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‘Paragon Catherine’ Skin Reveal!

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  • Jun 22, 2015

Catherine’s Tier 1 skin is coming! Check out her art and much more.


Catherine’s true story is shrouded in mystery, but we know that she betrayed her queen and deserted the Stormguard. We can speculate, though, what may have happened if she had returned to the Storm Queen and begged forgiveness. Coming in our next release, Tier I of Paragon Catherine!

NOTE: Skins are a departure from the hero’s official story. They represent a “what if?” the hero had taken a different path in life. 


One at a time they knelt before the queen, each wearing a pure white subarmalis, and swore their fealty. The queen named the new knight as she tapped the flat of the ceremonial sword blade on each of the knight’s shoulders, the golden armor and weapons bearing the insignia of the queen were presented to the knight, the crowd cheered and the ceremony repeated.

As the last knight basked in the applause, her squire trailing behind with arms full of heavy plate armor, the door opened. Sunlight poured in, so that the cloaked and hooded figure in the doorway stood in shadow. The room went silent as the figure stepped down the aisle, past the knight and her squire, past the audience with their finery, to the dais where the queen stood, dressed and veiled in black, sword in hand, Vyn perched on her shoulder.

The hooded figure dropped to the floor, palms down, head bowed as if for execution.

“I swear fealty to the queen,” vowed the penitent figure. “I swear to honor and defend my queen against all enemies. I will enshrine in my heart my love of my queen. I will dedicate my life to the greater glory of her crown.”

               See in-game footage of the Catherine                skin soon on Vainglory Casual ! 

See in-game footage of the Catherine skin soon on Vainglory Casual !

Whispers sounded in the crowd. The new knights gripped their weapons, eyeing one another. But the queen neither moved nor spoke. Only Vyn turned his head to cock an eye at the figure on the floor.

The voice of the hooded figure broke. “I beg the mercy of the queen.”

All held their breath in the following silence. But then, from the windows and skylights above, from the open door, from behind the dais, ravens flew into the room. One, then another, then more, perched upon the figure on the ground, digging their talons into the cloak, then spread their wings and lifted it away, revealing Catherine on her knees, wearing the white subarmalis.

Gasps of rage sounded from the crowd. Such impudence! Swords and daggers sang, released from their scabbards. The subordinate traitor!

But the queen silenced them with a wave of her hand. She bent, taking Catherine’s chin in her palm. “You broke the law,” she said.

Catherine dropped her eyes, unable to meet Vyn’s glare. “My queen, you are the law.”

The queen lifted her veil, revealing her scars and her wicked smile. “So I am,” she said, then slapped Catherine’s right cheek with the back of her hand. “Mercy is granted,” she said, and kissed Catherine’s left cheek even as the right bloomed red. “Rise, Lady Catherine, and receive the shield and armor of your knighthood.”

Chaos erupted in the crowd as a squire approached with a golden shield bearing the insignia of the Storm Queen. Catherine turned to face the audience with her signature dispassionate gaze, and the queen’s hand closed on her shoulder, her mouth close to her ear. “I forgive you,” she whispered, “but you will never again leave my side.”


                Chainsaw explains how Paragon Catherine                 came to be.

Chainsaw explains how Paragon Catherine came to be.

I had a prototype for Catherine’s skin that didn’t sit right with me, so I left her alone for a long time. The appearance of the Storm Queen in the lore gave me a strong direction. Paragon Catherine is intimidating. She’s the tip of the spear of the Stormguard. She’s Lancelot and the Black Knight in one. Knighthood means service, and in this case, service to her queen.


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The Vainglory competitive scene is growing far faster than we ever imagined. The European scene is on fire, with powerhouse teams from R3D, comebacks galore from Unknown, creativity and killer comps from Fietsbellen and so many more making names for themselves. In North America, the lore around meta-setting juggernauts like Gankstars and Nemesis is larger than life, with Vainglorious all-stars and other upstarts posing fierce challenges. And in the rest of the world, teams from Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and beyond train with ferocity, biding their time for their chance to show the world how dominant their teams and tactics are.

So, it’s with great excitement that we announce the first-ever truly international invitational tournament: the Vainglory Worlds, in person in Seoul, Korea on July 11-15.

The qualifying process for the all-expenses-paid trip to Seoul—competing against the best in the world—will be different in each region:

  • EU: The top EU team in the ongoing ESL Cup Series will be invited.
  • North America: The winner of the upcoming VGL NA Cup will be invited. Starts Thursday, June 11. Registration now open!
  • Southeast Asia: The winner of the upcoming VGL SEA Cup will be invited. Starts Thursday, June 11. Registration closed. 
  • Korea: To be announced.
  • Japan: By invitation.
  • China: By invitation.

If your team isn’t included this time, don’t fret. This is only the beginning. There’s no better time to practice hard, form new teams and build your comps and chemistry so you can challenge in all the events to come.

We can’t wait to see who emerges as the best Vainglory team in the world. Be sure to watch the qualifiers leading up to the epic Vainglory Worlds in July! See you in Seoul. —PlayoffBeard

‘Infinity Skaarf’ Skin Reveal!

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Skaarf’s Tier 1 skin is coming! Check out his art and much more.


Imagine if Skaarfungandr, the great destroyer of civilization, was instead an innocent, curious newborn. Coming soon, experience Infinity Skaarf, a baby who isn’t sure what he is … yet. The possibilities are infinite!

NOTE: Skins are a departure from the hero’s official story. They represent a “what if?” the hero had taken a different path in life. 




One day, a dragon hatched out of his egg covered in slurpy yolk. There was no one around, so he wandered outside to discover the world.

He bounced on a dandelion and poofed seeds everywhere.

He put a leaf on his head for a hat and did a dance.

He ate a butterfly, then sneezed it out his nostrils.

He took a bath in the lake and waved at a greenish-blueish fish.

“What are you?” he bubbled.

“I’m a fish,” she bubbled back. “What are you?”

“I don’t know. I am probably also a fish.”

“Yes,” she said, “you probably are.”



This art released online with 1.5 and was the first glimpse at the upcoming Tier II skin.


Artist Artiodactyla talks about her work on the Infinity Skaarf skin theme.Artist Artiodactyla talks about her work on the Infinity Skaarf skin theme.

“Infinity Skaarf was very fun to work on because he’s such a cute character.

“The fur was a challenge because of some technical limitations, and I had to rely on old-school techniques rather than next-gen technology to get the fuzzy to look correct.

“This was my first collaboration with Noxii, which was a lot of fun. She designed Tier 2 and did the splash art, and I modeled them.”


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Update 1.5.0 introduces an incredible new hero & two new items, adds more cards & skins, improves the early-player experience and brings much-desired balance changes. Have fun diving into all this! —PlayoffBeard


This Halcyon Well guardian is a snarling, frightening sight in the jungle. He stalks prey, closes in with teammates, flanks targets and creates challenging, multi-front confrontations. Stay near your allies and bite and claw your way to kills.

Read the lore: 


Fortress will be unlockable with ICE only for the first 7 days. Afterward, you will be able to unlock Fortress with ICE or Glory.


When Fortress is near an allied hero, he will move faster after 1 second. He will maintain this move-speed bonus so long as he’s alongside any allied hero.


Fortress marks the target enemy as prey and his next basic attack becomes a short-range lunge. Fortress and allied heroes gain move speed when moving toward anything marked as prey.


Fortress claws his target for crystal damage and causes it to bleed. Bleeding targets take damage every second. Attacks from Fortress and his allies have lifesteal against bleeding targets and increase bleeding by one stack. Upon reaching max stacks, the target is dealt a burst of damage based on its max health, is slowed and receives mortal wound (-33% healing).


Fortress howls, gaining increased health and attack speed and calls to him a pack of wolves. Each pack wolf seeks out a different enemy hero. These wolves apply bleeding with their basic attacks. Important note: You need to attack a pack wolf three times to kill it (3 ticks of health). These can be basic attacks, but you must attack the wolf three separate times and cannot simply burst them down.


“The rollout of skins and cards continues — and if you don’t see a skin for your favorite hero yet, don’t worry; it’s on the way! As always, it’s optimal to unlock Tier I skins with ICE if you can and save your cards for the higher tiers. And remember: The GET CARDS section of the Market is coming soon, where you can get cards much faster (including by using your extra Glory). So, there’s much, much more to come as we fill out the skins system.” —PlayoffBeard

  • Adds Tier I skins for Ardan, Joule & Krul.
  • Adds Tier II skins for Glaive, Koshka & Ringo.
  • Adds more cards, including Epic rarity!
  • Skins for the remaining heroes will arrive in future updates.


“These bots are intentionally stupid. Don’t expect an epic base-race in these
Co-op vs. Bots matches. These bots are designed to help new players acclimate to the game in an environment that won’t mess up your public match experience. That said, this paves the way for more robust, intense bots down the road.”

  • Co-op vs Basic Bots: VERY simple bots help new players learn and give players a way to try out new builds.


“Your Vainglory account now has XP leveling associated with it. Right now, it is primarily a gating mechanism for early players who are earning enough experience to play public matches as well as helping to clarify that your skill tier is distinct from an account’s level, but it will also give you rewards (cards, etc.) when you hit certain level thresholds. For now the level cap is set to 20.” —Kraken 

  • Guided early-player experience before Public Matches
  • Account levels up to max of 20.
  • Experienced players graduated to Public Matches automatically.


  • Vainglory Settings restored. (Look in Settings app on your device.)
  • ‘Larger active item icons’ option in Settings


“Jungle dominance has been very strong, oftentimes deciding games too early based on the outcome of jungle skirmishes. This has also pushed the meta toward early-game jungle-dominators such as Koshka and Skaarf. We are shifting some of the gold from the easy-to-steal camp near the jungle shop and putting it into the inner camp near your base. This makes jungle invasions less profitable unless you sweep all the way to the deep end of the enemy jungle, which is significantly riskier.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Jungle camp near the shop changed from big + small monsters to small + small monsters.
  • Small monster gold up from 19 to 22; health up from 150 to 250.
  • Big monster (not the healing one) gold up from 41 to 75.


“Minion mines have been completely ignored until late game at high-level play, as their pushing benefits did not out-weigh extra gold given to enemies. We are amping up minion damage versus turrets, allowing big waves to flat-out kill turrets in the late game. Combined with the jungle camp changes, expect greater pressure to control multiple areas of the map.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Minion Mines give lane minions more lethality vs turrets. (Big waves can take down turrets on their own.)
  • Capturing a Minion Mine instantly upgrades existing minions.


  • Mortal wounds (Taka/Fortress) now also reduce the amount of barrier you get from any source.


“Skaarf’s early game was insanely strong, particularly because player movements were extremely predictable early on — and players have very little shield at level 1 to mitigate the % health burn damage. As Skaarf levels, he could maintain high damage with Fan the Flames because of the shield piercing mechanic and still build nothing but defense items. We are shifting Skaarf’s offensive power from levels to items, forcing him to buy crystal power to keep Fan the Flames relevant, but also improving his crystal scaling on his first two abilities.” —SurpriseBirthday

Fan the Flames

  • Damage down from 4% + 2% per hit to 1.5% + 1.5% per hit.
  • Piercing removed; damage now scales by +1.0% per 100 crystal power.
  • Refresh duration down from 3.5 to 2.0 (initial duration is still 3.5)
  • AOE reduced from 3.5 to 2 meters.


  • Spitfire fireball speed down from 12 to 9-11 m/s (speed increases as ability levels up).
  • Spitfire crystal ratio up from 90% to 140%.


  • Goop puddle burst crystal ratio up from 40% to 80%.
  • Goop puddle burn crystal ratio up from 50% to 80%.

Dragon Breath

  • Dragon Breath damage down from 640-1015-1390 to 550-875-1200.

Base stats

  • Move speed down from 3.4 to 3.3
  • Armor at level 12 down from 108 to 86


“Vox was still too strong because last update’s double-shot resonance bug fix was a pretty substantial buff. Vox’s wave clear was so strong that it was giving him an unusually high amount of farm starting at around level 4. We’re heavily shifting his power away from up-front Resonance bursts and toward sustained basic attacks, along with making it easier for enemies to avoid bounces.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Resonance crystal ratio down from 50% to 35%.
  • Resonance amp from Pulse applies to heroes only (no longer helps wave clear).
  • Resonance bounce down from 3 to 2 targets.
  • Resonance bounce range down from 5 to 4 meters.
  • Resonance does not bounce from Kraken.
  • Attack speed at level 12 up from 144% to 160.5%.


“Mad Cannon is counterproductive to weapon builds, switching over to a lower-level of crystal damage and preventing SAW from dealing normal damage until he dispenses all of his ammo! We are adding back weapon damage to Mad Cannon, but dropping the base crystal damage so that Weapon SAW doesn’t get too out of hand dealing hybrid-damage. Crystal SAW will in turn be compensated with some serious buffs to his ratios.” —SurpriseBirthday

Roadie Run (combat knife shank)

  • Crystal ratio up from 230% to 280%.

Mad Cannon

  • Each shot is considered a basic attack, which means it can crit if you have crit chance.
  • Crystal damage down from 150/225/300 to 40/60/80.
  • Crystal ratio up from 60% to 140%.


“Koshka has a smaller case of Skaarf’s problem: High base damage and poor scaling pushed her toward tank builds on a character not meant for tanking. We’re shifting her power from base to items also and reducing her early-game power with a defense nerf to her early levels, but she returns to normal at level 12.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Armor down from 42-86 to 20-86.
  • Catnip attacks down from 30-55-70-95-180 to 30-55-70-95-150.
  • Catnip attacks crystal ratio up from 80% to 110%.


“Celeste was still wave clearing at prohibitively fast speeds. With the new emphasis on lethal Minion Mines, wave clear will become a premium ability. She is still one of the best in the game even after this nerf, though.” —SurpriseBirthday


  • Minion damage crystal ratio down from 50% to 25%.


“Joule’s damage was too high and the piercing prevented effective counter-building.” —SurpriseBirthday

Thunder Strike

  • Bonus piercing down from 15-20-25-30-40% to 10-12-14-16-20%.
  • Cooldown down from 3.5 to 3.5-3.4-3.3-3.2-3.0.


“This is the perfect item for tactical map control. It allows you to maintain vision control without taking up a precious item slots for mere consumables. It also upgrades Stormguard in a new direction: splash damage. This allows you to push lanes very hard and combined with the new minion power, create serious threat in the lane.”

Recipe: Stormguard + Chronograph + 650 gold (2600 total)

  • 3.0 energy recharge
  • 30% cooldown acceleration
  • Active: Target yourself to place a scout trap. Target the ground farther away to fire a flare. Holds 3 charges max. 25 sec per charge.
  • Passive: Stormguard (2.5m splash damage)


“Critical strike had no Tier 1 item, making the transition from attack speed to crit a little strange. We’re ironing out this kink … and adding a cute little mechanic for your early game. Fun times!” —SurpriseBirthday

Recipe: 300 gold  –  10% crit; 10% crit damage

Passive: After buying this item, your very first attack on an enemy hero will crit.


“Warhorn really shines as a hard engage item, so we swapped out the cooldown and replaced it with health. This way, the cooldown + Stormguard build path now points to the new item (Contraption) instead.”

  • Recipe change: Chronograph removed; Dragonheart added. Stats and prices reflected.


“Stormguard was always a little too expensive for what it provided. Instead of lowering the cost, we are amping up its power and late-game worthiness.”

  • Non-hero DPS up from 35 to 50.


“Ironguard gold was still not enough to make the poor supports any richer, taking 7-8 minutes of normal play just to break even — and that’s ignoring gold lost from being one item less powerful for that entire duration! We want to thank the thankless job of supporting your teammates with some more gold … and some shiny new support items to play with!” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Bonus for jungle monsters up from 30% to 50%.


“Broken Myth is now an expensive, late-game damage scaling item. We’re shifting this item away from piercing just like we did with Breaking Point a few updates ago, allowing us to create strong late game damage items without shutting down shield as a viable defense option. This is an excellent third or fourth offensive item on heavy crystal damage carries such as Celeste, Skaarf and Vox.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Heavy Prism added to recipe & price (from 2050 to 3100 gold; from 20 to 70 crystal).
  • Each stack amplifies all crystal damage by 10% instead of granting 5% shield pierce.
  • Max stacks down from 5 to 3.


“Scout traps are deciding too many early fights with its massive (and often unavoidable) damage from its timing and radius. Instead of lowering its power, we are slowing the detonation to make them more avoidable if you are paying attention. Trick plays involving slowing and stunning enemies over scout traps are still equally devastating because the damage remains untouched.”

  • Explosion delay increased from 1.2 to 1.3.


“Travel Boots and Journey Boots are now more attractive upgrade options throughout the game.” —SurpriseBirthday

  • Sprint Boots: Move speed down from +0.50 to +0.40.
  • Travel Boots: Cooldown down from 110 to 90; +0.45 move speed, health from 150 to 200.
  • Journey Boots: Cooldown down from 70 to 50; +0.50 move speed, health from 200 to 300.

  • Vainglory is now a universal binary with native 64-bit support. (Delete ‘Vainglory for iPhone’ and use the ‘Vainglory’ app for all devices.)
  • Misc. performance improvements


  • Players cannot move off the starting platform during the Loading screen.
  • SAW: Does critical-strike damage as expected.
  • Koshka’s pounce and Taka’s X-Retsu will work on Kraken from max range.
  • Skaarf: Fixed Fan the Flames dealing an extra half-second of damage beyond intended.
  • Skaarf: Hitting Spitfire no longer displays 2 stacks of Fan the Flames. (Visual bug; damage was correct.)
  • Fixed gold trickle starting at 0:25 instead of 0:10 (when minions spawn).
  • Fixed gold trickle being ~13% slower than intended.
  • Dodging penalty changed to 5 minutes. Dodge victims are now automatically moved to the front of the matching queue and given priority to reduce wait times.

We are incredibly excited about this latest massive update. Go play now, try out the new hero and items and (as always) give us your feedback in the forums and subreddit. Here’s hoping you score your first Epic card! —PlayoffBeard

‘Stormlord Ardan’ Skin Reveal!

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Ardan’s Tier 1 skin is coming in the next big update! Check out his art and much more.


As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” What if Ardan joined forces with his bitter rival to track down Catherine? Coming in our next update, discover Stormlord Ardan, the Storm Queen’s most dangerous knight.

NOTE: Skins are a departure from the hero’s official story. They represent a “what if?” the hero had taken a different path in life. For Ardan this skin represents what would happen if he became consumed with avenging his wife’s death … at all costs.



White-uniformed guards melted into shadows without so much as a cry to halt as Ardan stomped toward the queen’s chambers. The door gave way to his armored kick too easily; it hadn’t been bolted.

“I am glad you have come.”

The Storm Queen stood at the far end of the stark white room, a raven perched on her shoulder, drawing a fingertip along a glass case. The room, unlike the rest of her palace, was freezing cold; Ardan’s breath fogged as he took a heavy, cautious step forward. “Because you want to die?”

See the Stormlord Ardan skin in-game during the livestream reveal now! See the Stormlord Ardan skin in-game during the livestream reveal now!

“I want what you want.” The Storm Queen stepped aside in a swirl of obsidian robes, turning her scarred, sightless face toward Ardan, revealing the glass chamber in which the body of Julia laid. “Revenge.”

The raven’s eyes twitched as Ardan’s power fist dropped. He crossed the distance and glared through the glass into his wife’s frozen face. The fingers of his bare hand spread over the glass.

“I did not give the order. Catherine acted on her own,” the queen whispered. “Join me. Punish the deserter who murdered my sister.”

Super Evil storyteller SugarVenom on the  opportunities skins present.

Super Evil storyteller SugarVenom on the         opportunities skins present. THOUGHTS FROM SUPER EVIL STORYTELLER SUGARVENOM

“It’s important to make the distinction between canon hero lore and the sharp turns the stories may take for skins. A skin is a fun opportunity to step outside the Vainglory world and ask, “What if…?” It is a dimension apart, in which other avenues can be explored.

“For Ardan, it was delicious to consider: What if Ardan confronted the Storm Queen and was manipulated by her? What if he became the queen’s knight, her only male guard? Would his thirst for revenge — the pain of his aching loss— be strong enough for him to turn against his daughter and her cause?”

‘Killa-Joule 9000’ Skin Reveal!

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Joule’s Tier 1 skin is coming in the next big update! Check out her art and much more.


Joule has left the streets for Mech Academy and upgraded her prototype to the real deal. Meet Killa-Joule 9000 in our next update!

NOTE: Skins are a departure from the hero’s official story. They represent a “what if?” the hero had taken a different path in life. For Joule, this skin represents what would happen if Joule went to mech pilot school rather than forever riding solo.



The officer looked from the academy admission test results in his hand to the recruit standing before him: the shock of color in her hair, the worn-down boots tapping impatiently, the crossed arms and the elbows ripped out of her leather jacket.

The other hopefuls stared at her, snickering in their starchy prep school uniforms, their high-and-tights and slicked-back sock buns and their shined-up dress shoes.

“So you want to be a mech pilot.” The officer stared her down.

See the Killa-Joule 9000 skin in-game during the official dev livestream reveal!See the Killa-Joule 9000 skin in-game during the official dev livestream reveal!

“I can take the 8002 apart and put it back together again. Can any of these dummies do that?” She jabbed a thumb at the line of hopefuls behind her.

“Which begs the question: How have you come by this knowledge?”

Joule shrugged, wiped her nose with the sleeve of her jacket.

“You’re that kid who stole the 8002 a few years back.”


“You should be taken into immediate custody.”

“But I’m not gonna, because I know I aced that test.”

The officer rapped his knuckles on her file. “And you think you can be an officer?”


The officer narrowed his eyes. “Let’s begin with ‘Yes, Sir.’”

Joule grinned and straightened her spine. “Yes, Sir.”

killa-joule 9000 tier II ‘sneak peek’ – THE MECH PILOT

Super Evil art director Chainsaw talks about Killa-Joule 9000!
Super Evil art director Chainsaw talks about Killa-Joule 9000!


“In this deviation of Joule’s character, she joined a mech academy, became an officer and got her own battle-tested mech to go along with a battle-tested Joule. Her relationship to this mech is just as strong. Her personality is the same, but her destiny is different.

“Her new mech is more refined, rather than a pieced-together prototype. There’s nothing haphazard about Killa-Joule or her mech. They’re calculated. This skin fulfills the mech officer fantasy.”

‘Death Metal Krul’ Skin Reveal!

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Krul’s Tier 1 skin is coming in the next big update! Check out his art and much more.


If you must thrash endlessly as an undead warrior, why not embrace it? Coming soon to Vainglory, experience Death Metal Krul! He’s replaced his sword with a sick guitar and his battleground is the stage.


See Death Metal Krul in-game on Vainglory Casual now!See Death Metal Krul in-game on Vainglory Casual now!

Deadly iron transforming
To a cruel instrument performing
For the legion of ghosts in my wake. //
I embrace my wicked fate
For death I no longer wait
Mine is the curse most desired. //
Battle me, my enemy
For life’s disease I am the remedy
I am the cheater of death.




Super Evil artist Noxii explains her Death Metal approach.Super Evil artist Noxii explains her Death Metal approach.

“The first step in my process is research. I can’t paint anything without knowing what it looks like in life. I like to do the background first so I can make the hero fit in the mood and lighting. I knew he needed to be on stage, so I went through tons of concert photos and was inspired by the fog machines. I did a lot of sketches to get the layout and composition right.

“Sketching the hero is challenging; you have to get the emotion across and make sure the player gets a sense of the hero’s personality. I had to research disgusting wounds for the nasty hole in Krul’s chest to get the juicy feel of it. It made me feel sick. It got funny, though, when I painted Krul’s muscles because I had to look up a lot of lean, muscular men, and my coworkers were doing double-takes when passing the monitor on my desk.”



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Hero skins are here! But as promised, there’s much more to it than just dropping some ICE in the Market. Every Vainglory skin theme has three tiers. That’s right: three different pieces of splash art. Three different in-game models. Three different hero concepts to covet.  It’s very much like three skins in one — but with a Super Evil twist. Let’s explore the details …

Three Skin Tiers?! Explain Yourself.

  • Each hero skin theme has three tiers.
  • There’s a new game element called Cards. Collect cards to unlock skins.
  • You can unlock Tier 1 with ICE or by “weaving” cards earned in post-match Spoils of War.
  • Tier 2 & Tier 3 skins can only be unlocked by meeting card requirements. These skin tiers are not directly purchasable with ICE.
  • This update (1.4) includes Tier 1 skins for six heroes. Tier 2 & Tier 3 skins (along with skin themes for more heroes) will come in future updates. Ultimately, all heroes will have skins.
  • You can check out the Tier 1 and Tier 2 art of hero skins now in the Market under the new “Get Skins” section. A quick glance will reveal how different and awesome the skin tiers are.
  • Each skin tier has more challenging card requirements than the last, and you must unlock skin tiers in order.
  • If you unlock a skin, you’ll have the option to select it after locking in your hero pre-match. Then, you’ll see that skin reflected in the new loading screen and during the game.

Wait … There are Cards Now?!

  • Yes! Sometimes a card will appear in Spoils of War when you finish a public match.
  • The more matches you play, the more chances you have of receiving a card.
  • Cards come in four rarities: common, rare, epic and legendary. Common and rare cards are in this update. Epic and legendary cards will come in a future update.
  • Combine the cards you earn post-match to unlock hero skins! This is called “weaving.” When you weave a skin, the used cards are consumed and removed from your card inventory.
  • Check out your cards anytime by tapping MY CARDS in your profile.
  • We are adding more ways for you to get cards in the future, as random drops from completing matches will not be enough to earn Tier 2 & Tier 3 skins very fast. In fact, there’s already a section of the Market called “Get Cards.” It’s just not available yet.

Tell Me More About These Card Types

  • Common cards are flexible and can be used to meet the requirements of many different skins.
  • Rare cards are unique to a skin theme and can be used toward weaving its Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 skin.
  • Epic cards are unique to a skin theme and can be used toward weaving its Tier 2 or Tier 3 skin. Epic cards are coming soon.
  • Legendary cards are extremely rare and special. They are unique to a skin theme and are exclusively applied to its Tier 3 skin. Legendary cards are coming soon.

Optimizing Your Cards: Tips to Skin Success

  • Cards only appear after a match sometimes. This makes all cards (even commons) precious commodities. You’ll want to use them efficiently to unlock multiple skin tiers.
  • If possible, unlock tier 1 skins with ICE to save your cards for higher tiers! Tier 2 & Tier 3 skins also require common and rare cards.  If you use those cards on Tier 1 skins, you’ll need to earn many more cards to unlock higher skin tiers.
  • Tier 1 skins are the only skins you can unlock with ICE or require common & rare cards to weave.
  • Tier 2 skins will require common, rare & epic cards.
  • Tier 3 skins will require common, rare, epic & legendary cards.
  • Your chances of getting a card post-match have nothing to do with winning or losing, although you must complete the match without deserting. So, just have fun, play and earn cards!
  • Skins provide no tactical or power advantage (other than possibly awe), so you are not more or less likely to win a match based on your hero’s appearance.

We hope you enjoy this massive new addition to the Vainglory game universe. So go play, collect some cards, weave some skins … and if you want to support the game and help it succeed, purchase some ICE and unlock some Tier 1 skins today!

‘Shogun Ringo’ Skin Reveal!

  • Vainglory
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Ringo walks a path of honor (when not chilling under a tree) with the new Shogun Ringo skin, available in our next update alongside the mysterious “skins system.”


See the Ringo skin in-game now! Tap the image above.See the Ringo skin in-game now! Tap the image above.

It is said there was once a shogun named Ringo who hunted the golden jungle dragon. He spied it in the distance, took careful aim and shot the dragon straight through its heart. However, when he crept forward to confirm his kill, gun drawn, he discovered that what he had shot was not a dragon, but a golden rock.

Carnies near and far spoke of his legendary shooting — for Ringo’s bullets could pierce solid stone. But when he tried to repeat his feat, Ringo’s bullets bounced off the golden rock again and again. Ringo’s beliefs shaped his reality, and once he knew a new “truth,” the golden target became impenetrable.



Super Evil art director Chainsaw explains Shogun Ringo's origins.Super Evil art director Chainsaw explains Shogun Ringo’s origins.

“The original idea of Ringo is the ronin. For Shogun Ringo, I answered the question: What if he were a pure samurai, with a purpose?

“Original Ringo fell from grace when he lost his arm. Shogun Ringo decided to be of service rather than being self-serving. He is more traditionally heroic than cynical.”