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Coming Soon: ‘Night Shadow’ Taka (Special Edition)

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Apr 12, 2017

You’ve waited long enough. ‘Night Shadow’ Taka is back with brand new special edition changes. Read on to discover how the escaped assassin came upon his blazing, molten metal blades!



  • Special edition change:Crimson Shadow Gythian armor
  • Power-cooled respirator mask and night-vision eyepiece
  • Special edition change: Blue ion arc-blades
  • Kaku turns Taka into a fox in a robo-box
  • Flashy molten metal spark effects
  • Redesigned ability animations





After two nights and days astride the wide-backed pangomoose, the slowest beast of burden imaginable, the courier can see Gythia’s twinkling lights in the dark distance. Home: just a steep, winding hike down the inside of the wall and an hour’s ferry away. His thighs ache from straddling the saddle; his temples throb with exhaustion; the thought of his mother’s squid ink pasta floods his mouth with saliva.

And he can’t get through the gate.

“No night shipments,” says a guard. “Post-war regulations.”

“This is a special delivery. I am expected,” insists the courier, pointing at the blue flag of the couriers that droops from the pangomoose’s saddle.

“Turn around, friend,” replies another guard, expressionless behind his helm.

Four meters above the gate, an assassin stands flat against one mirror-smooth obsidian glass spire of the Gythian Wall, the weapons in his fists emblazoned with the crest of House Kamuha, souvenirs from a lost time. He does not understand the conversation between the courier and the guards. In Gythian, the assassin knows these words:

I, You
Hello, Goodbye
Yes, No
Yours, Mine
Have, Be, Understand, Kill, Go
Who, Where, What, When

He does not need anything else, especially why. Why is not his problem. Where he goes, he learns these words and leaves why to the Employer.

How is his problem.

The courier pulls at his ear with annoyance. This is the Gythian Wall’s only opening, the section blasted out by the Technologist rebels during the civil war, now a legal trade entry to the city. There are other passages through the wall, littered with the bodies of explorers gone mad in the mirrored black maze. In the dark night, one misstep could cast him over the sheer cliff drop into Bladed Bay, where razor sharp spires protrude from dark waters.

“Please, this is a peculiar circumstance.” The courier rummages through the pack on the pangomoose’s rump, producing two blades; with the flick of a switch, the metal blazes alive, molten metal flashing and spitting. “I admit I am not a courier, but the Cartographers’ Guild expects this delivery by dawn.”

The Employer provided the assassin with a decade-old version of the guards’ armor, but his mask is all tech, with a power-cooled respirator mask and night-vision eyepiece. He does not need to understand the conversation. He understands those blades, flaming eerie green through the infrared lens.

Four guards, all rushing to open the gate. One over-armed wild card. One tired, underfed beast of burden.

His tongue sucks up onto the roof of his mouth. He slides his weapons back into their sheaths, silent, knees bending, anticipating the big spring, breath slow.

The assassin jumps, landing with the toes of one foot on the pangomoose’s head. Before the courier can react, the assassin has side flipped over him, his tail whipping in a spiral. He snatches the hilts of both blazing blades from the untrained hands of the courier, whose terrified face glows green.

“Mine,” says the assassin, and pushes one molten blade down between the courier’s left clavicle and shoulderblade, incinerating the man’s heart.

When the guards turn away from the gate, only a shadow remains behind the blank-eyed courier, who slides sideways off the pangomoose to a heap of burning flesh on the road. A shadow, and the one thing left in the courier’s pack: a leatherbound journal bearing the compass insignia of the Cartographers’ Guild.

To be continued…



‘Corsair’ Krul Arrives in a Special Mystery Chest

  • Vainglory
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  • Apr 02, 2017

‘Corsair’ Krul and his undead pirate army has boarded the queen’s galleon in search of a very particular treasure. Read on to discover more about him and how to make him yours! 





  • Ornate skull-hilted cutlass
  • New beard style
  • Tricorne pirate hat with feather and parrot skeleton
  • Hook hand & peg leg
  • Treasure: rings on his fingers & gold coin
  • Captain’s waistcoat & striped breeches
  • New weaponry: ship’s cannon & flintlock pistol!


  • Flintlock pistol crit shots
  • Hook-hand attacks
  • Spectral Smite indicator shows skull & crossbones
  • Cannon effect for Spectral Smite
  • Limping peg leg walk
  • New recall: triumphant sword removal results in sword returning & knocking him off his feet
  • Ghostly sprint when Krul is Empowered by the Shadows!



  • Only available from Mystery Chests until April 19
  • 1-in-20 chance to get this new Legendary skin
  • All Legendary skins replaced with Corsair Krul
  • Otherwise Rare Mystery Chest drops apply
  • Afterward, the skins will be available for direct purchase for 3599 ICE



On that night, us on the queen’s galleon all woke screaming from nightmares. The navymen shrugged it off but the islanders said it was death come hunting. Me and my lowlife rigging brothers climbed the ratlines and told tall tales to make each other brave: I’d punched the nose of a shark, I said, and another had slept through a hurricane in a crow’s nest, and another claimed he’d out-argued the prosecution at his thieving trail.

That’s when the wind died. The sea went smooth as glass, like nothing we’d ever seen. We swung the bracers around trying to catch any breeze at all, dread pooling up behind our tongues.

Then the water rippled and a corsair ship rose from the sea, a ghost itself, outlined in transparent green, fish flapping away from the churning water.

We watched in terror as the dead spilled off the deck of the ship and walked on the water toward us. They moaned with inhuman suffering, hundreds of bent and twisted horrors on the wrong side of the Netherworld.

“Run out the guns!” cried the captain. He was a seasoned seaman who’d faced pirates before, even wasted one and took his parrot as a prize, but there was terror in his eyes while the navymen manned and loaded the cannons. The blasts split apart the quiet, but the balls sailed straight through the corsair ship, splashing in the water behind.

The dead clawed their way up the side of the galleon and spilled over onto the deck. The navymen drew their swords and the islanders wielded sharp sailing knives, but they were no match for the ghost pirates; against them, gunpowder and blades were useless.

My lowlife brothers and me all went hiding. We’d none of us seen a real fight before, no matter our bragging, and didn’t know the right from wrong end of a pistol. Me, I got to the captain’s cabin and hid, trembling, in a wardrobe, unaware of the damned captain’s parrot beside me until it ruffled its feathers and squawked.

“Never rest! Always restless!”

“Shh!” I hissed at it.

My legs cramped up while I listened to the battle above. Didn’t take long before the gunpowder runners’ steps stopped, and then the pistol and cannon fire died, and then there were only the moans and sighs of the dead, and for sure I was done for the living world.

The parrot climbed the bars of its little cage and poked its head through. “No peace for you! No peace for you!” it squawked.

Then he came. His footsteps were different, one being booted and the other wood striking wood, and me being the shark puncher started to cry as the cursed pirate, him they call Corsair Krul, burst into the captain’s cabin.

Through the cracks in the wardrobe could be seen the terrifying monster limping his way through the cabin, just like the legends said, handsome through the decay, decked in weathered finery, rings littering his bony claws, and that cursed cutlass stabbed straight through his ribcage. He peeked into the captain’s chests but bypassed the gold and the jewels. He turned to go, but then:

“Enter the horror! Enter the horror!” cried the parrot.

Corsair Krul yanked open the wardrobe doors and stared down at me, the sniveling coward rigging boy. “There you are,” he growled. He reached into the wardrobe and filled it with his death-cold so that my teeth chattered when I begged for my life.

But instead of clawing the life out of me, he unlocked the parrot’s cage.

“Tommy,” said the pirate. “How I’ve missed you.”

The bird hopped right out and onto his hat, at which time all its feathers fell out, and its skin too, so that it was just a parrot skelly pacing along the pirate’s tricorne, squawking with glee, “Your mistake! Your mistake!”

And Corsair Krul, swear on my mama, walked straight out, and took only Tommy the Parrot with him while his crew ransacked the rest, and only I and my hidden rigging brothers were left to man the sails back home.

Read Krul’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Update 2.3 Notes: Charms, Passes & Streamlined Experiences

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Mar 28, 2017

Update 2.3 streamlines your play experience with a new Hero Hub, item reorganization and a hero-specific build selector. Plus, we preview taunts and dances with new feature Charms and introduce the All-Access Pass. Meanwhile, work advances toward the launch of Talents and 5v5Update 2.3 hits on Wednesday, March 29. Downtime begins at 8AM PDT. Read on for all the details …







‘Gangster’ Gwen took out the mob, and now the boss wants payback. The seedy world of organized crime has never known a more dangerous dame!


  • 1920s style tuxedo style dress
  • Garters & boots
  • Wiseguy fedora
  • Crosshair ponytail accessory
  • Modernized weapons: sawed-off tactical shotgun & suppressed semi-automatic pistol




The Churn whispers to ‘Elite Force’ Idris as he scouts inside the most mysterious place on the Fold: the Halcyon Well. Will he succumb to the evil that lives within him?


  • Three-pointed glowing spear
  • Environmentally sealed ballistic armor and mask
  • HMD combat helmet with multi-spectrum optical cameras
  • Geometrical armor patterns

Read Idris’ Elite Force lore:

Read Idris’ canon lore:





‘Elite Force’ Baron descends with wings of fire into the Halcyon Well to find his scout overwhelmed by Churn Worms! 


  • Black and gold exo-armor
  • Flight helmet with holographic display
  • Thrusters ignite to create flaming plasma ion wings when Jump Jets are in use
  • Multi-ordinance launcher


Read Baron’s Elite Force lore:

Read Baron’s canon lore:







In our recent “Developer Update: A Look Into 2017” video, we showed the first glimpse of Talents — a major new system in progress. Talents will be felt throughout the app, and the underlying work going into it unlocks a world of new possibilities. A number of new incoming features resulted from Talents tech, and we’re previewing two of them in Update 2.3: Charms & Passes.



Charms brings new options for personalizing your reactions during matches by expanding the social pings menu. Players who acquire a Charms Pass temporarily unlock a new emote option that does three things:

  • Performs a custom taunt animation: Each hero has a unique animation players can use to express themselves, whether that’s putting the exclamation point on triple kill or celebrating a Vain crystal explosion. These animations are just a small preview of the things we can do in the future with charms.
  • Verbally taunts the enemy team with a map-wide voice line: Regardless of location, your hero will be heard across the map, reflecting their unique personalities. For some heroes, these lines have never been heard before — and we’ll be able to add more lines in future updates. Note: If you taunt multiple times rapidly, only the first taunt will be heard globally to avoid spam.
  • Emotes a kissy face: This is the first global emote that both teams will see. It appears in a speech bubble next to your hero, so if you want to blow a kiss to the enemy after performing an ultimate kill, they’ll be sure to see it.


  • Get a 7-day ‘Charms Pass’ for 499 Glory in the new “Passes” section of the Market.
  • BONUS! The first Free Chest (a.k.a. Daily Chest) you open in Update 2.3 will include a 7-day Charms Pass so you can try out Charms for yourself!

The taunts being previewed in Update 2.3 are just the beginning of what’s possible with Charms. Be sure to tell us what you think, and have fun with this new mode of expression!


We’ve been sitting on Charms for long time, but we haven’t had the player inventory necessary to make them a reality. In Update 2.3, we saw an opportunity to preview this content by offering it as a time-limited pass, utilizing some brand-new tech. This does not indicate you’ll only be able to rent Charms in the future or that this pricing model is final; it just means it was the fastest way to get the fun to the player community right now. As time goes on and more delivery mechanisms and tech come online — fulfilling our 2017 plans — we’ll have more flexibility to present more options for many things, including Charms. As with so many exciting projects for 2017, this is just the beginning. Much can and will evolve.


Play any hero for a select amount of time with a 50% boost to everything!

Boosts are being retired from the Market in Update 2.3 and replaced with the All-Access Pass, a nitro infusion of everything you could want “on” during a match, along with maximium hero flexibility and fun:

  • All heroes unlocked for the duration of the pass
  • 50% Glory boost
  • 50% account experience boost
  • 50% Sunlight boost
  • 50% Guild Fame boost
  • Charms unlocked on all heroes for the duration of the pass

Note: Any boosts you have active (such as the Permanent Glory Booster) will still work and you may still receive boosts as chest rewards.


Players can acquire and add time to their All-Access Pass in increments of 3, 7 or 30 days at a time. Here’s the breakdown:

  • All-Access for 3 days:  399 ICE
  • All-Access for 7 days: 699 ICE
  • All-Access for 30 days: 1299 ICE





When we first started planning Talents, we knew we needed a better way to organize heroes, their skins and eventually, their Talents. From that work, the new Hero Hub was born.

No longer will you have to hunt all around the app to find the hero element you’re looking for (especially skins)! Now, by tapping on a hero portrait you’ll find their abilities, skins and Spotlight video all in one place — along with links out to the web for VaingloryFire hero guides and official SugarVenom hero lore.

Find the new hero hub by tapping the “Skaarf” icon in the main left-hand navigation. This section will continue to evolve as we move closer and closer to the launch of Talents, until it all comes together as a complete progression system.


Reading your heroes’ backstories can add another layer of meaning and fun into every match — but we’ve made it way too difficult to track down the official stories within the world of Vainglory. Now, you can just tap the lore button to be taken to the official web articles. Just don’t tap this while in queue; it will take you out of the app!

And in case you’re looking for the latest lore, we’ve removed the HERO LORE tab of the News section. Just use the hero hub and tap into any hero to find a lore link waiting for you.


The API Challenge just wrapped up, and we’re still sorting through and judging the applications. We’ll be highlighting the best work over the coming weeks, but in the meantime, we’ve leveled up the current API experience.

Starting in Update 2.3, you’ll find a banner in the News section that will link directly to your profile on third-party API-integrated sites. This means that you’ll be able to tap directly from the app to a page that shows your recent matches, your stats, your win rate, etc. It’s a fast, easy way to see your rich match history and play details.


In Update 2.3, players will be able to create multiplayer practice matches. Testing theories or setting the stage for a fun mini-games will be simple and fun! Matches will be very different, with some extreme behaviors, like Kraken spawning early. Here’s a quick rundown of the changes you’ll see in the new Practice Mode:

  • Players start with 30,000 gold
  • Players earn 30 gold per second
  • Players no longer earn experience per second
  • Players may shop anywhere
  • The Shop no longer has Pot of Gold
  • Jungle camps spawn at 10 seconds
  • Jungle camps respawn 10 seconds after being killed
  • Elder Treant does not despawn
  • The Jungle Shop does not spawn
  • The Gold Miner does not spawn
  • The Kraken now spawns 15 seconds into the match
  • The Kraken now respawns after 60 seconds, but cannot respawn until the previous Kraken has been killed
  • The Crystal Sentry spawns 10 seconds into the match
  • The Crystal Sentry respawns 10 seconds after being killed
  • The Crystal Sentry has 100 lives
  • Entering your team’s spawn platform will grant a temporary speed boost
  • Death timer set to 5 seconds

We’re hoping this opens the door for fun, community-created mini-games. For the most popular community house rules, check out community third-party sites such as killthestreamer.  Note: That link will take you to a third-party Vainglory community site not operated by Super Evil. 

We look forward to seeing what exciting things you do with multiplayer practice!





We’re always listening and will continue to make improvements — update by update — however and whenever we can.


Sometimes when your phone is on vibrate, you might accidentally miss that Match Accept screen after waiting patiently in the queue. Now, if your phone supports vibrate, it’ll buzz when a match is found.


Ever get stuck in a sour situation with a “griefing” teammate who refuses to surrender? Now players will be able to pass a surrender vote with two positive votes after the vote has failed three times.


Too many players have been regularly abusing the pick system to avoid matches and gain unfair advantages, especially in Ranked … and players are telling us they’re fed up. We agree. Now dodging a Ranked match results in a much larger penalty. We do not accept dodging as a tactic. When players wait in the queue and go through a draft, they deserve to play and not have to start over when someone bails. If you queue for Ranked, be ready to play your match!


It was never our intention to remind you to open your Free Chest at 2AM, but sometimes technical glitches resulted in late-night spam. In response, we’re hard-coding a policy to disable local notifications from Vainglory from 10PM until 10AM each day. If this happened to you, we apologize. And if you disabled Vainglory notifications, consider turning it back on because it’s a great way to know about new events, announcements and when you have free chests to open.






At the start of each match, you’ll be offered a number of hero-specific recommended builds to choose from, along with a Manual Build option. See a brief description of the build, along with the six items that will be built along the way. Tap the build you want to follow or choose to go your own path.


Selecting the Manual build path will let you play like you normally would, but with some added bonuses. If you have Quick Buy enabled, you can be away from the shop, select the next item you want to buy, and when you can afford it, it will appear as a Quick Buy option. Approach the Shop and it will light up in the corner. This lets players who pioneer their own builds the ability to take advantage of Quick Buy.


Longtime players — especially captain mains — have begged for the ability to swap the position of their items and keep crucial activatables in the same place from match to match. Now, if you want Crucible or Fountain in first position, just open the Shop menu from anywhere on the map and drag-and-drop your item order. It’s a little thing with a big ripple effect, as it will make every match a little easier to play your best and show off your reflexes.



The scoreboard will now show total player net worth, rather than earned gold. This will give a more realistic view of individual power levels at a glance, so that you know who the biggest threat is on your team and the enemy’s.


Repeated deaths will not be worth as much gold to the enemy team. We’re introducing this change to lessen the impact when one player tries to ruin the experience for everyone else. The more times a player dies in a row, the less gold they are worth to the enemy team.


We’re improving how gold and experience are shared, so teams can focus on having fun. Now, all players will benefit from the activities of their teammates, whether it’s a Koshka hunting kills or a Krul solo-farming the jungle. We’re also slightly reducing the bounty of lane minions but increasing the bounty of jungle camps.

  • All earned gold and experience are shared among the team
  • Lane minion bounty value down from 200% of normal to 175%
  • Jungle camp bounty value up from 250% of normal to 275%
  • No gold from hero kills
  • No gold from turret kills


We’ve simplified a lot of the bonus attack speed stats on our items. These changes were all made possible by removing a long-standing 0.1 second delay that was being added to each attack. Attack speed items will now more dramatically increase a hero’s attacks and therefore some abilities and items needed to be modified.

  • Fortress’ Attack of the Pack attack speed down from 50-75-100% to 30-45-60%
  • Grumpjaw’s Hangry attack speed down from 60-75-80-95-125% to 20-30-40-50-60%
  • Ringo’s Twirling Silver attack speed changed from 40-50-60-70-90% to 15-25-35-45-65%
  • Rona’s Foesplitter’s attack speed down from 25-30-35-40-50% to 15-20-25-30-40%
  • SAW’s Spin Up attack speed per stack down from 25% to 15%
  • Alternating Current’s attack speed down from 65% to 35%
  • Blazing Salvo’s attack speed down from 35% to 20%
  • Bonesaw’s attack speed down from 50% to 25%
  • Breaking Point’s attack speed down from 35% to 20%
  • Poisoned Shiv’s attack speed down from 40% to 35%
  • Swift Shooter’s attack speed down from 20% to 10%
  • Tornado Trigger’s attack speed down from 75% to 40%
  • Weapon Infusion’s attack speed down from 8-24% to 5-15%






Adding armor pierce makes the initial damage much better. Be sure to pick up some weapon power to complement the armor shredding that it provides.

  • Armor pierce up from 0% to 8%
  • Armor shred per stack down from 6% to 5%


While Breaking Point is meant to be the most powerful weapon item when fully stacked, it was granting far too much power when capped out. Stacks also shouldn’t remain if the wielder is out of combat.

  • Stacked lost during decay up from 2 to 3 per second
  • Max stacks down from 25 to 20


Some heroes were capitalizing on the cooldown speed from Crystal Infusions too well. This should help tone that back a bit while still being a worthwhile purchase when in need of a power spike.

  • Cooldown speed down from 12-36% to 10-25%


While still not the most cost-effective item, this will help Lucky Strike to be a more solid purchase on certain heroes.

  • Critical strike damage up from 12% to 15%


Some more armor pierce allows for smoother scaling into the late game, making Tension Bow a more worthwhile buy for early aggression.

  • Armor pierce up from 10% to 12%


With the increase in cost come a substantial amount of power. This should create a bit more of an interesting choice when deciding between critical strike items.

  • Recipe combine cost up from 1000 to 1200 gold
  • Sell price up from 1300 to 1400 gold
  • Critical strike chance up from 20% to 35%


Reducing some of the crit numbers will prevent huge bursts from weapon carries and will allow for more diverse weapon build paths.

  • Critical strike chance down from 40% to 35%
  • Critical strike damage down from 20% to 15%
  • Weapon power up from 50 to 60








Adagio’s incredible attack range allowed him to fully influence a battle from too safe a distance. With a slight reduction, his opponents will have a few more opportunities to capitalize on his position.

  • Basic attack range down from 6.8 to 6.6


While still granting a solid amount of health, damage dealt to Adagio will stick a bit better—especially in the early game.

  • Burst heal down from 60-80-100-120-160 to 40-60-80-100-140


Devs and players alike were excited for the release of Grumpjaw, but simply put, he came out underpowered. Knowing his ultimate was a true game-changer, we ended up being too conservative with his numbers upon release. Since, Grumpjaw ate a big meal and became more powerful. He’ll be in the Free Hero Rotation soon, so definitely give him a second look.


  • Armor down from 30-90 to 30-86
  • Shield up from 25-85 to 30-86
  • Health regen up from 3.39-7.24 to 4.01-7.42
  • Energy up from 220-440 to 234-465
  • Energy recharge up from 1.47-2.9 to 1.51-3.05
  • Base damage changed from 80-154 to 74-158


This change allows for Living Armor to scale more effectively into the late game while still being effective early on. Be sure to engage before all the stacks get knocked off!

  • Removed the bonus Armor and Shield
  • Now grants 6% damage reduction per stack


This ability should feel much more responsive in addition to making Grumpjaw a bit more of a threat on the battlefield.

  • No longer puts Grumpjaw’s basic attack on cooldown
  • Bonus damage up from 5-25-45-65-85 to 20-40-60-80-100



A slight reduction in Lyra’s energy pool will force her to contemplate using her Principle Arcanum at every opportunity, granting her opponents a bit more of a reprieve when facing her early on.

  • Energy down from 270-765 to 248-765


While still possessing a powerful heal, there will be a bit more time for her enemies to turn up the pressure.

  • Cooldown up from 8 to 10.0-9.5-9.0-8.5-8.0



With some changes to Petal’s abilities, adjustments to her base stats were necessary to balance things out.

  • Base attack speed up from 100% to 100-136%
  • Base attack range down from 6.0 to 5.8


The bonus attack speed granted by Petal’s perk was a bit unnecessary as there was virtually no way to play her without automatically triggering the bonus attack speed. Additionally, tighter control on her munions means that Petal needs to put herself in more danger to dish out damage.

  • Removed the sunlight attack speed portion of this perk
  • Leash range down from 8 to 7.5


We’re toning down Petal’s ability to make a massive minefield of seeds. She will still be able to prep a field of seeds before an engagement, but timing will be more important as seeds won’t last as long.

  • Cooldown up from 2 to 2.5
  • No longer despawn from being too far away from Petal
  • Seed lifetime down from 45 to 12 seconds
  • Explosion damage down from 80-135-190-245-300 to 75-125-175-225-275


Petal was a bit too hard to catch with such a low cooldown on her Trampoline. The increase in basic attack range paired with a reduction in the amplification should create a few new interesting options for Petal players.

  • Cooldown changed from 10-9-8-7-5 to 10.0-9.5-9.0-8.5-7.0
  • Weapon amplification changed from 15-20-25-30-40% to 20%
  • Crystal amplification changed from 15-20-25-30-40% to 20%
  • Increases basic attack range by 0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-1.2 for 4 seconds



This reduction in early game cooldown should allow Skaarf a bit more freedom to cast his abilities early on while still scaling to the same power level later.

  • Cooldown down from 8-7-6-5-3 to 6.0-5.5-5.0-4.5-3.0





Vainglory has big, ambitious plans for 2017. Here’s a status update on the progress we’ve made toward those goals …


Talents has already come a long way since its announcement a month ago. Doomnyr, our Lead Talents Designer, has almost finished implementing the new versions of hero abilities, which will be unlocked and upgraded exclusively in BRAWL game modes such as Blitz and Battle Royale.

The talents for some heroes, like Ardan, came together immediately. As pictured, the combo of a Gauntlet into Ardan’s new “Knockout Punch” talent just immediately felt right. Other heroes, like his daughter, Celeste, have taken a lot more iteration. Originally, one of Celeste’s talents allowed Helio stars to orbit her body. But in playtests, Celeste transformed into a psychotic melee/ranged beast. Players (especially Nivmett) would just stack a ton of stars around her and then run into opponents to obliterate them. Not exactly Celeste’s intended playstyle! The latest iteration moves the orbit to Heliogenesis stars themselves, maintaining Celeste’s position as a backline artillery mage and creating a really cool-looking and feeling new effect. And just today, I was pitching a new set of Ozo talents, including invulnerability on bounces, “bowling ball” Bangarang and a perk increase from 1 gold to 1,000 gold every time Ozo bounces on an enemy. Doomnyr gave me the hairy eyeball, so it’s doubtful any of them will make the cut.

Before locking hero talents, we’d also love to get the Vainglory Community involved. So, stay tuned for ways to submit your ideas for hero talents. Together, we’ll make this massive new progression system the best and most incredibly fun it can be.

Simultaneous to talents development, the team is iterating on three possible new Blitz maps, and opinion seems to gravitate toward a single favorite. Once a call has been made on Blitz map design, we can kick into high gear the work to launch it — and in doing so make Blitz truly unique and special.

PLAYOFFBEARD COMPLETION ESTIMATE: 40% of the crazy, crazy awesomeness


Super Evil Chief Creative CaptainNeato has put his engineer hat back on to personally code the infrastructure necessary to bring Vainglory 5v5 to life. And while he’s head down on tech, Ciderhelm and Zekent — two people who have professionally studied, taught and played 5v5 MOBAs — are focused on Vainglory’s 5v5 map and design mandates. Visually realizing this vision is a team lead by doer and ChainSAW, who are rapidly iterating on graybox map designs. And while the new map is under construction, elements of testing have already begun using the Halcyon Fold as a placeholder. Imagine trying to fit 10 heroes through the moustache brush bottleneck!

When it comes to 5v5 design, Ciderhelm and Zekent are first looking at three areas considered essential to translating Vainglory to a larger, 10-hero environment:


If you make the first move — and it’s the right one — you should gain the upper hand. From there, it’s up to you and your teammates to continue to capitalize.

ShinKaigan recently snuck a camera into a whiteboard session with Zekent discussing this ideal. It’s a little hard to see so don’t worry about his rough sketch, but it’s a good “fly on the wall” moment for the type of conversations taking place in the Lair every day.


In the current Halcyon Fold, no one is safe. Ever. Vainglory 5v5 will have healthy open spaces so that there’s a clear difference between where ranged heroes are comfortable and where they’re vulnerable. In 3v3, it feels right that an ambush can come from anywhere, but as we add more heroes, that dynamic will crucially shift, adding more layers of strategy and intrigue.


Vainglory 5v5 will introduce an additional level of strategic depth that goes beyond mechanical skill. These advanced team strategies will:

  • Give players multiple effective things to do when you can’t push objectives or fight head on
  • Allow teams to threaten multiple locations at once
  • Force enemies into decisions by initiating in two (or more) places simultaneously
  • Open up a new specialty area: the strategist. The macro game will become important enough that a superior strategy can overcome skill deficiencies.

PLAYOFFBEARD COMPLETION ESTIMATE: 10% down a deep, dark rabbit hole … but it’ll be worth it!


Our work on this front is much more than a meme.


Throughout March, the Vainglory Platform team focused extensively on improving the play experience in Southeast Asia. In making these infrastructure updates, we initially made things much worse. But once the new tech fully (and correctly) took hold, we began to see significant quality improvement. We hope all players in the region feel that progress, too.

During the next two updates, we’ll be focused on reducing latency — adding more local, country-specific servers.


Beginning in 2.3, we’re taking further steps to punish toxic and time-wasting behavior and protect those playing Vainglory the “right way.” Changes to the Low Priority Queue and dodge penalties are first up, but more will follow.


We’ll be rolling out Matchmaker changes during the 2.3 cycle and will be soliciting feedback from the player community to see if improvement is widely felt.


Update 2.3 introduces Item Build Selectors, active-item reorganization and a streamlined hero hub. But that’s the tiniest fraction of the evolved Vainglory experience you’d see if you “borrowed” the dev-build phone sitting right now on the desk of our Director of UX Design, Kraken. We know there are some rough edges in our current app experience — and there’s a world of improvements that will happen. We’ll continue to upgrade your Vainglory experience as much as possible throughout the coming weeks and months, until the entire vision is realized.

PLAYOFFBEARD COMPLETION ESTIMATE: 15% done with the things we want to do this year … but CaptainNeato is 100% “buttery smooth” all the time

Jump into the new skins, features and fun of Update 2.3 on March 29 … and prepare yourself for the 2017 release of Talents. The launch of Vainglory’s major new progression system (and insane hero abilities) is getting closer every update. 

Introducing the Epic ‘Elite Force’ Baron Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Mar 22, 2017


‘Elite Force’ Baron descends with wings of fire into the Halcyon Well to find his scout overwhelmed by Churn Worms! 



  • Black and gold exo-armor
  • Flight helmet with holographic display
  • Thrusters ignite to create flaming plasma ion wings when Jump Jets are in use
  • Multi-ordinance launcher



Part I: The Voices


Twenty meters down the Halcyon Well, Baron’s navigation and communication systems malfunctioned. He watched the HUD on his visor flash with readouts as he descended, his thrusters burning, into the glowing blue crystal cave. “Manual override,” he said, and the rocket launchers, porcupine mortars and ion cannon blinked online.

“Surface scan,” he said.

The HUD flashed warnings, revealing movement everywhere. “Locate scout,” said Baron.

“Go back!”

The HUD pinpointed Idris’ location in the center of a mass of what looked like glowing, spiked worms the size of his arm, their heads all mouth. His spear swung and his chakram flew in a whirl of hot glowing blood. “Idris!” Baron called. “Hang on, we’ll get you out!”

“No.” The chakram flew and returned again, but Idris sank into the sand, the Churn worms’ mouths locked onto his armor. “I should not have tempted the Churn. You must leave me and abort the mission.”

“I don’t leave men behind.” Baron’s jets lowered him onto the soft ground. Churn worms wriggled and writhed, bursting through the sand and slithering out of the hole at the center of the cave. They snapped their jaws and latched onto his exo-armor, spiraling their long spiked bodies up his legs as he trudged toward Idris.

“It is too late,” Idris said, his calm voice eerie and alien through his mask. He sheathed his spear and chakram and allowed himself to be pulled down.

A Churn worm snapped at Baron’s visor, its mouth stretched wide, so that his vision was blocked by the beast’s glistening maw. He peeled the worm off and threw it.

Idris mumbled to himself as the Churn worms encircled him.

Baron dug through the sand and found the rope secured to Idris’ waist. In the reflection of his visor his mouth was set in a grim line, marred by glistening worm mucus. “Listen to me, buddy. You with me?” He leaned back and pulled. “I can obliterate everything in here, but you need to get behind me. I can’t pull you out unless you fight your way up.”

Idris shook his head with violence, as if waking from a dream.

“Arm Ion Cannon,” said Baron. The HUD flashed:


“Lock target,” he said, and a countdown blinked on the HUD.

Baron pulled the rope fist over fist, but Idris was too deep. “Fifteen seconds!” Worms wrapped around his armored hands and the rope fell. “Don’t give up on me!”

“I cannot fight.” Idris unclipped the rope from his waist and tossed it aside. He unwound a worm from his neck, stared at it face to face, then pulled it apart with a spray of shimmering blue blood.

“Disarm Ion Cannon!” called Baron. The HUD flashed, scrambled, turned to static.

The countdown continued.

“Disarm all weapons!”

The HUD flashed:



“Disarm! Disarm!” But the countdown continued to blink down.

3… 2… 1…

The cannon’s recoil knocked Baron back. The sand where Idris had been lit up with the power of the orbital strike. Rockets launched and porcupine mortars arced high, falling with deafening power. Crystal stalagmites burst into shards; stalactites cracked and fell from the ceiling. Worms, blasted to death, rained down from the cave walls with sickening splats.

Baron found his feet and cursed, scanning the killzone for life. Smoke escaped down the hole in the cave’s center as if inhaled.

“That was close.”

Baron whirled around as Idris jumped off his back. The desert warrior surveyed the damage, kicking away a pile of dead worms, unearthing a Shatterglass.

“I thought… how did you…?” Baron stuttered.

“We should not linger here. I will take however many of these I can carry.”

“The Churn is creating an electromagnetic field that is disrupting my armor functions.” Baron stomped into a gruesome mess of dead Churn worms. “If my jets function, I can -”

From deep down, far below them, came a roar full of smoke and mist, a sound that froze them both in place.

Read Baron’s canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Introducing the Rare ‘Elite Force’ Idris Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Mar 15, 2017


The Churn whispers to ‘Elite Force’ Idris as he scouts inside the most mysterious place on the Fold: the Halcyon Well. Will he succumb to the evil that lives within him?



  • Three-pointed glowing spear
  • Environmentally sealed ballistic armor and mask
  • HMD combat helmet with multi-spectrum optical cameras
  • Geometrical armor patterns



The Voices


The tech alliance gathered at the Halcyon Well, their somber faces hidden behind masks. Idris climbed onto the lip of the well and stared through his own tactical mask into the well’s swirling mist, shaking his head to remove the voices from his mind.

Come down to us.

A mercenary clipped a rope to his waist and gave instructions. “I’ll hold onto you. Pull once for stop. Two pulls for all’s well. Three for more slack. Four or more for emergency.”

Idris climbed inside the well without a word and dangled as the rope lowered him into the mist, leaving the alliance behind. In the fog he could not see his gloved hands by his face. His helmet mount displayed only fog, and he was glad for his sealed armor.

He expected darkness, but instead a faint blue glow shone through the mist, and the whispers grew louder:

We have waited so long for you.

The mist dispersed as the well opened into a large cave, stalagmites and stalactites jutting down and up from the floor and ceiling, all pure blue crystal, glowing with the power that flowed upward from a hole blasted in the center.

He swung to land on a jagged stalagmite, then switched on his multi-spectrum optical helmet camera. The rope slackened; he pulled on it once and it stopped.

Nothing but tendrils of mist moved on the helmet display. He climbed down to the floor, yanked three times for more slack on the rope, and scouted around the crystal teeth of the cave. The voices echoed off of the walls, coming from every direction:

You left us too long. Never leave us again.

At the edge of the hole in the ground, blasted open millennia ago by the seraphim, Idris stared down into the foggy, roiling abyss of the Churn. There, half-buried in sand, he saw what he had come to find, what would power their tech for far longer than the shards mined from the surface: a crystal worn into smoothness from constant pressure of the Churn at its origin, infused with so much energy that it shone like a beacon.

The Shatterglass.

Idris plucked up the Shatterglass and then, a step closer to the hole, found another. Then another.

He yanked twice on the rope for All’s Well, and the commander’s jets stirred the glowing fog as he descended into the well.

The voices danced with his mind, beckoning.

You’re so close.

The closer he came to the edge of the hole, the more Shatterglass he found. His foot slid and one of the precious crystals slid into the hole and disappeared. Idris gathered his wits and stepped back.

Don’t go.

The sand quivered under his feet.

Movement played in his peripheral vision. He spun around and something broke free of the sand by his foot, then another, and then more burst from cracks in the cave walls and fell from the ceiling onto his shoulders: a mass of wide-mouthed worms, pulsing with blue energy, their spiny bodies as long as he was tall.

The voices.

They opened their greedy, toothless mouths and clamped onto his feet, pulling him down.

We’re bringing you home, home…

Clearing his mind, he willed himself there, traveling in a blink toward a stalactite with handholds, but there was not enough slack in the rope and he was yanked back. He landed just shy of the sharp point of a stalagmite below and fell onto his back, the worms threading up through the sandy surface and whipping their glowing spiked tails. His breath came fast and hard as he pulled his chakram from his back and swung. The worms on his feet split in halves and the blade returned to him covered in blue goo, but hundreds more replaced them as he yanked the dead monsters from his armor, bursting from every surface to hiss and sing:

You belong with us, with us…

Above, the commander appeared below the mist.

“Go back!” cried Idris, yanking on the rope, one-two-three-four-five-six; he yanked and yanked and it was too late. The commander dropped down into the cave.

Read Idris’ canon lore:

The Complete Collection



Introducing the Rare ‘Gangster’ Gwen Skin!

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Mar 08, 2017


‘Gangster’ Gwen took out the mob, and now the boss wants payback. The seedy world of organized crime has never known a more dangerous dame!



  • 1920’s style tuxedo style dress
  • Garters & boots
  • Wiseguy fedora
  • Crosshair ponytail accessory
  • Modernized weapons: sawed-off tactical shotgun & suppressed semi-automatic pistol



Out of Ammo

“I got a story for ya,” says Tiny, stalking into the room where he’s gonna die.

The dark room is full of woody cigar smoke; poker chips litter the ground (along with a scattering of gold cufflinks and wedding rings); and wiseguys in good suits slump over in awkward, bloody poses. The dame sits on the edge of a billiard table, legs crossed, shuffling a deck of cards with one hand. Tiny, the mob boss, is worth three of the dame, size-wise.

Tiny closes the door behind him. “A farmgirl came to the big city with grit under her fingernails, nothing but table luck and good aim,” says Tiny. He stops to nudge one of the dead wiseguys with the toe of his two-toned wingtips. “She thought she’d leverage that into a high-rise apartment so high that her view would be the other half of the world.”

The dame swings one foot to no particular rhythm. Her suppressed semiautomatic pistol rests on the felt alongside her leg. Her sawed-off shotgun’s in her other hand, its one eye staring Tiny down. The cards split, turn, shuffle, stack, split, turn, shuffle, stack, in her other palm.

“She caught the attention of the wiseguys,” says Tiny. “Made a name for herself. Worked her way up. And when she’d proven her smarts, the boss put her in charge of the game rooms, because he trusted her. That boss being me.”

Tiny is worth half of the dame, smarts-wise, but he doesn’t know it. Dumb people all think they’re smart.

“That farmgirl spent all her time in dark basements, taking pool hustlers out by their collars, threatening gamblers who couldn’t pony up, breaking up fights. She did all the bean counting and distributing. She made a lot of money for a farmgirl, but it was never enough. That high rise apartment was always a floor above hers, until she was right under the penthouse. The penthouse belonging to the boss, the boss being me.”

The dame smiles. Her eyes are dark under the brim of her fedora, so that smile is all that shows through the smoke. One of the dead wiseguys is sprawled out on the billiard table beside her, an 8 Ball shoved between his broken teeth.

“So that silly farmgirl took out all the boss’ best guys, and now she thinks she’s gonna take out the boss too, and move into his penthouse. That boss being me. That penthouse being mine.” Tiny moves through the mess of money and blood and broken bodies toward the dame, whose shotgun aim stays true.

“But the farmgirl underestimated the boss – and I should warn you that this story ends sad – and used up all her ammo on the wiseguys. Which I know, because she’d have put a slug in me at the door already if she could’ve.”

The cards split, turn, shuffle, stack. Split, turn, shuffle, stack.

“So the boss, that boss being me, is gonna choke that poor farmgirl to death, and throw her useless body into the river with concrete shoes, and no one’s ever gonna think about her again.”

The dame raises the shotgun as Tiny approaches, squeezes one eye shut, pokes her tongue out of one corner of her mouth.

Tiny stops an arm’s length away, close enough that the dame can see his jaw tightening, his teeth grinding down on his jowly grin. His fist pries open.

“What makes you think I’m outta ammo, Boss?” drawls the dame. Split, turn, shuffle, stack, and…

click. click. click.

An ace flies from the hand Tiny isn’t watching, slices through the air leaving smoky curls, and embeds itself nice and deep into the middle of Tiny’s forehead.

His eyes cross trying to look at it as he falls backward.

“It was a good story,” says the dame. She hops down from the billiard table and roots through his pockets, pulls out the silver key to the penthouse. “But I prefer happy endings.”

Read Gwen’s canon comic:

Guns & Sun


Update 2.2 Notes: Introducing Grumpjaw & New Default Map Skin

  • Vainglory
  • |
  • Feb 28, 2017

Vainglory Update 2.2 is coming with a new tank hero and a new look for the Halcyon Fold. Spring is here!






Grumpjaw is a durable fighter, able to last in battles while maintaining stacks of his Living Armor through basic attacks. Grumpjaw can charge headlong into a fight, heavily damaging and slowing enemies at the end of his charge. Once he breaks through enemy lines, Grumpjaw can easily turn the tides of battle by devouring one of his enemies and briefly removing them from the fight.

Read on for Grumpjaw’s abilities…




Grumpjaw - Perk

Living Armor (Heroic Perk)

Grumpjaw’s hardened carapace grants him increased defenses. Every few seconds and every time he basic attacks, he gains a stack of Living Armor, up to a maximum of 5 stacks. Each stack grants bonus Armor and Shield. Enemies can remove stacks of Living Armor by dealing damage to Grumpjaw. He loses one stack per second while taking damage from basic attacks and abilities.

Grumpjaw - A

Grumpy (A)

Grumpjaw charges to a target location, dealing crystal damage and slowing enemies in an area upon reaching his destination. Grumpjaw deals bonus damage for each stack of Living Armor.

Grumpjaw - B

Hangry (B)

Grumpjaw leaps toward his target and attacks them. Afterward, he gains bonus weapon damage and attack speed for several seconds.


Grumpjaw - C

Stuffed (Ultimate)

Grumpjaw lunges forward, grabbing the first enemy hero in his path and devouring them whole. While the enemy is inside Grumpjaw’s belly, they are unable to move or act and their vision range is reduced to zero. After a few seconds, Grumpjaw will spit the enemy out in the direction he is facing. Grumpjaw can reactivate the ability to spit the enemy out early in a direction of his choice. If Grumpjaw is stunned, killed, or otherwise interrupted while eating, he will release his victim early.

Grumpjaw will be unlockable with ICE only for the first seven days. Afterwards you will be able to unlock Grumpjaw with ICE or Glory.

Grumpjaw Lore 1: Cheesecake
Grumpjaw Lore 2: Out






In Update 2.2, the Lead Environment Artist EvilOnTheInside brings a complete visual rework to the Halcyon Fold. Full of lush grass and plant life, the new “Classic” skin is brighter, greener and provides better visual clarity to players. “The new map skin adds life and vibrancy to our gameplay,” explains CaptainNeato. When a seasonal map is not being used, this will be the default map skin.

Players entering the Halcyon Fold in Update 2.2 will notice that the color palette has been completely changed. Before, Vainglory’s default map had a desert aesthetic featuring hard-packed brown earth. The lighting has been cooled down so it looks more like dusk than sunset, thus deepening the shadows in the jungle. In effect, the lane is brighter but the jungle is darker, providing a bigger contrast between geographical features. We wanted to see something as inviting and life-filled as a rainforest.

The creation and implementation of the new default map skin creates opportunities for Vainglory’s art team to focus on creating new map skins for the different game modes. As Vainglory continues to develop and expand its offerings, players should look forward to both updates on the game’s classic features and exciting new content.




Introducing the ‘School Days’ Skin Series!




‘School Days’ Lyra rules her school, and she’s here to teach you how to be one of the cool kids. Do you make the cut?



Click here to see more about this new Lyra skin.








‘School Days’ Vox throws the best parties. Read on to find out how he secured his place in the school’s top squad.



Click here to see more about this new Vox skin.






‘SCHOOL DAYS’ TAKA (legendary)


‘School Days’ Taka keeps the student body honest. Cheaters beware – that isn’t just a takeout box!



Click here to see more about this new Taka skin.





Introducing the Epic ‘Gladiator’ Catherine Skin!



A painful reunion with ‘Gladiator’ Ardan turned into a bloody battle with ‘Gladiator’ Lance in the sands of the Gythian arena. This pulse-pounding story ends with the epic ‘Gladiator’ Catherine, fighting to save the life of her enemy.

Read the full story here.







Revamped rewards at milestone Sunlight levels and more frequent Daily Chests redesigns how seasons should feel. 

Leveling up your seasonal sunlight will result in larger bonuses at milestone levels. You’ll also be able to determine the type of rewards based on the indicator at the level marker.

Daily Chests no longer improve with sunlight level, but occur more frequently and include mini jackpots. More details on Daily Chests can be found in the section below.

  • Larger rewards every 5 sunlight levels
  • Sunlight does not affect your Daily Chest


Players will now receive a Daily Chest every 6 hours instead of once per day. Also, players will have two slots to store Daily Chests, so you can save up two chests before you need to start opening them. Once you have at least one Daily Chest available, you can tap to open it and reap the rewards.

  • A Daily Chest fills up every 6 hours
  • You can store up to 2 chests

Watch for special jackpot rewards that you’ll find in your Daily Chests!


Quickly find the perfect hero for the game you’re playing. Choose to sort the heroes by the traditional method (English A-Z) or by role. Wondering which role to play this match? Sort by role and quickly find a hero that fits your mood.

Note: sorting options are only available in Blind Pick matches.


Match history, hero win rates and win streaks. Need I say more?

This community has taken our API powered by MadGlory and created things we could only dream of. Match history is just the beginning.

Sites have popped up that serve a multitude of purposes for the players. Want to know how many minions you killed? Your KDA? Your team comp from yesterday’s games? Tired of taking screenshots of every match you want to share with friends? Here are some sites to get you started:


  • Match history
  • Build history
  • Hero & role performance
  • Personal win rates
  • Lifetime stats


  • Hero pick & win rates
  • Guild Fame tracking
  • Daily top ranks for Kills, Deaths and creep kills in a match
  • Leaderboards


  • Player skill tier
  • Total account wins
  • Current win streak
  • Map side win rate
  • Hero + skin match history

These are just a few of the many options players have at their fingertips, and we’re just getting started. The Vainglory API Challenge was announced last week, encouraging the community to create awesome applications for everyone to use. It’s not too late to sign up, and the developers of the best app could win a trip to the Lair! Click here to learn more.


When playing Ranked in Update 2.2, you’ll definitely notice a new feature added to the matchmaker; pre-made 3-man teams will only match with other pre-made 3-man teams. This greatly balances matches to empower players who are playing solo. Play with confidence knowing that if you are solo, so is at least one person on the enemy team.





The Blitz Beta has been a roaring success. The fast-paced five-minute matches are exciting, but still evolving.

We’ve added a few announcer lines to the Blitz Beta to alert players when time is running out and for other key moments throughout the match.

Objectives around the map now have visual identifiers that represent the number of points they are worth to a team. Now you’ll know how #worth the Gold Mine is when you sacrifice yourself to steal it from the enemy team.

Blitz matches now count towards the first- and third-win bonuses, as well as the Sinister Seven. Win matches seven days in a row for bonus Glory!


Players can now quickly learn what an ability does while in a match. Tap and hold on an ability to see how it works.

Because of how Tooltips will be activated, abilities will now be cast when they are released rather than when they are pressed. Players can opt out of tooltips and have abilities cast when pressed by adjusting that option in their Settings.

  • Tap & hold on an ability to see details
  • Updated ability descriptions for Rona, Kestrel and Alpha.


We’re renaming the Crystal Miner to the Crystal Sentry to prevent confusion with Gold Miner and create a more descriptive title for your jungle defender.

  • Crystal Miner has been renamed to Crystal Sentry.
  • Crystal Sentry deaths will now include team-specific announcements, including the number of lives remaining.


A few changes to announcements to let players focus on the match and stay updated with what’s happening on the map.

  • The announcement for jungle spawning at four minutes has been improved.
  • First Blood will now include team-specific announcements.


We’ve made big improvements to Quick Buy so we’re giving players more options on how they use it.

  • A majority of the heroes have had their recommended items updated.
  • Players may now disable Quick Buy while the shop is open.
  • Brawl modes will remember if you have Quick Buy turned off between games.







These changes grant Catherine a bit more punch for those early engagements and allow her to opt into that extra stun duration when necessary.

  • Cooldown changed from 13 to 14.0-13.5-13.0-12.5-12.0
  • Stun duration up from 0.7-0.8-0.9-1.0-1.2 to 1.0-1.0-1.0-1.0-1.2
  • Energy cost up from 40-50-60-70-80 to 40-50-60-70-90
  • Damage up from 10-50-90-130-170 to 35-70-105-140-175
  • Speed boost duration up from 1.4 to 1.5


Taking the overdrive on this ability will still be incredibly powerful against teams with high burst damage. This change makes the overdrive a bit less necessary and allows Catherine a few more options when deciding how she wants to spend her ability points.

  • Deflected damage boost changed from 0-0-0-0-25% to 0-5-10-15-25%


These changes give Catherine a few more opportunities to engage early on while empowering her ultimate in the late game. Be sure to take that third point if you need to keep your opponents silenced!

  • Cooldown down from 100-80-60 to 80-70-60
  • Damage changed from 375-500-625 to 350-500-650
  • Silence duration changed from 2.5 to 2.2-2.5-2.8



Granting Fortress a bit more power early in the game when choosing to put more points in this ability. If you want to lead your team headlong into a battle, be sure to put some points here!

  • Energy cost changed from 35-45-55-65-75 to 40-45-50-55-60
  • Cooldown down from 13-12-11-10-8 to 11-10-9-8-7
  • Bonus damage up from 0-45-90-135-180 to 40-80-120-160-240


These wolves were particularly tough to deal with early in the game. By cutting down their lifespan and dropping the cooldown, the wolves will be a bit less threatening early while still becoming a significant force later on.

  • Cooldown down from 90-75-60 to 80-70-60
  • Attack speed up from 30-50-70% to 50-75-100%
  • Fortified health and summoned wolves duration down from 15 to 10-12-14 seconds



More reason for Idris to take up his Crystal path over Weapon if he is opting to rely on his Chakram for damage.

  • Weapon ratio down from 125% to 100%
  • Crystal ratio up from 125% to 130%
  • Damage up from 70-115-160-205-250 to 75-125-175-225-275
  • Damage to minions up from 70-95-120-145-170 to 75-100-125-150-175



This change grants Krul many more options when he chooses to engage with his perk. He additionally becomes a much larger threat when he catches unsuspecting foes inside a brush.

  • Basic attacking will no longer consume his perk
  • Slow duration down from 3 to 2.5 seconds



By tuning down his base damage, Lance takes just a bit longer to whittle down his enemies in the early game, allowing his foes a chance to trade against him more favorably.

  • Base damage down from 96-179 to 85-179


Combined with the change to Gythian Wall, Lance’s ability to keep an enemy locked down has diminished just a bit.

  • Root duration changed from 1.0-1.0-1.0-1.0-1.3 + 0.15% CR to 1.0-1.0-1.0-1.0-1.2 + 0.2% CR


With a decent amount of Crystal Power, the stun on this ability was lasting too long, allowing Lance to lock someone down almost indefinitely. This should help relieve some of that frustration.

  • Stun duration crystal ratio down from 0.3% to 0.2%
  • Maximum stun duration down from 1.6 to 1.4 seconds



While a strong offensive tool, Acrobounce still puts Ozo at risk. Properly timing when to use Acrobounce is increasingly important with the reduced cooldown.

  • Cooldown down from 10-10-10-10-8 to 10.0-9.5-9.0-8.5-7.0


Increasing Ozo’s options early in the game. With the ability to engage much more frequently, Ozo becomes a much larger threat to unsuspecting foes.

  • Cooldown down from 90-65-40 to 70-55-40



This change forces Petal to be a bit closer to the fight while still being able to dance around the outskirts.

  • Leash range down from 9 to 8
  • Munion attack range down from 1.5 to 0.9


Crystal will continue to be Petal’s primary path, but we want Weapon to feel a bit more viable.

  • Weapon power amplification up from 10-15-20-25-30% to 15-20-25-30-40%



Ringo had a few too many options early on in the game and was a bully in the lane. With a bit less energy early on, Ringo players will need to think twice about constantly using their abilities.

  • Base energy down from 180-422 to 163-416


The early levels on Achilles Shot were a bit too punishing for Ringo’s opponents. However, with the the increase in energy cost at overdrive, Weapon builds may need to reconsider using this ability as a tool to constantly harass their foes.

  • Energy cost up from 30-45-60-75-90 to 40-50-60-70-100
  • Slow duration down from 1.5-1.75-2.0-2.25-2.5 to 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-2.5



Though Skye gained some utility on Forward Barrage, it was proving to be a bit too weak. By adding some damage, it is just powerful enough to push enemies away from it.

  • Weapon ratio up from 50% to 70%



While a small change, Taka players will be able to keep Ki stacks up more easily which allows him to conserve his ability usage for more key moments.

  • Ki stacks duration up from 10 to 12


A slight increase in the amount of damage Taka can dish out paired with the energy cost reduction will allow him to more efficiently assassinate his targets.

  • Energy cost down from 85-115-145 to 80-100-120
  • Damage up from 250-390-530 to 250-400-550
  • Bleed damage per second down from 40-52-64 to 40-50-60



Reducing the slow duration on this ability allows enemies to keep in step with Vox more easily, helping to reduce the difficulty many heroes have in chasing him down.

  • Slow duration down from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds


Dropping down the burst damage that Vox can deal with his ultimate. Paired with the resonance bounces, a weapon Vox was able to deal a bit too much damage against his opponents at the start of a fight.

  • Initial shot crystal ratio up from 0% to 20%
  • Shockwave damage changed from 200-300-400 to 100-150-200 + 40% CR


poisonedshivPOISONED SHIV

Though this item is being picked up in fairly specific use cases, offering a bit more damage to its wielder will allow for it to be viable in more situations.

  • Weapon Power up from 25 to 35


  • Ozo’s second activation of Three-Ring Circus will now feel more responsive.
  • Items in the shop you can afford are no longer grayed out.
  • Nullwave Gauntlet will now properly deal damage.

Grumpjaw Abilities & Splash Art Reveal

  • Vainglory
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  • Feb 16, 2017


Grumpjaw is a durable fighter, able to last in battles while maintaining stacks of his Living Armor through basic attacks. Grumpjaw can charge headlong into a fight, heavily damaging and slowing enemies at the end of his charge. Once he breaks through enemy lines, Grumpjaw can easily turn the tides of battle by devouring one of his enemies and briefly removing them from the fight.

Read on for Grumpjaw’s abilities…




Grumpjaw - Perk

Living Armor (Heroic Perk)

Grumpjaw’s hardened carapace grants him increased defenses. Every few seconds and every time he basic attacks, he gains a stack of Living Armor, up to a maximum of 5 stacks. Each stack grants bonus Armor and Shield. Enemies can remove stacks of Living Armor by dealing damage to Grumpjaw. He loses one stack per second while taking damage from basic attacks and abilities.

Grumpjaw - A

Grumpy (A)

Grumpjaw charges to a target location, dealing crystal damage and slowing enemies in an area upon reaching his destination. Grumpjaw deals bonus damage for each stack of Living Armor.


Grumpjaw - B

Hangry (B)

Grumpjaw leaps toward his target and attacks them. Afterward, he gains bonus weapon damage and attack speed for several seconds.



Grumpjaw - C

Stuffed (Ultimate)

Grumpjaw lunges forward, grabbing the first enemy hero in his path and devouring them whole. While the enemy is inside Grumpjaw’s belly, they are unable to move or act and their vision range is reduced to zero. After a few seconds, Grumpjaw will spit the enemy out in the direction he is facing. Grumpjaw can reactivate the ability to spit the enemy out early in a direction of his choice. If Grumpjaw is stunned, killed, or otherwise interrupted while eating, he will release his victim early.

Keep an eye on the in-game News section for more Grumpjaw info and guides. He’ll be devouring everything on the Halcyon Fold in Update 2.2!

Five Pro Organizations Join Vainglory Esports for Spring Season

  • Vainglory
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  • Feb 09, 2017


Super Evil Megacorp today welcomed five of the world’s largest esports organizations — Echo Fox, Fnatic, Immortals, NRG and Rogue — to its competitive ranks. Each team will compete in Vainglory’s Spring season, which kicks off in March, marking the start of Vainglory’s second full seasonal esports year. These teams join the likes of TSM, Cloud9, G2 Esports, SK Gaming, Team Secret, mousesports and DetonatioN Gaming in competition that will culminate in December at the second annual Vainglory World Championship Event. To celebrate the arrival of these new professional organizations, Super Evil will be hosting all five teams at the company’s “Super Evil Lair” in San Mateo for a “Run the Gauntlet” Preseason Invitational.

“These are some of the most diverse and high-profile teams in all of esports,” said Kristian Segerstrale, CEO of Super Evil Megacorp. “To have them not only recognize Vainglory’s growth over the past year, but also create their first-ever teams dedicated to a mobile game, means the competition in the 2017 season is going to be more fierce than ever before. These teams are owned and operated by some of the most respected names in sports and entertainment, and there’s tremendous opportunity for everyone involved to usher in the next defining moments of esports.”

Among some of the high-profile names across sports and entertainment behind these teams are former NBA champion and Echo Fox owner Rick Fox, NBA Hall of Famer and co-owner of NRG Shaquille O’Neal, MLB World Series champions and NRG co-owners Alex Rodriguez and Jimmy Rollins, Sacramento Kings co-owners Andy Miller and Mark Mastrov, who also co-own NRG, famed music producer, DJ and owner of Rogue, Steve Aoki, and Lionsgate’s President of Interactive Ventures and Games, Peter Levin, who heads a team of Immortals investors that includes Memphis Grizzlies co-owner Steve Kaplan.



One of the fastest-growing esports franchises, Echo Fox is already having a promising 2017, having just acquired seven new fighting game players, now boasting the largest fighting game community roster in the world. The team, which is also currently leading in the North American League of Legends Champion Series Spring Split, is making its foray into mobile esports with its Vainglory team.



Headquartered in London, Fnatic is known for its professional teams in League of Legends, Dota 2, Battlefield 4 and more, and has a global footprint competing in upwards of 75 international events every year.

The first to become a part of Vainglory’s recently announced Home City Program, Fnatic will be claiming London as its home. There, the team will help build the Vainglory community by arranging local tournaments, meetups and more. The Home City Program enables teams to connect with the local fan community and players through events and local pride, including hosting LAN parties and attending viewing events.



Immortals enters Vainglory esports with the signing of all three players formerly of Hammers Velocity, North America’s Spring Champions and Worlds semifinalists.

In addition to Vainglory, Immortals fields top-flight rosters in CS:GO, League of Legends, Overwatch and Smash.



Los Angeles-based NRG, which currently ranks first in North America in Rocket League and is the reigning World Champions in Smite, debuts a Vainglory team with a great deal of live championship experience.

NRG now fields rosters across seven games. In addition to Vainglory, NRG competes in Overwatch, CS:GO, Rocket League, Smash, Hearthstone and Smite.



The relatively new Rogue, best known for playing Overwatch, Counter-strike: Global Offensive and Call of Duty, and recently, H1Z1, took home the largest prize pool tournament ever for Overwatch in the APAC Premier in China, and welcomes its Vainglory roster as its fifth team in the franchise.


Vainglory’s full 2017 esports calendar has also been revealed today. Spring Season will kick off in March, Summer season in June and Autumn season in September, culminating with a World Championship in December, followed by the winter offseason.


Vainglory’s five newest multi-esport pro organizations will battle on Feb. 26 in a war of attrition, where the last team standing is the victor. To win the tournament, a team will need to overcome all the other pro newcomers. Then, one “final boss” will remain: a Super Evil trio featuring former VIPL Champion and legendary super-sub ShinKaigan. Join us on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11AM PST, as we welcome Vainglory’s newest teams and for a first look at the unreleased Update 2.2, including a new map skin and new hero.


This Invitational will debut Update 2.2 before its official release to the public, and Vainglory’s next hero, Grumpjaw, will also be unlocked. This will also be a first-look at a brand-new map skin designed to increase readability and create a better play experience.


  • The Vainglory Preseason Invitational will be played in a “Run the Gauntlet” format.
  • Before the tournament begins, teams will be drawn randomly and assigned a number between 1-5.
  • Teams 1 & 2 will play each other. The winner will play the next team in sequence.
  • The final (sixth) team is guaranteed to be Team Super Evil (ShinKaigan, Nivmett and Gary). This is the “final boss.”
  • The winner of each match will continue to play subsequent opponents until defeated, or until there are no more opponents.
  • The undefeated team remaining at the end is the winner of the “Run the Gauntlet” Invitational.

Each team will play until it loses. An example scenario is below (6 teams):

  • Team 1 plays Team 2, and wins.
  • Team 1 plays Team 3 and loses.
  • Team 3 plays Team 4 and wins.
  • Team 3 plays Team 5 and wins.
  • Team 3 plays Team 6 (Super Evil) and wins.
  • Team 3 is the Gauntlet winner.


  • The draft will feature a new double-ban format debuting in Spring season.
  • Matchups consist of a single match. The victor moves on.
  • Maximum player roster of 5; must be on-site at the Lair.


  • Echo Fox
  • Fnatic
  • Immortals
  • NRG
  • Rogue
  • Super Evil Megacorp (ShinKaigan, Nivmett & Gary) — Automatically the 6th team


See who successfully runs the Gauntlet on Sunday, Feb. 26, at 11AM PST.


Vainglory generated incredible growth in 2016 in terms of active players, esports views and overall community engagement. Vainglory tripled its active player community on Android, generated more than 450 million minutes of competition watched on streaming platforms and celebrated its first-ever World Championship tournament at the legendary TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, which garnered more than 25,000 concurrent viewers from fans watching at home. Vainglory is forging the path for mobile games as they shift from short-session, standalone gaming toward deep, shared experiences.

Introducing the Visual Update to the Halcyon Fold Default Map

  • Vainglory
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  • Feb 08, 2017



In Update 2.2, the Lead Environment Artist EvilOnTheInside brings a complete visual rework to the Halcyon Fold. Full of lush grass and plant life, the new “Classic” skin is brighter, greener and provides better visual clarity to players. “The new map skin adds life and vibrancy to our gameplay,” explains CaptainNeato. When a seasonal map is not being used, this will be the default map skin.

Players entering the Halcyon Fold in Update 2.2 will notice that the color palette has been completely changed. Before, Vainglory’s default map had a desert aesthetic featuring hard-packed brown earth. The lighting has been cooled down so it looks more like dusk than sunset, thus deepening the shadows in the jungle. In effect, the lane is brighter but the jungle is darker, providing a bigger contrast between geographical features. We wanted to see something as inviting and life-filled as a rainforest.

The creation and implementation of the new default map skin creates opportunities for Vainglory’s art team to focus on creating new map skins for the different game modes. As Vainglory continues to develop and expand its offerings, players should look forward to both updates on the game’s classic features and exciting new content.

For additional features and changes coming in Update 2.2, check the in-app News section.