor pulsed through the street; cobbles broke apart and rolled under the unsure feet of the rebels who fell, frozen, their terrified eyes looking toward the paragon of the queen’s personal guard. The screams silenced, frozen in the throats of the crowd.

In the quiet that followed the thunderous blast, the kraa, kraa, kraa of the ravens echoed off of the ruins.

“Long live the Storm Queen,” Catherine said again, this time without raising her voice.

A woman’s voice from the crowd sounded out. She stood, shaking, holding a child in her arms. “Long live the Storm Queen!”

More followed, led by the mothers who would prefer taxes and peace to dissent and death, until even the proud farmers sang along.

“Long live the Storm Queen!”

The queen bowed her head in a political show of humility, but her smile was wry. The archers picked off the last of the Lionne army.

Long live the Storm Queen!

Curious about which other skins are coming in Update 1.7? Check out ‘Shiro Kage’ Taka Tier I here.

New Hero Sneak Peek: Skye!

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Here’s your first look at Skye, a new hero revealed in Korea who will be heading to the Halcyon Fold in a future update. Watch the official dev livestreams on Wednesdays and Fridays (2PM PDT/21GMT/6AM NEXT DAY KST) for more information as it becomes available!

“Korean players demand high-skilled gameplay and beautiful art — and that’s what we intend to deliver with Skye.” —Chainsaw