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At Last: The Legendary ‘Netherknight’ Lance Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • May 26, 2017


Lance followed Lyra into the Nether – but can he pay the price to save her? Read on to see the first knight of the Netherworld in all his burning glory.   


  • Chainmail Nether Fury armor
  • Hounskull helm
  • Ornate ebony wings
  • Obsidian shield featuring the Pinnacle of Awesome design
  • Crown of the Nether
  • Nether Trident engulfed in fire!
  • Halcyon Heart gems embedded in armor


  • Combat Roll is now a combat corkscrew flip!
  • Jump twists, hovers & slams Trident into the ground when recalling to base
  • Leaps higher and hits the ground harder during Impale ability


  • Sparks and soot smoldering off of his Trident
  • Inflamed crown
  • Glowing golden eyes
  • Flames fly from his shield during basic attacks and Gythian Wall ability
  • Impale ability creates Netherfire cracks in the ground
  • Gythian Wall ability creates an arc of flames & soot



Guardian of the Nether

Part I: Consumed by the Dark

The three-headed dire wolf of the Netherworld sat, motionless but for the flames flickering from his body, as ghouls buckled Lance into Nether-forged armor. “You will take me to the woman I killed,” commanded the warrior.

“You never left her,” said the wolf. The armory faded away and light filtered in from the distance, illuminating the large room lined with carved obsidian, the platforms, and the walkway upon which Lance stood. It was the Mage Hall, but not so, for everything was gray and black, and wavered at the edges like a nightmare. All around, hollow-eyed mage ghosts crowded close.

The living were invisible, but their voices echoed between the two worlds: battle screams, and then a boy crying for his mother. Lance stepped to where Lyra’s soul stood, in shock, in the place where she had died.

Color dripped from her, washing into the Nether, the violet curls turning white strand by strand, the flush draining from her lips and cheeks, her crimson mage robes blending with the gray ghouls. Lance touched her cheek with his cold gauntlet as darkness hollowed out her eyes.

“This wrong must be undone,” he whispered. Her expression betrayed no understanding.

“What enters the Nether returns only by the will of the Guardian.” The dire wolf’s voice was kind, despite his fearsome appearance. “Your destiny is to protect her here, Lance.”

“I shall force the will of the Guardian.”

I am the Guardian,” said the dire wolf, “and my will cannot be forced.”

“We shall see.” Lance drew his sword.

“So be it,” said the wolf, and lunged toward the knight, his teeth bared, flame and soot following in his wake.

Lance strafed, wavering to avoid falling off the edge of the walkway into the abyss. He clutched his shield and swept the sword in a long arc to the legs of the three-headed wolf. The second time the wolf lunged, his long claws found purchase in Lance’s belly, tearing away the Nether armor. Blood poured from the wound before the knight had time to feel it; he leaped away and fled down the walkway to the platforms, leaving a blood trail behind, the wolf in pursuit.

The soul of Lyra watched with empty eyes.

Lance turned and jabbed his blade into the shoulder of his enemy; the Netherwolf yipped in pain. For a tense moment they circled one another, bleeding, and again the wolf lunged, snapping his three sets of jaws, but he could not close the distance. With a snarl, he threw back his heads and howled. From all corners of the Mage Hall, the Netherwolf’s pack raced to his aid.

Echoing from the living world, Lance heard the boy’s voice again. “Mother, forgive me!”

The wolf pack advanced down the walkway, a long streak of fire. The warrior strafed, and with a heaving exhale swept the pack aside with his weapon, throwing them against the platform, buying himself a split second to leap away and deliver one final blow, impaling all of the Netherwolves in one strike.

The ghouls and the ghost of Lyra disappeared. The curtain between the living and the Nether tore apart, and the Mage Hall erupted into color. The trial had halted, and at the end of the walkway, Lyra sat up and gasped, coming to life in Samuel’s arms. Reim stood with his hand on Samuel’s shoulder, his mouth set in its characteristic grim line.

The wolves assembled beside Lance, covered now in fur rather than flames. Their leader had transformed into a normal, if overlarge, living dire wolf. “You have freed us,” he said to Lance. “May a worthy opponent grant you the same freedom one day, Guardian of the Nether.”

Lance opened his mouth to answer, but no sound came. Ghouls surrounded him, removing his weapon and armor, and he could not protest, could not fight the force that dragged him back into the Nether, back to the armory where the wings, crown, armor and trident of the Guardian awaited him.
Read more about Netherworld Fortress


Read Lance’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Understanding Talents: The Basics

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • May 16, 2017

By now you’ve heard how Talents will be changing how players enjoy BRAWL games, but today we want to show how you’ll earn, level up and use Talents. 



  • English

Check Out the Legendary ‘Broken Doll’ Alpha Skin!

  • Vainglory
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  • May 23, 2017


The dollies have rescued their girl from the Bad Place. Read on to find out how the Legendary ‘Broken Doll’ Alpha dolly became a Real Girl and set off on her very own adventure!    




  • Beaded and flowered pouf hairstyle
  • The key to Alpha’s clockwork heart is also a dangerous weapon
  • Lacy ballerina outfit with cutouts for keyhole through chest and broken cage crinoline
  • Blood-red pointe shoes
  • Dolly body joints


  • Jetés, pirouettes, spin attacks & ballet poses!
  • Gold and black sparks and lightning ability effects
  • Classical walk and leaping sprint
  • During Termination Protocol, Alpha falls inside a golden clock and explodes in sparks & gears before the key winds her back to life
  • Deadly clockwork key attacks with beautiful ballet movements
  • Tip-toes through brush en pointe, then sits in an elegant pose
  • Recall: Red strings attach to her limbs, spin her around and drop her back in base




Part I: The Loud Voice & The Quiet Voice
Part II: Pretty-Pretty

Real Girl

We poked out the eyes of the Bad Doctors with our sharp scissor points, and we took their keys, and then I colored my shoes pretty red in the mess we made in the hallways. “Look at me; look what I can do!” I said, twirling in the slippy-slidey, but the other dollies said “Come on, we have to find her.”

We climbed on one another to peek through the keyholes until there she was, all alone in the white room with the white hug-jacket. We tried keys until one turned, creaky-squeaky, and then we were all four together again. We let her out of her jacket and she squeezed us all in a bunch.

“Look at me; look what I can do!” I said, and I showed her my jeté and my plié, and she hugged me and told me I was the best dancer she’d ever seen.

“Let’s go home,” whined the other dollies.

“I don’t wanna go back to the attic and the Mama and the Daddy and the memories,” I said, and I stomped my foot.

“Then you shall have an adventure instead,” said our girl, and she put the key into my back and turned it, and my heart started going ticky-tocky. “You’re a Real Girl now, so you can find a new home for us.”

“Find a home with parties,” said a dolly.

“Find a home with cake,” said another dolly.

“And lots of dancing,” said our girl.

So we ran through the slippy-slidey away from the Bad Place forever, and I went by myself to find a home with parties and dancing and cake where we could all be together again.

Read Alpha’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Coming Soon: the Epic ‘Spider Queen’ Kestrel Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • May 16, 2017


‘Sylvan’ Kestrel’s story continues with a necessary trek to the world of subterranean elves. Read on to discover how Kestrel became the ‘Spider Queen’ and sealed off the Island Well from humankind.




  • Kestrel has transformed into a dark elf!
  • White hair and red eyes
  • Queen’s Web headdress with magenta jewel
  • Spider Mother Bow with webs
  • Golden elf leafy armor
  • Spider silk webbed costume
  • Drops exploding spider sacs for Active Camo
  • Elvish leap during Glimmershot
  • Spins into new pose for One Shot One Kill
  • Shoots spider silk into the air that pulls her up and recalls her back to base



Read Part I: The King Stag

The Spider Mother

The Island Well was as the King Stag had said, overrun with humankind, contaminated and burbling black tar instead of the clear, healing water that had been revered by the forest creatures and protected by sanctimonious rites since the first memory. Kestrel, the wood elf princess, led the fight against the humans. Kestrel, with her bow named Sparrow, ended many human lives. Bear, wolf and deer fought together, trampling and mauling those who had harmed the well in their selfishness and ignorance. Hares and badgers and snakes, too, joined the fray, and birds dove to peck out human eyes. The battle was well-won by the forest creatures, but they suffered losses, and their victory did not last even a full moon cycle before more humans came, drawn by the stories of the healing well.

From the tallest tree, Kestrel watched them come. The owls joined her.

“We will rouse the animals for the next fight,” said the owls.

“The humans outnumber us,” said Kestrel. She slid her fingertips along the edges of her wings, her mouth twisting. “Seek out my family, and call them to war.”

“The sylvan elves have retreated into the mist,” reported the owls.

Kestrel considered this without expression. “Then I must seek out the elves below.”

The owls widened their round eyes. “The elves below do not care about our world.”

“Our world is their world, and all are one.”

Kestrel dropped to the ground and called, with a low, throaty growl, for the badgers. The matriarch of the clan came with her family behind her, squinting in the bright light.

“Take me below,” commanded Kestrel.

The sow was dubious, but dared not disobey the elf, so she led the way to her den. Kestrel crawled on her belly to enter, but once inside, the den widened into a network of caves and tunnels through which the badgers led her. Together they burrowed deep underground, feeling their way along in the dark, until at last they came to an ancient door that glowed violet around the edges. The badgers snuffled with worry. Kestrel knelt to kiss the matriarch between her eyes before stepping alone through the door and into the capital city of the below.

The only light came from the phosphorescent mushrooms that grew on the roots and ground and in great numbers up the sides of tall spires. Kestrel stood in silence as the proud and beautiful dark elves of the below surrounded her, arrows fitted to their bows, standing sideways at the ready. White hair spilled down their backs in stark contrast to their skin, the color of midnight. They wore jeweled armor and gowns made of spider silk, and their eyes glowed red.

“I am the princess of the Tangled Wood,” said Kestrel. “I call on you to help us defeat the humans who have contaminated the Island Well, and to seal it until it has been forgotten by humankind.”

The dark elves looked at one another. One of them said, “Wars above come and go, as do wars below. Your dispute with the humans does not concern us.”

“Our world is your world, and all worlds are one,” said Kestrel.

All elves above and below knew the words of wisdom. The dark elves lowered their bows. “Even so, only the Spider Queen may command us.”

“Call the Spider Queen to me,” ordered Kestrel.

“The Spider Mother has not chosen a queen,” said one of the dark elves.

“Then I shall be chosen. Take me to her.”

The dark elves laughed at Kestrel’s audacity, but her gaze did not waver, and so they led her to a temple made of gold and shaped like a spider.

The domed ceiling of the bulbous body of the temple was draped with webs upon webs, and hanging from the webs were thousands of silken white sacs. At the center of the webs, a giant black spider perched. Kestrel unstrapped the bow from her back and snapped a magical arrow into existence in her right hand.

“Why does a wood elf come to me?” asked the Spider Mother.

“To be the chosen Spider Queen,” said Kestrel.

“Only a creature of the below may be Spider Queen,” said the spider.

“So be it,” said Kestrel.

“Drop your bow,” said the Spider Mother. “If you pass the test, we will be your weapons.”

When I pass.” But Kestrel obeyed, resting the bow named Sparrow on the golden floor and extinguishing the magic arrow. “What is your test?”

“Feed my children and survive.”

And with that, the sacs broke open, and spiderlings emerged from them, hundreds of thousands, each the size of Kestrel’s hand. They fled down the webs to the floor and crawled up her legs; they dropped into her hair, hissing. They bared their fangs and sank them into Kestrel’s flesh, injecting their venom. Their stings shot through her, but she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out in pain. She refused, also, to close her eyes when the spiderlings tore the wings from her back, staring up instead at the Spider Mother. The black venom spread under her skin, turning it the same midnight color as the dark elves of the below. Her hair whitened and her vision swam with blood, but not for a moment did she consider dying, and so she did not.

After what felt like an eternity, the spiderlings had eaten their fill, and Kestrel still stood. The Spider Mother crawled down the webs to the ground before the Spider Queen and bowed. “I am your weapon,” she said.

And so the Spider Queen emerged from the badgers’ den, transformed, with an army of dark elves and spiders behind her, blinking their red eyes in the glare. The army set upon the Island Well with their blades and arrows and poisons, and when they had made a ruin of the greedy humans, the spiders wove a thick silken web over the well that sealed its magic away from the world.

Read Kestrel’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection




Coming Soon: the Rare ‘Lapdog’ Grumpjaw Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • May 10, 2017


‘Lapdog’ Grumpjaw is NOT a bad boy, he’s just very large and very hangry. You’d be hangry too if your tummy was so big and empty. He’s a GOOD boy … if he’s on your team. Coming soon, you can own your very own cuddly Grumpjaw!




  • Totally redesigned French Bulldog breed
  • Nametag and Spiky Harness for giving a big fright!



The Proper Care and Feeding of Grumpjaw Lapdogs

The Grumpjaw Lapdog is a special breed with unique needs. Well cared-for Grumpjaws are so affectionate and loyal that their owners don’t even mind the loud snoring and farting. Grumpjaws get cold easily, so it is a good idea to get yours a nice hat and jacket for going outside in blustery weather.


Grumpjaws have strong muscles and big bellies that are impossible to keep full, so it is necessary to follow your veterinarian’s diet instructions and keep a lot of dog food around. Many Grumpjaw owners must build a shed or barn to hold all of the food, or they may find that they become the hangry doggy’s meal!


Grumpjaws are drooly and need lots of loving care. Their face wrinkles must be lifted and cleaned every day, and their bat ears and eyes checked for infection. Their teeth and tusks should be brushed at least once a week, or their bad breath will fog up your home. They love massages with their manicures. Their coats must only be bathed with gentle shampoos that retain the skin’s natural oils. If you are a small sort of person, you may need a system of ladders, ropes and pulleys to complete these tasks on your giant doggy.


Caring for Grumpjaws is much easier when they are trained as puppers. Grumpjaws aim to please, but they are also playful and stubborn. Teach them to be still during grooming, since chasing this breed around can result in broken lamps or frightened neighbor children. Potty training is of utmost importance! A little Grumpjaw accident means a BIG mess for its owner. For crate training, experts suggest a garage filled with your doggy’s favorite blankies. Chew toys and pulling ropes are not recommended, as a Grumpjaw will swallow them whole and suffer from bellyache.


Grumpjaws love to go everywhere you go! Socialites are leading the way with fashion-forward motorized strollers and gem-encrusted leashes for transporting your Grumpjaw in style. Be aware that many shop owners will not welcome your doggy into their establishment, but adult Grumpjaws don’t fit through doorways anyway.

These lovable doggies are also big on cuddling and will climb onto your lap at every opportunity. Be careful, as this has resulted in broken femurs and pelvises among Grumpjaw owners!


Read Grumpjaw’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Update 2.4: Reap Souls as Baptiste & Enjoy Double Glory Weekends!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 24, 2017

Update 2.4 introduces Baptiste, the soul-reaper, and announces Double Glory weekends all update long. Read on for new skins, new chests and all the changes coming April 26.





‘The Passing of the Gendarme’

Baptiste dictates battle by striking fear into the heart of his enemies. Reaping the souls of his opponents, he both sustains himself and empowers his attacks and abilities. He commands his army of shades to either lock down unsuspecting victims or terrorize entire teams, forcing them to flee from him.

Read on for Baptiste’s abilities …




Reap (Heroic Perk)

Baptiste steals soul fragments through combat and is healed for each soul fragment acquired. Basic attacks and abilities generate soul fragments. Once Baptiste has collected four soul fragments he becomes empowered for four seconds, increasing the damage of his basic attacks and abilities. While empowered, Baptiste no longer generates additional soul fragments.

Bad Mojo (A)

Baptiste pulls a vial of liquid from his vest and throws it. The vial explodes upon reaching its target or when colliding with an enemy. Enemies near the explosion take damage and are slowed.


Ordained (B)

Baptiste ordains a target enemy, damaging them and creating an ethereal prison around them. If the ordained target leaves the area, they are stunned and take additional damage.



Fearsome Shade (Ultimate)

Baptiste summons waves of shade that terrorize enemies caught in their path. Enemies struck by the shade run from the source in fear and take damage each second.







No one has seen more combat than ‘Elite Force’ SAW. Will his skills be enough to save his buddies deep within the Halcyon Well? Read the exciting conclusion to the ‘Elite Force’ trilogy! 




  • Environmentally sealed ballistic armor and mask
  • Rotary coilgun accelerator
  • Brand new tomahawk


Part I: The Voices
Part II: Disarm!
Part III: Pucker Factor





It’s never too early to prepare for the Red Lantern Festival. Follow ‘Red Lantern’ Flicker’s delicious dumpling recipes for good luck all year long!   




  • Flicker is now an adorable pot-bellied red panda!
  • Bamboo conical hat
  • Paper lantern with festive red glow
  • Brand new red smoke cloud effects
  • Flame effect on Binding Light



Flicker’s Best Red Lantern Festival Dumpling Recipes




Blackfeather’s past has been shrouded in mystery … until now. Read on to discover more about ‘Champion’s Fate’ Blackfeather — his flashiest look yet. 



  • Blademaster’s Daughter ringed sword
  • Black feather cape
  • Bursting black feather attacks
  • Winged dragon-head pauldrons
  • Bladed armor and black leather pants
  • Flashy violet and gold ability and attack effects
  • Tumbling, spinning, feather bursting Rose Offensive
  • Brand new ornate hearts for Heartthrob stacks
  • New animations to accommodate new effects




The Blademaster’s Daughter



You’ve waited long enough. ‘Night Shadow’ Taka is back with brand new special edition changes. Read on to discover how the escaped assassin came upon his blazing, molten metal blades!


  • Special edition change:Crimson Shadow Gythian armor
  • Power-cooled respirator mask and night-vision eyepiece
  • Special edition change: Blue ion arc-blades
  • Kaku turns Taka into a fox in a robo-box
  • Flashy molten metal spark effects
  • Redesigned ability animations




Gythian Wall



With all the amazing skins coming in Update 2.4, we wanted to make sure everyone knew how and when to get the skins that they want.


The following skins will be available at the same time directly for ICE:

  • Elite Force SAW (Rare) 900 ICE
  • Red Lantern Flicker (Epic) 1499 ICE

Night Shadow Taka (Special Edition) and Champion’s Fate Blackfeather (Legendary) will have normal drop chances from both the Rare and Epic Mystery chests.


Starting on April 29, new Mystery chests featuring the Night Shadow Taka (Special Edition) and Champion’s Fate Blackfeather (Legendary) skins will be introduced.


Available for 1049 ICE from Saturday, April 29 at 5PM PDT until Wednesday, May 10 at 11:59AM PDT.

  • Unlocks a random skin with a 1-in-5 chance of unlocking the Champion’s Fate Blackfeather skin!
  • Unlocks a random hero guaranteed.
  • ICE, Glory, Opals, Keys and Essence payouts are similar to the Epic Mystery Chest, so the 1 MILLION ICE jackpot can be won!

Champion’s Fate Blackfeather will be available for direct ICE unlock on Wednesday, May 10 at 12PM PDT for 3599 ICE.


Available for 1099 ICE from Wednesday, May 10 at 5PM PDT until Wednesday, May 17 at 11:59AM PDT.

  • Unlocks a random skin with a 1-in-5 chance of unlocking the Night Shadow Taka Special Edition skin!
  • Unlocks a random hero guaranteed.
  • ICE, Glory, Opals, Keys and Essence payouts are similar to the Epic Mystery Chest, so the 1 MILLION ICE jackpot can be won!

Night Shadow Taka’s Special Edition skin will be available for Opals unlock on Wednesday, May 17 at 12PM PDT for 500 Opals.

Four Double Glory Weekends are Coming!



We want you to have as much Glory as possible when Talents hits, so we’re rolling out four Double Glory Weekends to stock up:

  • Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30
  • May 5-7
  • May 12-14
  • May 19-21

All Double Glory weekends start at 5PM PDT on Friday and run for 48 hours, expiring each Sunday at 4:59PM PDT.


Talents is a new progression system coming soon to Vainglory, which is exclusive to BRAWL game modes such as Blitz and Battle Royale. You’ll be able to spend Glory to upgrade hero abilities, making them statistically better, more fun and often crazier. We’re doing things we’d never do in the “Classic” mode of Vainglory — and the result (in internal playtests) is some of the most entertaining and extreme matches of Vainglory we’ve ever played.

We can’t wait to get Talents into your hands … but in the meantime, play as much as possible during Double Glory Weekends so that you’re good to go when this big milestone hits.








Enemies afflicted by Adagio’s Arcane Fire were able to be taken down far too quickly. This small nudge should make carry Adagio less punishing. —Zekent

  • Arcane Fire Bonus down from 10-20-30-40-60 + 45% crystal power to 5-15-25-35-55 + 40% crystal power



These changes are intended to make Baron’s gameplay feel much smoother without changing his intended power spikes. —Zekent

  • The double attack after using this ability is now automatic upon acquiring a target
  • Cooldown reduction per basic attack down from 15% to 12.5%



With the attack speed adjustments in Update 2.3, Blackfeather had a tough time applying his Heartthrob stacks to his foes. —Zekent

  • Attack speed up from 100-111% to 100-122%



These changes allow Flicker to more easily activate his perk and pressure his enemies. Be sure to pick up vision items when matched up against a Flicker! —Zekent

  • This perk will no longer time out while in brush
  • Taking damage from lane minions no longer stops this perk


Reducing some of the frustration tied to this ability where the initial startup of the stealth would often be unintentionally canceled by a basic attack or ability. —Zekent

  • This ability will now attempt to re-stealth heroes affected while its duration is active
  • Charge time up from 1.0 to 1.2



With the recent buffs to Fortress’ cooldowns, this ability was able to output far too much damage. —Zekent

  • Damage down from 40-80-120-160-240 to 20-60-100-140-220


Between the bleed stacks and the base damage of this ability, Fortress was able to contribute too easily in fights. This change should bring him back in line. —Zekent

  • Damage down from 100-150-200-250-300 to 70-115-160-205-250



While Koshka is meant to be an early game powerhouse, she was a bit too overwhelming after picking up a few items. —Zekent

  • Empowered attack crystal ratio down from 140% to 120%



Lyra’s basic attacks were dealing a bit too much damage in the early game, forcing her opponents to play too passively. —Zekent

  • First Missile damage from 55-90 to 50-85
  • Second Missile damage from 65-175 to 60-170



These changes should grant Idris a few more item options to more readily activate his perk in addition to granting his Crystal path more consistent damage. —Zekent

  • Both weapon and crystal paths threshold down from 125 to 120
  • Crystal path basic attack crystal ratio up from 90% to 100%



Reim has upgraded his walking stick and can now hobble around even faster! —Zekent

  • Base movement speed up from 3.1 to 3.2



Raging berserkers are best suited in the middle of fights. A small bump to Rona’s cooldown should keep her in there much more easily. —Zekent

  • Cooldown down from 14-13-12-11-10 to 13-12-11-10-9



SAW’s attack speed was hit too much in the previous update, this should help bring him back into the limelight. —Zekent

  • Attack speed per stack up from 15% to 18%



A bit more firepower for our favorite dragon should help him fare better in the early game. —Zekent

  • Raise base weapon from 74-148 to 80-154


Some dragons just want to see the world burn. —Zekent

  • Damage per second increased from 5 to 10






  • Damage to heroes down from 20% to 15%
  • Damage to non-heroes from 60-160 to 40-140

Stormguard Banner

  • Damage to heroes down from 20% to 15%
  • Damage to non-heroes from 30-80 to 20-70





The following Update 2.4 changes were inadvertently omitted from this article when originally published on April 24:


In Ranked and Casual matches, players now start with two Halcyon Potions and 600 gold instead of 650 gold.

Note: Halcyon Potions can be sold at full price to replace them with a Scout Trap or Flares, as needed.


All hero ability descriptions have been overhauled to lead with an easily understandable summary, followed by detail in bullet points. Descriptions also included colored keywords for emphasis.


Watch new and improved entry-level Academy videos. New intermediate and advanced videos will arrive in future updates, as well as video guides from Vainglory8 pro players.


It’s now easier to upgrade your abilities during a match, and a gold indicator will suggest which ability to upgrade next. No more accidentally triggering your ultimate when all you wanted to do was level up your ability!


When you open a chest, you’ll see a new dedicated, animation-rich rewards screen.


Play solo and co-op bots in Blitz and hone your skills.


Getting triggered by the Build Selector at the beginning of each match? Disable it in app settings.


If you don’t like the buzzing, turn it off in app settings.


  • Hotfix: Corrected an issue causing certain heroes’ basic attacks to interact improperly with their ability cooldowns. (Looking at you, Alpha!)
  • Kestrel now shows her arrow count and reload timer in a white meter.
  • Flicker now shows his stealth charge-up in brush in a white meter.
  • Krul now shows his Shadows Empower Me charge-up in brush in a white meter.
  • Disabled swiping the mini-map to offset the camera while dead.
  • Nullwave Gauntlet now applies properly when activated on a hero twice.
  • Fixed a typo in Phinn’s Polite Company tips section.
  • Known 2.4 bugs:
    • Tornado Trigger: total cost down from 2800 to 2600 gold.
    • Blitz Hero Select sorted alphabetically instead of by role
    • Role indicators removed from Blitz

Get ready to reap the souls of your enemies during the Double Glory weekends all May long. Baptiste and Update 2.4 arrive on April 26. Join us live from The Lair at 8AM PDT for the downtime stream on

Introducing the Legendary ‘Champion’s Fate’ Blackfeather Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 19, 2017


Blackfeather’s past has been shrouded in mystery … until now. Read on to discover more about ‘Champion’s Fate’ Blackfeather — his flashiest look yet. 




  • Blademaster’s Daughter ringed sword
  • Black feather cape
  • Bursting black feather attacks
  • Winged dragon-head pauldrons
  • Bladed armor and black leather pants
  • Flashy violet and gold ability and attack effects
  • Tumbling, spinning, feather bursting Rose Offensive
  • Brand new ornate hearts for Heartthrob stacks
  • New animations to accommodate new effects



The Blademaster’s Daughter

They say that on the quest for the Blademaster’s Daughter, Diego the goatherd became Blackfeather the Champion. But this is the whole story:

Diego was a weakling who dreamed of adventure. He pretended at swordplay in the fields with sticks, threatening napping goats who paid him no mind. Unlucky in love, he practiced kissing on pumpkins. When word of the imprisoned daughter flew through the village, Diego saw a chance for notoriety. On the back of his favorite goat, he set off toward the home of the Blademaster, the greatest swordsman in the hills.

The Blademaster was but the first of many overprotective fathers that Diego would face, but he was the most formidable. In twenty years, no one had beaten the Blademaster in combat. Diego was weak, but he was no fool. Standing on the back of his goat, he snuck into the Blademaster’s home through the armory window.

On every inch of the armory walls were hung blades of all kinds, but Diego was drawn to a glass case in the center of the room, where stood the Blademaster’s Daughter.

The Blademaster had, by magic means, imprisoned his daughter inside a ringed sword, so that she would always be safe from harm. The hilt rose above her lovely closed eyes. Her waist curved inward and her hips splayed out and down to form the blade itself. All fear melted from Diego as he looked upon this most gorgeous of weapons. His heart broke. He pressed his nose against the glass and fogged it up, in love for the first time.

The sword’s eyes opened.

“Who are you?” she demanded.

“I am …” Diego paused. He could not very well call himself Diego. He made something up. “Blackfeather, my lady,” he said, and bowed with a flourish.

The Blademaster’s daughter smiled. “At last. A worthy champion! Kiss me, and I shall turn into a woman again, and be yours forever.”

“Right away!” Blackfeather’s mouth watered with the idea of kissing something other than a pumpkin. He leaned in close, his eyes fluttering closed.

Steps sounded on the stair. “My father,” cried the sword. “You must defeat him before you take me away on your horse.”

A key slid into the armory’s door lock.

Blackfeather grabbed ahold of the Blademaster’s Daughter and almost dropped her, as she was quite heavy. “We should do that horse part first,” he said.

“I hope your horse is very fast,” said the sword, “or my father will catch up to us on his mustang.”

“My horse is a goat,” admitted Blackfeather.

“Then I hope you are a champion fighter.”

The door creaked open.

“I have never fought a person before,” said Blackfeather, “but I have practiced many sweet moves on my own.”

“You will fail,” gasped the sword. “I will help you, and you can free me after.”

“I die every moment that my lips are not upon yours,” crooned Blackfeather.

When the Blademaster lunged into the armory, longsword at the ready, his daughter’s magic power flowed through Blackfeather. Muscle formed where before there had only been weakness. His shirt ripped apart and fell in tatters to the floor. Fancy armor protruded from his shoulders, shins, forearms and head. Black feathers sprouted from his shoulders and swept down like a cape.

“Have at you!” cried the Blademaster, and in Blackfeather’s hands the sword leaped to action and clashed with her father’s blade with a burst of dark feathers.

It is said that no one knows the weaknesses of a man more than his daughter. The Blademaster was lithe and strong for an old man, and would have slashed Blackfeather to bits, but the woman trapped in the sword had spent her life watching her father train and fight. She used his own knowledge against him, matching him blow for blow.

Blackfeather was carried along into the battle, doing nothing more than trying not to trip and fall as the swords clashed and sparked with gold and violet flames. At last, the Blademaster’s Daughter trapped her father’s sword in her jingling rings. He dropped to one knee. “Please,” he whispered, “do not leave me, my daughter.”

“You can no longer imprison me,” said the sword. “Blackfeather and I are in love. He is going to break the spell and take me away on his horse … goat. We will marry and live happily ever after!”

“Actually,” said Blackfeather, holding up one finger.

The Blademaster and his daughter looked at Blackfeather, who turned the sword over to admire it. “It would be a shame to destroy such a beautiful sword.”

“True,” said the Blademaster.

“Beautiful sword?” screamed the Blademaster’s daughter. “I’ll have you know I am a beautiful woman.”

“I do not doubt that,” said Blackfeather, “but there are many beautiful women, and only one such weapon.”

“If you keep her safe – and well oiled – I shall allow you to take her,” said the Blademaster.

“I promise you that, my friend,” said Blackfeather, and the two men shook hands while the sword screamed with contempt.

And that is how Blackfeather the Champion – or perhaps villain? – learned bladecraft. It is said he no longer wields the Blademaster’s Daughter, but no one knows why. Perhaps he freed her. Perhaps she turned on him, or perhaps Blackfeather grew bored with his first great conquest. The world may never know.

Read Blackfeather’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Check Out the Epic ‘Red Lantern’ Flicker Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 21, 2017


It’s never too early to prepare for the Red Lantern Festival. Follow ‘Red Lantern’ Flicker’s delicious dumpling recipes for good luck all year long!   




  • Flicker is now an adorable pot-bellied red panda!
  • Bamboo conical hat
  • Paper lantern with festive red glow
  • Brand new red smoke cloud effects
  • Flame effect on Binding Light



Flicker’s Best Red Lantern Festival Dumpling Recipes

Be sure to raid the Meekos gardens for the freshest ingredients!

Boiled Hornworm Dumplings

Steam your cabbage and mix with fresh ginger, garlic, sesame oil, salt and ground hornworms plucked straight from the tomato plants. Cut your dough into rounds – do not make your dough too thick! One must take care to create the perfect ratio of bug meat to carbohydrate.

Place a tablespoon of chilled filling into the center of your dough rounds and fold over one side to form a half-circle, pressing to adhere. Pleat a nice decoration along the edge, then boil your dumplings until the hornworms are cooked through, about three minutes or to taste.

Dip in a sauce of fermented rice juice, soy sauce, vinegar and fresh scallions ripped from the head of a Meekos.

Jumil Dumpling with Chile-Sesame Sauce

Heat oil in a skillet until shimmering. Add mushrooms, scallions, bok choy and carrot and stir-fry until tender. Add chile-garlic sauce and cook until the liquid evaporates, then chill. Fold wonton wrappers into triangles and keep them open and ready. Spoon the prepared filling and a few whole, live jumiles into the wrappers and quickly, before they can crawl out, seal the edges and press out any air trapped inside. Bake dumplings seam-sides up. The stink bugs have a pleasing bitter-cinnamon flavor that complements the chile sauce. If they survive the baking, they will wiggle in your mouth in the most pleasing fashion!

Serve with a sauce of black bean sauce, chiles, toasted sesame oil, and fresh ginger.

Scorpion Dumpling Pancakes

In a large bowl, mix together scorpions, scallions, finely chopped spicy fermented cabbage, two garlic cloves and three well beaten quail eggs. Brush gyoza wrappers with water and drop filling in the centers. Fold the wrappers to form half-moons and press the edges together. Fry in a skillet until golden on the bottom, then drizzle with a slurry of cornstarch and water. Cook until the slurry forms a thin crust.

Serve with a dipping mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, crushed red pepper, sesame seeds and sugar.

Read Flicker’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Introducing the Rare ‘Elite Force’ SAW Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 14, 2017


No one has seen more combat than ‘Elite Force’ SAW. Will his skills be enough to save his buddies deep within the Halcyon Well? Read the exciting conclusion to the ‘Elite Force’ trilogy! 




  • Environmentally sealed ballistic armor and mask
  • Rotary coilgun accelerator
  • Brand new tomahawk



Part I: The Voices
Part II: Disarm!

Pucker Factor 10

While the rest of the tech alliance peered at their flashing monitors and beeping accessories, SAW sidestepped, stomped and stretched trying to scratch an itch on his bum. The rope he’d attached to the scout skittered and swayed around the mouth of the Halcyon Well.

“Do you have a malfunction?” The commander’s visor opened to reveal his stern scowl.

“New armor’s working as intended, sir.” He punched his fist into the overlapping metal of his back armor to no avail; the itch only burned worse.

“Watch the rope.” The commander’s visor locked back down.

“Yeah, alright.” SAW cranked the winch according to the rope signals. By the time the rope pulled twice, the itch had traveled up his spine. “All’s well,” he said. “Guess that’s your cue.” While the others watched the commander descend into the well, SAW wedged the handle of his tomahawk between his backplate and hip, trying to scratch, the rope forgotten as it yanked and yanked.

“Hey, merc,” called one of the techies, “isn’t that one of the signals?”

“I’ll tell you when there’s a …” began SAW, but then the ground shook. The techies stumbled and fell. Fog blasted high out of the well. With the tomahawk sticking out at an awkward angle from his hip, SAW lunged at the winch and cranked hard and fast.

The scorched hook emerged from the well without the scout attached.

“Well,” said SAW, hooking the rope to his own waist and grabbing his coilgun, “I’m going to go shoot at whatever they’re shooting at.”

It took three techies working the winch to lower him and his artillery into the blind foggy well. He descended fast, breaking through the fog and getting only a glimpse of the crystal cave before falling straight into the gummy, toothless jaw of the Churn worms’ giant roaring mother.

The worm gulped, and everything went dark.

His coilgun was stuck, wedged tight between the undulating muscles of the beast’s throat. The itch on his bum came back with a vengeance.

“Commander!” he screamed into his radio. “What’s your position!” He punched the beast’s inner flesh as it lunged and spat. “Commander, I need to lay down some fire and if you don’t clear out, you could catch it. Do you copy?”

Only static answered.

“Alright,” he grumbled, yanking the tomahawk free of his hip. He hacked at the squishy fleshy folds, worm blood spattering, holding his position with all his strength as the beast twisted and struggled, until crystal blue light leaked through. He put his head through the hole just in time to almost get it cut off by the chakram flying past.

“Clear out!” he yelled, and pulled back inside, sliding the muzzle of the coilgun through the hole and aiming upward.

The explosive shells burst from the rotary coilgun accelerator. He braced himself against the beast’s contracting muscle, shooting blind, one after another rocking the screaming worm, until he was out of shells.

The beast whined, yawned, and fell with a sickening thump.

He hacked his way out of the dead animal and caught his breath, dripping with goo. He kicked at the worm’s blown-open head, then surveyed the baby worms laying in coiled, bloody death on the sand. He cracked his neck.

The scout and the commander stared at him as he tucked the tomahawk back in place. “Bloody hell! Pucker factor of ten, this,” he said.

“Well done, mercenary,” said the commander.

“Indeed,” said the scout. “That was astounding.”

“Yeah, sure.” SAW picked up a Shatterglass from the sand and tossed it to Idris. “Grab up what you came for and let’s move out. I have an itch on my bum.”

Read SAW’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Baptiste Abilities & Splash Art Reveal

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 12, 2017

Baptiste dictates battle by striking fear into the heart of his enemies. Reaping the souls of his opponents, he both sustains himself and empowers his attacks and abilities. He commands his army of shades to either lock down unsuspecting victims or terrorize entire teams, forcing them to flee from him.

Read on for Baptiste’s abilities…




Reap (Heroic Perk)

Baptiste steals soul fragments through combat and is healed for each soul fragment acquired. Basic attacks and abilities generate soul fragments. Once Baptiste has collected four soul fragments he becomes empowered for four seconds, increasing the damage of his basic attacks and abilities. While empowered, Baptiste no longer generates additional soul fragments.

Bad Mojo (A)

Baptiste pulls a vial of liquid from his vest and throws it. The vial explodes upon reaching its target or when colliding with an enemy. Enemies near the explosion take damage and are slowed.


Ordained (B)

Baptiste ordains a target enemy, damaging them and creating an ethereal prison around them. If the ordained target leaves the area, they are stunned and take additional damage.



Fearsome Shade (Ultimate)

Baptiste summons waves of shade that terrorize enemies caught in their path. Enemies struck by the shade run from the source in fear and take damage each second.



Baptiste has hidden synergy with some of his abilities depending on your build style. Read below to see what those bonuses do for you.


Baptiste is primarily a crystal mage, but he becomes most powerful with careful timing of his abilities. Using an ability while the Reap perk is empowered results in double damage, so be sure to max your soul fragments before using a lengthy cooldown like Ordained.

Bad Mojo grants soul fragments for each enemy hero hit, but the healing is delayed during the animation. Use this delay to your advantage by hitting multiple enemy heroes with Bad Mojo after gaining three soul fragments. The delayed stacks will heal you, even if you are empowered.


Baptiste alternates between two stages while fighting:

  • Reaping soul fragments and healing with each basic attack means high attack speed both heals him faster and reduces the time before becoming empowered again.
  • Once empowered, Baptiste deals 25% bonus damage with all his basic attacks!

Keep an eye on the in-game News section for more Baptiste info and guides. His enemies will be running in fear in Update 2.4!